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posted on October 28, 2001 06:15:57 PM new
With the reactions I see here to the credit card on file requirement It is occuring to me that quite a few of us enjoy these boards but do not use AW services.
I came across these boards a year or so ago but I have never used AW services I did look at them but was happy with the services I am using and quite honestly have no interst in learning a new service if I don't have to
So how about it how many of the rest of you actually generate any revenue for auction watch ?
spock here...... TILL NOV 1 ANYWAY
Live long and Prosper

posted on October 28, 2001 06:19:27 PM new
I just use the boards, that's why I don't really want to put my CC on file.

posted on October 28, 2001 06:21:26 PM new
I used to use AW when it was free. Before they began charging, I figured out how to host my pictures on my ISP's web space and have done it that way every since. I wouldn't even consider paying AW or any site for what I can do for free. I don't care for the automated mailings etc. that are offered, and never considered using them.

I have learned a great deal from the boards, and have appreciated the wealth of knowledge available here. I also enjoy the humor, compassion, and yes, the conflicts that have shown up here.

I am going to miss it.
posted on October 28, 2001 06:41:07 PM new
do you use AW services?

Nope....occasional seller...own my own domain and have dabbled in HTML for over 4 years...

Always have enjoyed the lively discussions on the board and appreciated some of the heads-up from the gurus here...

Kinda like leaving home....

posted on October 28, 2001 06:52:19 PM new
I was an AW user for a couple of years and was content to put up with the software problems and enjoyed the listing and hosting service as long as it was free.

When AW got greedy and wanted a piece of my auctions rather than a fee for services used, I left. The service had never really had the quality or support of a “for fee” service.

Leaving was probably the best move I could have made. It forced me to learn enough HTML to be able to list presentable and effective auctions on my own.

Gone are the computer hang-ups just when I had a half dozen auctions to list and all the associated frustrations.

These boards on the other hand have been a real gold mine of information. Whenever or whatever was happening there was comment on it here.

The moderators, though a pain at times were for the most part helpful.

Come the first of November, I’ll probably lurk some but will find other sources of information.

It has been noticed that AW finally saw the error of their ways on trying to get a percentage of everyone’s auctions and now have a fee structure proposed in their new rates. Why did it take so long??

It’s been fun and I have really appreciated all the help.

Thanks to all.

posted on October 28, 2001 07:12:11 PM new
Hi There!
I am happy to say I use almost all their services! I used them for about a year before they started to charge,but when they imposed fees I left for another free site. The free site worked fine untill it was time to relist,then nothing but problems. So I came back and started paying. I find the fees are not really hurting me at all. And the service and features can't be beat, not for the price or reliability. The site can be learned faster than any other I've tried or looked at. I would be lost with out the PSM section. Let's me be away and closed auction's still get taken care of. Just opened a store, hasn't sold anything but there are lookers. Everything about this site has been great up to now. But I'm worried these board's may become kaos when the moderators leave, I hope not but I see it coming already.

posted on October 28, 2001 07:12:28 PM new
No, I no longer use AW, so I can't gripe too much about them trying to prune to boards to those who pay the freight.

I used AW for six months or so when it was free, and would've stayed when they initiated fees if they had offered a plan for sellers like me--I don't really take a lot of space, I don't require much hand-holding, and I don't at all like AW's PSM system.

I came back for a day when they had the FLD in July, and was very very sorry to see that the same things I didn't like when AW was free were still there even though it was now a pay service. Believe it or not, this saddened me--I admire entrepreneuers, and really like to see people make money!

I always wondered what would have happened if AW had initiated something more reasonable--say a $5 per month fee for image hosting only, then maybe $7 for image hosting plus scheduling...SOMETHING to take into account that there are some of us who don't use all the services they offer. I guess we'll never know for sure, but I probably would've stuck around for a reasonable monthly charge. Right now I happily pay $10 per month for image hosting and scheduling.

