Home  >  Community  >  The eBay Outlook  >  Can you refer to 9/11 in auctions now?

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posted on January 8, 2002 11:42:10 AM new
I thought you could not refer to 9/11 or even show any signs of patriotism in your auctions in refernce to that date.

Would a gif of a flag with 9/11 on it still be against the rules even now?

Can anyone direct me to this info on eBay? I searched HELP but could not find anything about it listed.

If I remember correctly you could not even move this info to your My eBay page. Anyone remember?

posted on January 8, 2002 06:24:50 PM new

posted on January 8, 2002 11:24:45 PM new
I don't know the answer to this but I'll bump it back up for you.

Maybe everyone is scared of your ID.

posted on January 9, 2002 06:21:45 AM new
Fear Not! The BananaSpider is huge and terribly frightening, but not poisonous!

Thanks, BS

posted on January 9, 2002 06:47:39 AM new
If you can't there sure are a lot of listing for WTC and 9-11 on ebay running right now...

Health & happiness

"The Colonel"

posted on January 9, 2002 06:56:50 AM new
They must have lifted the ban after the Auctions For America promotion was over.


posted on January 9, 2002 07:05:39 AM new
I think you're correct. I recall reading somewhere that the ban was going to be lifted at the conclusion of the AFA promo - I mean, AFA charity auctions.

posted on January 9, 2002 01:09:04 PM new
wasn't the official ban lift date 1/4/02?

i did a search on wtc the other day and got a lot of hits so it must be lifted now.

posted on January 10, 2002 09:05:54 PM new
Sellers were allowed to list items for the Auction for America through Christmas day. Auctions on eBay have a 10-day maximum; that translates to a Jan. 4 ending period.

One of the important ramifications of the AFA ending is that sellers are now allowed to list World Trade Center (WTC) and Pentagon items on eBay for their own profit.

Immediately following the attack, eBay banned all items relating to the tragedy of Sept. 11. They later modified that stance, allowing WTC and Pentagon items to be listed only as AFA items. The lifting of the ban has led to many new item listings under both categories and Pursglove said there hasn't been any public backlash against these items

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