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posted on October 9, 2001 11:49:19 AM new
I signed in on eBay, left 13 FB, hit submit & it took me right back to "sign in"
So, I did it all over again & the same thing happened.
I'm on AOL & using Internet Explorer.

posted on October 9, 2001 12:17:33 PM new
I don't know if this will help or not, but it worked for me. I went to the registration page for eBay and hit the "submit changes" button(I didn't make any changes) and then I would go back to the feedback and would be allowed to leave the feedback. Good luck.

posted on October 9, 2001 12:25:27 PM new
Thanks mardoc, I'll try anything.

posted on October 9, 2001 01:25:18 PM new
I'm having the same problem, but worse. If I try to bring up the page where you can leave all your accumulatd FB at one time, I can't get any further than where it says, "You have X number of feedback to leave." When I click on the button to list the items, I get the blue screen of death and I'm booted off eBay AND my ISP is closed and disconnected as well.

I've tried this with both AOL and my regular ISP, and the same thing happens. I finally used another computer in the house and was able to leave my feedback with no problems. I'm hoping this is an eBay glitch and not something residing on my normal computer, or I will have a terrible time trying to diagnose it and get it fixed.

Any clue?

posted on October 9, 2001 01:25:18 PM new
It worked. I never would have thought of that.
Thank you very much.

posted on October 9, 2001 02:36:31 PM new
I have a feeling Bin Laden might be behind this.

posted on October 9, 2001 06:10:56 PM new
Well, someone or something is causing this!

Now I have new problem, I keep getting this message every place I go. Just did it here, but was able to get in on the second try. How come it only happens sometime, but that sometime is getting to be very often. This is going on for about 1 week.
Is it an AOL problem?


"HTTP Error 403
403.1 Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden

This error can be caused if you try to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to be executed.

Please contact the Web server's administrator if the problem persists."


What the heck is an HTTP Error 403 & what do they mean if I try to execute a CGI, ISAPI program.
I don't understand any of this, and it seems to be happening more & more......

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