AW does have my CC info since I had to register it to take advantage of that FLD, but that credit card expires in November and then I'll be gone. I do wish AW well.

posted on October 28, 2001 07:29:23 PM new
I always wondered what would have happened if AW had initiated something more reasonable--say a $5 per month fee for image hosting only

They would have had me for a paying customer. I was looking for a place to host pictures awhile back, and had decided NOT to use "free" sites anymore as they where too undependable. I looked here first. Funny you mention $5 a month, that is exactly what I pay where I have my pictures hosted. (29.95 every 6 months for more space and bandwidth than I need). But $12.95/month is not competitive.

posted on October 28, 2001 07:56:09 PM new
Was using AW when it was free -- and when they went to pay, I stuck with them. The services they offer far exceed the pittance they ask for in return.

AW is a GREAT value. And I use it on the five-cents/1% plan. A very fair deal.

posted on October 28, 2001 08:30:00 PM new
I have used their services for about a year.
I have no complaints since they changed their auto replies service. I had made a LOT of suggestions to them and most of them were implemented. (I guess a lot of us thought alike ).

Back when they first started charging everyone panicked and appeared to be jumping ship. I haven't noticed any obvious difference since everyone left..haha..seems a LOT are still here.

Now they announce what everyone wanted..a fee structure..and people are again over reacting and everyone is jumping ship.

Well, I'm STAYING. I like AUCTIONWATCH and their services. I have NO complaints at all.

The message boards are nice. I already have a CC on file..no big deal. But AGAIN everyone is supposedly jumping ship....yea right ...

Those that leave will return quietly..those that don't won't be noticed.

AUCTIONWATCH will survive...if they join up with Paypal or Ebay that is ok with me too.

To me these boards are icing on the cake. Don't really need them and if they go under..again that is ok too.

Just as long as AW stays with the Auction services I'm here for the long haul.

(Probably not a popular post..but I don't really care as I'm not in a popularity contest.)


posted on October 28, 2001 09:28:16 PM new
I agree with Pania,

I was one of the people who thought that AW was "stealing" when they started charging for the service. I have in the past absolutely refused to use their service after March 14, and I didn't for the summer months. As fall arrived, and I wanted to start listing again, I returned to AW for service.

During the summer I was able to find some real bargains at estate sales. Two of the items I bought cost under a dollar. These brought in 49.00 and 52.00 on ebay. What a profit! With this in mind, I don't really mond paying AW a nickel and 1 percent of my sales. Their service os easy to use compared to others. I have signed up for other servoce and found it cumbersome to learn and use. Needless to say, I have never really used the other services. I already have a credit card on file with AW and will most likely continue to use their service.

Yes! I'm an Auction Watch Cheerleader!

posted on October 28, 2001 09:37:48 PM new
I work full time, and sell on Ebay part time to pay for my hobby. When I work, my pay is about $30 an hour. I then decided I would pay for AW if I could justify it at that rate. Can it save me enough time at $30 an hour to justify the expense. So far it has more then made up for the expense. I will stay. I would love to see the boards stay open to the public. I think the decision is short sighted, selfish, and ill thought out, but it was not my decision to make.

posted on October 28, 2001 09:49:55 PM new
I use AW services. I launch and schedule every auction from here. I used the inventory until I started using AmPro and somehow made a mess of it. I do not use any of the Post sales stuff.

I will be here until March when the Power Plan charges. I may be here after that. When the holidays end I will start checking into the other auction scheduling services.

I enjoy the boards and do hope that those that jump at first return just to see. And who knows if enough of us stay maybe those that jump will return.

It has been very educational for me. I really don't read any other boards. This is were I get the news.

Please someone be sure to post here when they know of a FLD.

Thanks everyone. It has been a real pleasure!

posted on October 28, 2001 10:03:42 PM new
I agree,

AW boards have been a truly rewarding learning experience. I have learnded so much from the people here. This included new and more effiecent ways of doing things. Because of these boards, I've learned about Vrane, the ins and outs of Paypal, great html pages and links, and many, many others things.

Running aucitons on ebay has been made much easier from the wealth of knowledge I've gotten from the memebers here!

Plus, about 98 percent of the people here are nice to interact with!

posted on October 28, 2001 10:12:19 PM new
I work 50 to 60hrs a week without travel plus I do travel a lot. I need this type of service to schudele my auctions or i would have them starting at 1 or 2 in the morning.

posted on October 28, 2001 10:44:42 PM new

Please check your email.

[email protected]
posted on October 28, 2001 10:50:42 PM new
Here here, kiawok. Couldn't have said it better myself...so I won't try.

