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posted on April 18, 2001 05:04:12 PM new
I am a paying customer of "Vrane" services. (Have been using several of their services for quite some time). I paid for I believe 1300 or so relist credits.

I have only used a handful of the credits so far.

Today when relisting some auctions, I noticed they were only showing up as 5-day auctions, and I did not change any of my settings.

I then had to end those auctions early, request credit through ebay, and relist them AGAIN, (using more credits) and manually enter them as "7-day" auctions.

I also wrote to Vrane, asking them to credit me for the 16 auctions.

Here's what I wrote them:

I just "relisted" 16 auctions, and I now have to go through, end those auctions early, and relist them again. I always have my auctions last for 7 days. For some reason, when I relisted - they all relisted at 5 days! I did not click on any "5 day" settings! I did not change a THING! Why did this happen? Please credit my account for those 16 auctions that I now have to take time and end, and then re-list.


PS - if you knew of this problem, it would have been a good idea to post that on the page so people know before they relist.

I received this email from Vrane:

The problem you are refering to is probably eBay daylight saving bug. If you send me your old auctions number I can tell you for sure. I will give you credit.

I responded:


The numbers I originally relisted were:

[edited for obvious reasons]

I requested credit through ebay also, since I had to end these auctions early (the relisted ones that relisted for 5 days) - but now I cannot get my listing fee refunded if they sell the 2nd time around. Thanks,XXXXXXXX

He responded:

I have looked at all of your auctions and they were all 5 days auctions. How can you accuse me of listing your old 5 days auctions as 5 days auctions? You should really do your homework before you start yelling at me and making false accusations.

Ok, so I go through my auctions again. They were ORIGINALLY listed in March. I relisted them Vrane previously - which is when they were changed from 7-day to 5-day auctions (THROUGH VRANE). I did not notice it at that time (had a lot going on in my personal life and did not pay close attention).

I emailed this information to Vrane - telling them that I ALWAYS list 7-day auctions. When I originally RE-LISTED through Vrane the first time, they changed my auctions from 7-day to 5-day auctions. I even emailed him a sample auction as proof.

He emailed me this:

You are obviously obvilious to eBay daylight saving bug. They posted about that problem around day light saving time changes. Everyone in eBay commununity except YOU know about this bug.

Do not email me again. Search for the past threads about this bug on auctionwatch.

And shortly after, received this email from him:



and many others. You should get into the habit of reading eBay announcement board.

I find you a very rude person.

You will find the complete report about this bug in TAGnotes Mon 2 Apr 2001 Vol 3 Number 45 Issue 306. Again I ask you to not to email me again. I will refund your money shortly.

Can you believe this??????? HE is one of the rudest people I've ever dealt with! HE is calling ME rude just because I asked him why my auctions went from 7-day to 5-day auctions and to credit me?

This is the so-called "business" called VRANE you are dealing with.

And to tell me I am "oblivious" to ebay's Announcement Board - I read the AB quite often, but have had several more important things going on in my life these past few weeks.

I will gladly accept my money back, and will now warn others of using this "service"!

[ edited by ExecutiveGirl on Apr 18, 2001 05:14 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2001 05:11:13 PM new

"If your mind can conceive it, and you believe it, then you probably can achieve it."

posted on April 18, 2001 05:17:13 PM new
Ouch, thanks for the heads up. It seems no one understands what PR stands for anymore?

posted on April 18, 2001 05:19:25 PM new
I paid for 1000 relists just yesterday.......figures

posted on April 18, 2001 05:24:44 PM new

In this case, I think it stands for Poor Relations.

posted on April 18, 2001 05:25:23 PM new
Maybe he's a Canadian eh?
(everyone was thinking it all I did was say it)
Just pokin at you EG, strictly fun.

posted on April 18, 2001 05:29:23 PM new
I guess if you push anyone far enough, they are bound to get testy with you.

You are blaming VRANE for the entire problem, but yet, you admit, that you didn't bother to read the announcement board, and you originally relisted the items for 5 days (the first time around) THEN, this time, when you relisted, you happened to notice that the original 5 day auctions were relisted for 5 days....

