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posted on January 31, 2001 04:06:18 AM new
Don't the buyer's read these invoices? I don't know how many times I've gotten them back blank and had to email the person to see if they received the info.Very frustrating! I don't want to sound pushy, but it leaves you hanging, not knowing if they're deadbeats or they just don't know what to do. Does anyone else have this problem?

posted on January 31, 2001 05:24:54 AM new
I think they are probably letting you know that they don't LIKE the WBN.

posted on January 31, 2001 05:46:03 AM new
I still do it the 'old-fashioned' way for the amount of auctions I list, but I congratulate the winning bidders and ask them to send their address for exact shipping and other information. This way I know they have received my email and I have what I need from them at that time. I also believe in the KISS principle when sending out my emails. Tell them what they need to know and why and that's it. As a buyer I have received two page EOA emails that go on and on about nothing. My eyes glaze over after about the 5th paragraph.

posted on January 31, 2001 07:20:57 AM new
I have to admit that I will stop using the auctionwatch's WBN feature. As much as it seems like a good idea, I have had way too many bidders complain about it. (I just received a note attached to a payment in which my buyer said the WBN form was "goofy.") As sellers we have to listen to our customers and make our end of auction notices more bidder friendly. Time and time again, the AW WBN feature fails to do this. I will be switching back to "old-fashioned" emails I type myself. Thanks llama_lady, and I hope this helps, Tibbie.
[ edited by smoothauction on Jan 31, 2001 07:22 AM ]
posted on January 31, 2001 07:28:06 AM new
I always send my winning bidders a personal note, before and after. I've gotten the canned WBN and it makes me feel like "you've won, send the money, end of conversation." I hate it.

posted on January 31, 2001 08:02:21 AM new
Ditto what everyone else said!

Now, I only run 20 to 50 auctions at any given time so I am able to send out individual emails. I don't think that I will ever change that as I dislike those canned notices immensely as well. When I have received one I pretty much ignored it and sent a reply email with my information and intended method of payment, etc.

For those who have many more auctions than I do, though, I understand how the notices would be handy. But I would be willing to bet that a large percentage of buyers are put off by them!
posted on January 31, 2001 08:11:17 AM new
I made my own "canned" response (with blank spaces for the title and item number) and saved it to Word. I open up word, select all and copy it, then paste it to the e-mail. It is short, friendly, and to the point.

Then I just cut the auction title and item number from the actual auction and paste it into the blanks.

Takes about 30 seconds to send the notification. I realize a lot of people probably do that, but it's a suggestion that might help a new seller. I hope!
posted on January 31, 2001 08:15:25 AM new
ohandrea, that's an awesome idea! On days that I have quite a few auctions ending I will type out the first email and then copy it and paste it into the subsequent ones changing the total amount due, etc. It saves TONS of time and you are still able to send out a personal note to the buyer!
Sticks & stones may break my bones, but words can break my heart.
posted on January 31, 2001 08:19:30 AM new
I send out the individual EOA also, I couldn't count the people who have in their feedback put friendly, personable, and pleasure to deal with, those things save you time but at what expense???? They just seem so canned. I personally hate them and e mail my responce.
The EOA isn't written for each transaction I have a standard letter I send and just change the name and info as needed, and ask for address.
posted on January 31, 2001 08:33:45 AM new
I stopped using AW's WBN months ago because of buyer complaints and incorrect payments being received because they failed to print out the info. and just guessed (?) at how much to send. I also got tired of having to log in to see who responded, who didn't, and how.

I started using AuctionTamer last August and it does everything that AW's program does with some important distinctions:

1. It is not web-based. All emails are sent and received directly through your email program on your computer (Outlook for me).

2. You can make as many email templates as you want and while they may be canned, you can make them sound as personal and friendly or as short and sweet as you want to. All the information (item #, auction title, winning bid, shipping, etc.) is already filled in for you.

3. The program is very flexible. Emails can automatically be sent out, or you can view each one and then prompt it to go out.

4. The program will accomodate a standard shipping and/or insurance charge or you can input that for each auction if it varies, as mine do.

No, I don't work for AuctionTamer, but I feel that it is a superior product to AW's, if only because it doesn't reside on a web server.