But I will ask one question of the cheerleaders...Why is AW letting the moderators go? To save money? Why do they need to save money? Perhaps because they aren't making enough? Why aren't they making enough? Perhaps because they pi$$ed off a large number of people when they implemented the type of fees that they did?

As others have said earlier, I would gladly have paid a reasonable monthly fee to AW for a few of their services, but evidently they didn't do enough studying before their big move, and drove a lot of customers away.

I'm going to miss these boards. Having been here since the summer of '99, I didn't post a whole lot, but I've learned a LOT, laughed plenty of times, and just felt at home.

"Who's tending the bar? Sniping works up a thirst"
posted on October 28, 2001 10:57:23 PM new

My email was recently changed [new ISP], I'll go change my settings here & please resend.

If there's something specific in my comment that needs to be removed to pass the mod squad seal of approval, I'd love to know what it is?

[ edited by kiawok on Oct 28, 2001 11:02 PM ]
posted on October 28, 2001 10:58:38 PM new
I used to use AW listings/images services till fees came and then left. eBay gets enough of my money without another hand in my pocket. I used to use the search universal auction engine a LOT till Yahoo started fees then it became totally useless as 99% of items were eBay stuff.

posted on October 28, 2001 11:07:48 PM new

Ok, got the email, but I'm still a bit lost as to what the BIG problem was/is?
My bad .......

Ok, let's try edited version number II.

I wasn't planning on posting on AW any longer, but seeing as I have a few more
freeloader days left, what the heck.

I used to use AW services, a LOT.
I knew that one day they would charge for their services, and Mark had always
made that fact very clear, long in advance to the actual announcement.

BUT, when they decided to require a FVF off of my auctions, that
was the straw that broke this camels back.
Sorry, but other than eBay no one is ever going to get a piece of that pie.

What some of you "folks" don't seem to be grasping, is that the
part-time/weekend/grandmma/grampa/hobby sellers will NEVER keep this site alive.

In order for AW to survive the dot.bomb they need thousands of power sellers that
move 5-25K worth of sales each & every month. Unless you are listing
hundreds/thousands of auctions per month & paying for the use of ALL of their
services they will never survive the storm that lays ahead.

I get a kick out of posters that have the audacity to make statements such as:

Those that leave will return quietly..those that don't won't be noticed.


Personally I think you're in for a rude awakening.

The posters on these boards are the people that made AW what it is today. Without
some of us that have been FREELY giving our time & expertise on these boards for
years AW would never have amounted to more than a another online auction wannabe site.

I have no problem with them wanting to charge for their services, but the way they
went about it was WAY wrong.

Like Microbes I would have been happy to pay a reasonable fee for their
services, but the prices they came up with were ridiculous for any serious full
time seller.
Just like AW I have to watch my bottom line closely, and it didn't take long to realize
I could do the same thing their services offered, for HALF the price.

Back when they first started charging everyone panicked and appeared to be jumping ship. I haven't noticed any obvious difference since everyone left..haha..seems a LOT are still here.

I don't think any of the long time posters of this site "panicked", but we did make
some "business decisions" as to whether we should pay the fees, or find something
more reasonable elsewhere.

I also don't recall anyone saying they were leaving, as the boards here have always
been free.

So, now that many of the most helpful, longtime posters on this board say they are
leaving, I think it's safe to say that's exactly what they are doing.

I know I am, and I hope the first time you get jammed up on eBay & are looking for
some FREE advice, you remember this thread, and the comments you made.

Kiawok aka reddeer aka NRW aka wags13

[ edited by kiawok on Oct 28, 2001 11:11 PM ]
[ edited by kiawok on Oct 28, 2001 11:20 PM ]
posted on October 29, 2001 04:33:59 AM new
I used it when it was free and left when they started charging. I came back after about 3 months after realizing that the time (money) I would have to invest in learning HTML and setting up databases wasn't worth it. I'm back and will stay. However, I'm setting up a database and learning HTML since this sounds like the beginning of the end.

posted on October 29, 2001 06:12:14 AM new
Hi Mrspock, I have only used auction Watch, when it was free and then signed up, took the plan that others have mentioned on this thread. It works for me. I have learned so much from these threads, and can not even begin to list everyone that took the time to answer my questions, and of course provided many a humorous break, they will surely be missed. I am staying.

posted on October 29, 2001 06:51:51 AM new
Couldn't have said it any better, Kiawok

posted on October 29, 2001 06:56:32 AM new

posted on October 29, 2001 07:16:09 AM new
I'm with kiawok!!!