And you blame VRANE???

Sometimes you have to be willing to accept that you made an error, and not try to put the entire blame on someone or something else.

It seems to me that the fellow from Vrane was generous to offer you a refund, considering it wasn't his fault that you didn't read the announcement board, the TAG notes, and if I recall, the thread on AW thread=356043 that discussed the relist problem.

But of course, you say you "have had several more important things going on in my life these past few weeks."
[ edited by igolf on Apr 18, 2001 05:34 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2001 05:34:38 PM new
Lets not make this a beat up on ExecGirl Post ~ she has feelings too and I think way to many feelings have been hurt on these boards lately...on all sides ........she was just letting us know........and I appreciate it.

[ edited by katzname on Apr 18, 2001 05:35 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2001 05:35:34 PM new
I found that you are being very petty about this ..

I have had problems in the past with him as well. Some have worked out and some have not. You are forgetting one thing he personally gets back to. This is a one man show. do you know how many hours in the day this person puts into his sit??? I think you are making a bigger deal then what you have to.


He is providing a service you are right by saying that ...but by airing out your dirty laundry for others to see ..that's wrong. I would understand if it was a big company. But you are dealing with one person. I would bet if you want to get better service then go pay 5 cents for relisting at another company. But this is one person trying there best to make things run as best they can. There is a very good chance that you will never get your emails answered fast from vrane now after being so petty

posted on April 18, 2001 05:39:24 PM new
Fact: Auction listed in March for 7 days.

Fact: Vrane relisted my auction as 5-days.
(True, I did not notice it the first time around - however, it was still a Vrane error)

Fact: I was simply inquiring and Vrane got extremely RUDE with me first.

I do not even know what TAG notes are. I do read the AB but happened to miss that announcement - as I'm sure not everyone here has read every SINGLE announcement the exact moment they are posted on the AB.

Also, the big thread he sent me to on the relist problem was a huge 1 reply long, so it was EASILY missed.

Since when is it a crime to ask what happened when I am paying for a service?

He told me to "do my homework". I did, and found out that Vrane changed my listing from a 7-day to a 5-day LAST WEEK. I sent that to him and he told me not to email him again.

Rude, rude, rude.

posted on April 18, 2001 05:44:27 PM new
eastwest: No, I do NOT know that Vrane is a one-man-show. Perhaps he should hire some help! Is that my fault he's overworked? No!

And no, I'm NOT only out 20 cents. When I first emailed him, I was thinking it was my first relist - therefore, I would have been out my relisting credits if the auctions sold the second time around.

Also, I had to:

1)go through and manually end all of those auctions early

2)email ebay all those item numbers and ask for credit

3)manually re-list all those auctions to specifically say 7-day auctions

I don't like having to go back and re-do work that should have been done right the first time.

Also, him being a "1-man show" does not give him the right to be rude to his customers. I was one of the first ones to gladly sign up and PAY for his services. I didn't even hesitate. What a mistake that was.

posted on April 18, 2001 05:47:13 PM new
I think the "email writer" from Vrane should be invited to the thread, after all, we are only hearing one side of the story.

The poster is bashing his company, posting portions of emails and making some serious accusations about how he behaved.

EG, perhaps you can invite him here to explain what happened?
posted on April 18, 2001 05:48:40 PM new
EG- VRANE did the same thing to me. My 7 day auctions showed up as 5 day auctions. BTW, you didn't happen to sell this guy at VRANE a shirt didya?

posted on April 18, 2001 05:48:52 PM new
I am not going to defend his comment. But i want you to realize if you have missed the ebay anouncement and are relisted something and is get switched to 5 days it's simple it not his fault

I do not think he was rude .

but that what i think!!!

posted on April 18, 2001 05:50:13 PM new
yes i think the thread should be locked or invited him in to talk about this

posted on April 18, 2001 05:50:17 PM new
I posted here, and since he directed me to these threads, I'm sure he's already reading them.

He told me not to email him again, so I'm not going to.

The emails I posted that he said are 100% accurate. I did not make ANY "false" accusations.

Perhaps someone else would care to email him and direct him here?