When I brought up my concerns about that to AW last year, I received a very kind email asking me for some suggestions and input. Well, among other things, I stressed that many buyers are distrustful of having to input their info. on a third-party site. The response I got to that was something like, "Well, if we did let all emails stay between you and the buyer, would you then be willing to input that information into our web site after you received it?" My answer, of course, was a resounding NO! I said I didn't feel that what went on between my customers and myself was any of AW's business and that question only proves to me that AW does have a vested interest in "collecting" that information on customers buying habits and their email addresses.

So, sorry to have rambled on so, but that's why I sort of have a "thing" against AW's post-sale management and I try to let others know about AuctionTamer instead. Only a one-time fee to download the software, too. All updates are free.

posted on January 31, 2001 11:13:17 AM new
I too do not use the AW WBN service. I have my own WBN that is really simple. Here is a sample of mine - feel free to use it if you like.

"Congratulations! You are the high bidder for my auction:

VHS KEY Video Item #000000000

Please send a CASHIERS CHECK or MONEY ORDER made payable to:

Mrs. Seller
123 Anywhere Street
Your Town, ST 00000

In the amount of $X.XX PLUS $X.XX shipping - TOTAL $X.XX

I also accept payments via PayPal (this is my preferred method of payment - and I will ship ASAP). If you would like to pay via PayPal please use my email address:

[email protected]

And my last name is SELLER. Include your item name/number with your payment.


Thanks for bidding on my auction and once again Congratulations!


Of course I made it generic here - but I think you get the point. I simply copy and paste that WBN into an email and I fill in the current information from each auction.

This WBN is more personal and it has all of the information that the buyer needs:

1)Auction name/number
2)Where to send payment
3)Who to make payment payable to
4)What the cost is including shipping
5)What methods of payments I accept
6)What methods of payments I DON'T accept
7)A welcoming greating and ending - I think VERY IMPORTANT!

What does your WBN look like if you don't use AW?


posted on January 31, 2001 11:26:25 AM new

Thank you for buying [Description], Item # [Item], on [Auction].

Winning Bid: [Amt Won]
Media Mail Shipping: [Amt Ship]
Total Due: [Total]

You can view this auction at:

My address is:

My Address
My City, etc.
mailto:[email protected]

If you need faster delivery via Priority Mail, please let me know and I will send a notice with the upgraded shipping charges.

If you are not in the United States, please let me know what country I will be shipping to I and will send a notice with the international shipping charges.

I accept electronic payments; credit cards, debit cards, and electronic checks using the following services:

PayPal http://www.paypal.com US buyers may use the Instant Purchase option on the auction page.

Billpoint http://billpoint.com No registration required. US buyers may use the Instant Purchase option on the eBay auction page. International buyers may request a Billpoint invoice using the link on the auction page or via email. For non-eBay auctions, request a Billpoint invoice via email.

ProPay http://www.propay.com No registration required. Request a ProPay invoice via email or registered members may also initiate payment through the website.

BidPay (Western Union Money Orders) http://www.bidpay.com No registration required. Initiate payment through the website.

Yahoo PayDirect http://paydirect.yahoo.com

Checks/Money Orders - I do not delay shipment for personal check clearance.

Cash - Send at your own risk. If it is lost in the mail, it is unrecoverable. Also, I don't generally keep change in the house, so it would have to be the exact amount.

I appreciate prompt payment (US Funds only). Reference the auction by item number and/or title.

I will notify you when I receive your payment and when I ship your item.



This may seem a little lengthy, but I find that it's easier to reiterate the payment options and so forth because buyers will not always go back to reference the auction for the payment details.

posted on January 31, 2001 01:38:02 PM new
Thanks for all of the input...you've convinced me, I'm going to go back to the hand-typed personal emails, that like all of you guys, I used to send. I like the repore that goes on when some people win the auctions like "I'm thrilled to win the auction, can't wait to see it!" or "I'm so excited, this was my first auction to win, what do I do now?"
To banter back and forth and kinda get to know people is half the fun.
I just thought this would make it alot easier on me when I work long hours and can't get seem to find the time I need.
Now one more question: How do I copy and paste? After I make a standard form and SELECT ALL, then COPY, I'm supposed to PASTE, right? Someone told me this, but it won't highlight the Paste for me.
Thanks again for all you guy's help.

posted on January 31, 2001 02:01:58 PM new
Here's a tip. If any of you guys are AOL users like I am, perform the following steps:

1. On the main toolbar, click on Mail Center.
2. Scroll down to "Set up Mail Signatures."
3. Click "create."
4. Type in a generic end of auction notice in the space provided.
5. Click "ok"
6. Click "default on/off" to have the EOA notice appear or disappear automatically in an email.

