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posted on January 5, 2002 12:12:37 AM new
I had a buyer who decided he did not want to pay for an auction because he bought the wrong item.

We mutually decide to not do the transaction and be done with it.

Is there a way to get my Final Value fees back with out having to file a NPB alert?

Any help would be appreciated.

posted on January 5, 2002 12:26:37 AM new
Go to file a non payment alert. One of the items in the drop down choices is something about mutual agreed not to complete, select that, after you click the button it will take you to complete the final value fee request. You do not need to wait the 7 or 10 days what ever it is.

The bidder will receive a notice, I am not sure what it say but the first time I did this I remember getting an email from the bidder asking me what was going on. The second (and last) time I did it, I email the bidder to warn them that the would receive a notice from ebay and explained to them that it is the process to receive my final value fees back.

I am not sure if this counts against the bidder or not. I guess you will need to ask ebay that question.

Hope that helps you.

posted on January 5, 2002 12:47:16 AM new
richierich is correct. One of the choices is that the transaction was nullified by mutual consent. Your buyer will get an email asking them to respond only if they do not agree with your reason. It's good to let them know that Ebay sends an automated email, so they aren't surprised.

No one gets a penalty, not even time out.

Angels 'n Stuff
posted on January 5, 2002 12:50:08 AM new

posted on January 5, 2002 04:59:03 AM new
And after you receive credit from Ebay, which will be instant. Get your refund from AW if you launched the auction through them. AW will refund as soon as they see Ebay did.

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