I used AW when it was free and would have had absolutely NO PROBLEM with paying a fee, but when they came out with their fee structure I left...It would have been a stupid business decision to pay that much out for a service that was marginal at best. I pay where I am at now, but only a very reasonable monthly fee and no FVF (of course!). Now I get awesome service and tools. Now I get compliments galore about the way my auctions look.

And why in the world would anybody of sound mind give up one of their credit card numbers just to use forums that will start charging for that use in, I'm certain, the very near future??? I've heard of enough problems with people getting overcharged already since the fees began here...It's too bad as I enjoyed the forums as much as anybody. It was nice helping others and I appreciated all the help that I received.
posted on October 29, 2001 07:37:10 AM new
I found AW because of its message boards, and never miss checking them. The people I've met here have been an invaluable source of information, assistance, and lots of good laughs. I'll be very sorry if and when there is a mass exodus and these great folks find another place to play.

IMO, AW is shooting itself in the foot by making the untenable requirement that posters need to supply a CC number and at the same time eliminating the moderation that kept this place fun and comfortable.

I also use the AW services. I looked around a lot before I decided to stay here for image hosting plus auction services. While I'm sure I could learn HTML and scrounge together a package of services that might cost me less, I have to factor in the value of my time. I have another non-auction business that at times requires 12 hours a day of my time, and the only way I can keep eBaying during those periods is if it is as simple and mindless as possible to do. AW works for me.

I'm no powerseller, and have no aspirations to be, but neither am I a hobbyist. I probably process at least 100 auctions a month. If AW ceases to work for me, I'll leave, of course. I hope that doesn't happen.

posted on October 29, 2001 07:50:07 AM new
do you use AW services ?

No... just the message board.

Guess I am (was) one of thoes freeloaders?

Oh well...

posted on October 29, 2001 10:34:51 AM new
No, I'm sorry to say.

Sorry because I really enjoyed the process of using Auction Manager Pro. It made uploading a snap! However, week after week, about 50% of my auctions were stuck in processing and it was a major hassle to get those remaining auctions up. I put up with the inconvenience while the service was free, but they'd not yet fixed those glitches when they implemented fees. Perhaps those problems no longer exist though.

Sorry because AW's refusal to support all the features of eBay's selling form was a prime reason I quit using their launching services.

Sorry because I disagreed with the FVF concept. I strongly believe in filing for FVF's for all deadbeats, and I wasn't about to have to do it on 2 sites. Doing it on eBay is enough for me.

Sorry because many customers didn't like the web-based EOA notices even though they were incredibly convenient because they allowed for multiple shipping options for each individual auction. But customers strongly objected to filling out a third-party form and I did seem to get more deadbeats when I was using the WBN's. I'd gotten so hooked on the idea though, that I found another service that is software-based to do the job, as many others have. And since that service now has auction launching that I don't have to pay for and is fully updated whenever eBay's selling form changes, why would I consider coming back to AW for auction launching and PSM?

Sorry because AW always had very reliable image hosting and I've been having difficulty finding any other site as reliable. However, the cost to me would be much greater than going with some of the other sites that charge a simple flat rate per year or month. Of course, if the reliability factor doesn't stabilize, I might have to rethink this position.

There's both good and bad in every service. Everyone has to review their options and decide what's best for them in the long run.

Good luck to all!

posted on October 29, 2001 11:17:24 AM new
I no longer use AW at all other than the message board. The fees they set up were not competive. I have found another service which is more than reasonable. I pay a monthly fee and NO FINAL VALUE, the final value was totally unacceptable to me. I would have gladly paid a reasonable fee and stayed. I feel they would have made a lot more with a reasonable per auction fee and would have kept the drove that left.
I only used the hosting and scheduling options and I see where they need to make a profit but to rip people off with final value is ridiculous. With sells the way, and sell through rates falling I don't understand how these people that have stayed are making any profit at all, just my opinion, but!!!!
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