Presto! You have an end of auction notice stored directly on your browser. This eliminates the need for copying and pasting from Word and is a real time saver.

posted on January 31, 2001 03:09:27 PM new
tibbie, what are you using to send out your e-mail? AOL? Outlook Express?

posted on January 31, 2001 03:15:59 PM new
SmoothAuction - that was such a great suggestion! I do use AOL and I have done just what you suggested! Excellent! I knew I joined these boards for something!

Thanks a bunch!

posted on January 31, 2001 04:10:14 PM new
corrdogg:I use Outlook Express. Found out how to do it and now have a document saved in Word Pad. My niece just walked me through it. This will come in so handy, especially since my typing skills are quite limited (one-finger). I knew I should of took typing in school! Once again, thanks to all of you guys for your help. This was my first experience using a message board. It's great!

posted on January 31, 2001 06:29:50 PM new
If you use Outlook Express (or Outlook), you can setup a signature (similar to what smoothauction said).

After you have created the signature (you can create more then one if you have different templates), just open a new message, insert signature and fill in the blanks.


posted on January 31, 2001 07:30:36 PM new
tibbie: Here is what I do in Outlook Express.

Open up an e-mail addressed to yourself.

In the subject line put a description of your EOA, such as: “Standard EOA”

Write up your desired EOA in the text area.

Mail it to yourself.

Once it comes in, drag it to your “Drafts” file in Outlook Express.

And NOW, a quick way to send out an EAO for all your closed auctions with NO TYPING.

Set up a search for all items that you have SOLD (search/by seller/your name)

When it comes up, just drag everything on the individual auction line from the right of the description to the item number and “copy” it.

Click on the e-mail address of the buyer.

“Paste” these cells into the e-mail text area and the Subject area. (I then delete the start/end times and the price)

Now, copy and paste your draft under this.

You can crank ‘em out – with all details, a clickable link to the auction and a sortable subject line, in about 20 seconds.

Once you set this up you do NO typing whatsoever when sending out EOA notices.

(edited for UBB)
[ edited by corrdogg on Jan 31, 2001 07:35 PM ]
posted on January 31, 2001 07:36:20 PM new
Cool idea, corrdogg! Thanks for sharing!
posted on January 31, 2001 09:51:22 PM new

Before AW, I used to type each person a winning bid email. However, the AW Post sale helps me keep up with the dead beat bidders. Maybe I will go back to my more personal emails. I did not realize that many people did not like the AW notice. I don't really read the people resonces, only half respond. More people did respond when I did it the old way.

Thank you. I think I will change back.


posted on February 1, 2001 06:10:22 AM new
As to keeping up with “deadbeats” (I personally think that they are just disorganized buyers).

I have very little problem with this. I believe it is the result of not only the category I sell in but the fact that I provide complete information at the end of the sale.

It is really frustrating to receive an email that just says, “You are a winner” or requests that you include item # with payment when they don’t even give you an item # with EOA notice.

By using the method I outlined earlier each e-mail has the item # and the description in the subject line. This makes it easy for the buyer and seller. Plus, you can easily search for the e-mail if you need to refer to it later.

Once I send out my EOA notices I print them out and put them with the item. When the item ships I note the date and method shipped and I file it. This makes for a very simple, complete and easily accessible Post-auction Management System.

It is very easy to access and it becomes extremely evident if payment is lagging because the item is sitting there with all details attached. If you do have to follow up all the information (item number, price, close date, and buyer’s e-mail address) is right there.

posted on February 1, 2001 06:36:08 AM new
I just clicked "new Message" and typed in the info(no subject or addy) and then clicked >file>save as>to My Documents.Each time you click the saved new e-mail you get another one of the same saved email( minimize and store them on tool bar).Once it pops up out of your docs and you add the subject e-mail address etc. it gets saved to your drafts in Outlook when you close the window.Send it from there and type up the next one that is on your toolbar.When you need more just go back to docs and click the file a few more times to open new windows.Makes it easy to work off my ebay with them all siting on the toolbar waiting for the addresing and subject.
My Bit [ edited by wildanteeker on Feb 1, 2001 06:38 AM ]
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