But then again ---- if he's that busy "one-man-show" he may not have time to "chat".

posted on April 18, 2001 05:55:44 PM new
katzname: Thank you very much for the comments

eyeguy: Not that I know of!! LOL

eastwest: Ok, so "say" that Vrane is not at fault here... all he had to do was explain to me that it was an EBAY BUG. I was unaware of the AB post on this and never read that 1-post thread here about the relists.

You also say "I am not going to defend his comments" and then in another sentence you say you did not think he was rude.

This is like a seller telling a buyer not to email them ever again when they asked if they shipped out their item yet.

Edited to add: By the way, I did get rude with him, AFTER he was rude with me and told me to do my "homework".

[ edited by ExecutiveGirl on Apr 18, 2001 05:58 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2001 06:00:39 PM new
It may not be a vrane problem. If any else has noticed, even with just relinsting throught the relist button on the auction page, eBay will relist a 7 day to 5 day. eBay automatically does the change.

Dakota1 (nowhere but here)
posted on April 18, 2001 06:04:08 PM new
Ok, but still - if it ISN'T a "vrane" problem, why didn't they post a note on the Vrane page saying that when you relist an auction the default will go to 5-days?

When you relist through Vrane, it says to CHECK THE BOX IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR AUCTION DURATION SETTINGS. Therefore, according to their site, if you don't check the box stating you want to change the duration, it will remain the same.

But it didn't.

A notice stating ebay's "bug" would have told me to manually change my settings to 7-days.

posted on April 18, 2001 06:08:47 PM new
I too use a "one man service" for my Gallery.

If he gave me half the sass that EG received, I'd have told him to go pizz up a rope.

I pay for a service, I expect SERVICE.

BTW - The one man show that runs my Gallery items is FANTASTIC, and well worth every penny I pay him. I've had a few problems with his service, and he's fixed those problems & emailed back ASAP.

I've also relisted a few items on eBay this week, and they did not default to 5 days.

edited for shaani [ edited by reddeer on Apr 18, 2001 06:16 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2001 06:12:20 PM new
a "man man service" ??

posted on April 18, 2001 06:16:11 PM new
steve is the greatest!

posted on April 18, 2001 06:20:31 PM new
Who is Steve?

posted on April 18, 2001 06:23:38 PM new
I had a run in with Vrane a few weeks ago during the daylight savings time bug and I have never been treated so rudely in my life! Whether it's a one man show or a 2000 man show, where do they get off talking to people like that - and I mean being called names and told you are a moron and an idiot. I did not know about the bug at the time, and boy did I end up feeling stupid. As far as I am concerned they can take their services and shove them, there are plenty out there to take their place. Whew, feels better having vented that.

posted on April 18, 2001 06:26:16 PM new

Your comment,

"I found that you are being very petty about this .."

is a violation of our Community Guidelines. Please remember to discuss the topic, not the individual.


[email protected]
posted on April 18, 2001 06:26:55 PM new
Steve runs a personal Gallery service.

posted on April 18, 2001 06:30:17 PM new
Last time I asked Steve a question, he ANSWERED in 10 minutes & fixed the problem (which was really an eBay problem, not his) within 1 HOUR!

The very definition of CS!

posted on April 18, 2001 06:44:14 PM new
touchofeurope: Wow, I can't believe he even called you names! (Actually, after my experience today, I CAN believe it!)

Can you imagine where Ebay would be today if they treated all their customers like that? At least Ebay "pretends" to care in their canned responses...

posted on April 18, 2001 06:45:08 PM new
Vrane should be Ashamed!!
Who needs/wants a company that treats it's customers so rudely? NOT ME!!

posted on April 18, 2001 07:24:35 PM new
Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, I find Vrane's e-mails shocking! Whether Vrane is a one-man-band or a 1,000 employee company, those e-mails strike me as being extremely unprofessional (at best).

A company that asks a customer not to e-mail them again and calls the customer "rude" is ... well ... beyond me. Even if the customer really *was* rude (and I don't think EG was), a company should maintain a professional image at all times.

In my opinion, of course.

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