posted on January 6, 2002 07:44:51 PM new
i need some help with this please.
recently i sold a receiver for $150.
i had used the receiver previously with no problems.
the person i sold it to claims that the receiver does not work as its supposed to.
he has been very reasonable so far, i do not want to give him his money back, but i also dont want him to be stuck (because maybe i made a mistake with the receiver).
what happens if he files trough ebay?
i know they have insurance with a deductible of $25.
maybe if he files, he will get his money back, keep the receiver and i wont have to go trough this hassle.
i am just afraid it might come back to bite me in the ass.
he paid by check.
please help me guys.
posted on January 6, 2002 07:55:26 PM new
Sorry, I don't understand why you would not want to refund him the money, he paid you in good faith... Your admitting there may have been a problem. Get it overwith and refund him. Don't rely on Ebay and their insurance, there will be an investigation. Treat him as you would like to be treated and there will be no hassel.
posted on January 6, 2002 07:55:51 PM new
Was the reciever insured? If not then it is your word against his and the right thing to do would be to let him send it back to you (tell him it must have your sellers mark still on it) and then refund. I know it is the pits but if it was a faulty item and you sold it for that much money then it is only right to take it back (IMHO). By telling him that it must have your hidden mark still on it that will lessen the chance he is doing a bait and switch. How was his feedback? Look to make sure he doesn't have a history of course.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
posted on January 6, 2002 08:15:17 PM new
since this is a used receiver and you said it worked for you,can you help him out and make it work for him??
if you described your item as used and sold as is,you may not have to refund if you do not want to.this is the risk of buying something used,something could work fine and all of a sudden it stops working?? like an old car?? it could be working fine until it takes this long journey ,how is it packed?was it dropped or mishandled,stayed in storage for too long?? yes,post office and private carriers have warehouses too.
if you do not want to refund,he could file ebay insurance and NEG you,so you may want to consider his NEG could impact your future sales.
posted on January 6, 2002 08:47:26 PM new
i am not concerned about him negging me, i barely sell stuff on ebay.
i dont recall whether i stated that the receiver was sold as is but i will check.
how does the procedure work for tbe ebay insurance?
if he was to file, how would that affect me?
besides the negative.
i dont want to refund because its a pain and honestly he could have dropped or did something wrong with it.
i dont care about the ebay investigation, i just dont want ebay charging my credit card $150.
at this point, i told the buyer that i would check about ebay insurance, and that maybe he could file and keep the receiver and get a refund.
he agreed to wait on me til i get the info.
posted on January 6, 2002 08:51:31 PM new
the receiver was insured and pretty well packed, he even emailed me saying that it had arrived in good shape.
i admit there might have been a problem because you never know what could happen to electronics.
maybe it broke the second after i packed it, i am not saying that it did not work when i owned it, i had never had a problem with it.
i sold in good faith.
posted on January 6, 2002 09:15:39 PM new
you said the item is insured and well packed?
who is the shipper?
if it were the post office,they are becoming more reluctant these days to reimburse the loss,they could argue that the outside box is not damaged and so it could not be their fault.
if it were ups,then did you insure extra 50 dollars as only the first 100 is included with shipping??
i would suggest try the insurance route first,with used electronic ,shipper may not want to accept responsibility for any malfunctioning.
ebay cannot debit your credit card for 150.
you can read ebay insurance policy on their site.
posted on January 6, 2002 09:33:30 PM new
You better hope Ebay's insurance doesn't pay off. It's only to protect the customer in cases of fraud. If they pay, you can expect to be barred from Ebay and possibly being sued by Lloyd's of London to recover their loss. What kind of receiver was this anyway? Stereo, shortwave, satellite? What does it not do now that it did before? Exactly what is he claiming the problem to be. I've sold several electronic devices, including receivers, on Ebay and about half the sales include providing detailed instructions by email or phone on how to operate them.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 7, 2002 06:00:39 AM new
The bottom line is: treat him as you would like to be treated. That is, have him send the receiver back and refund his money. If you received something in the mail that didn't work, would you expect to be stuck with the cost?
I sense that you are an honest person, and know what the right thing is to do.
posted on January 7, 2002 06:40:51 AM new
In any case the Ebay buyer insurance don't cover inless the cost is $250 or more .
if the buyer wants to be nasty they can turn you in to the postoffice for mail fraud and the FTC as well..
if ebay insurance does cover your buy you will end up paying this back or get a mark on your credit rateing I believe the insurance company investigates and trys to recoup the cost from the seller by any means nessary since all claims paid are for fraud you could even be jailed not sure on that..
posted on January 7, 2002 07:57:55 AM new
i appreciate your concerns fellas.
but many of you are taking this to the extreme.
according to the knowledge i have of ebay insurance, it covers the purchase minus a $25 deductible.
according to the buyer, the receiver is not outputting enough volume trough the speakers.
in a nutshell, even if he pumps up the volume, the sound is very faint.
i am clueless when it comes to stereos and stuff like that, sorry for not being able to be so specific.
for all of you that are so concerned about fraud and lawsuits and stuff like that.
what if this was the situation: buyer breaks item, wants a refund.
seller refuses.
buyer files for ebay insurance.
does anybody really expects the seller to be sued for this?
i want opinions with foundation, not just assumptions from people who have as little idea as i do (nobody get offended please)
posted on January 7, 2002 08:15:04 AM new
i found the problem on that receiver and have it working fine. it
took some looking and digging and i got it . that should do it and thanks
for your looking into things for me
thats the email i got from the buyer.
so much for the lawsuit and the mail fraud, and all of that bull.