posted on January 8, 2002 02:37:55 PM new
I was just reading a post on one of my favorite newsgroups (not auction related) and someone posted a message about eBay bought out by AOL.
Has anyone heard this or was this a post by a troll?
The original post stated Bill Gates bought eBay for $285000.00 on Jan 3rd. However a follow up post stated it wasn't Bill Gates but AOL.
Anyone else hear of this?
posted on January 8, 2002 02:54:26 PM new
THat is a hoax story AOL Time Warner did not buy Ebay in fact AOL time warner is haveing huge money trouble after reporting multi billion $$ loss after the merger.
AS well on monday AOL TimerWarner lower its earning out look on monday now reporting there is little hope of profitablity in 2002.
The one part of TimeWarner AOL thought would make the merger a big winner for them because of gaining broad band acess is turning out to be its bigest down fall.
I can see that soon they wil be spinning or selling off many parts of the company to regain and protect the company.
Email [email protected]
posted on January 8, 2002 04:58:54 PM new
Yes its true, AOL is buying out eBay. Here is the e-mail I received this morning. I confirmed it with my friend who does corporate PR for AOL. He also said I should forward the link to as many people as possible.
posted on January 8, 2002 06:44:25 PM new
Well...I have a friend whose friend KNOWS for a FACT that ELVIS just bought out eBay!
Ya heard it here FIRST! 
posted on January 8, 2002 06:58:10 PM new
Your all wrong, Gegy bought eBay. Troy said he had money & now he's proved it. 
posted on January 8, 2002 07:04:28 PM new
I wonder what the stockholders of ebay think of this, since they would have to approve such a buyout. It is their company after all.
posted on January 8, 2002 07:04:49 PM new
Please stop making malicious gossip about Elvis. Everyone knows that he has worked his way up from fry cook all the way to crew leader assistant at the Kalamzoo, Michigan Burger King. He now makes 7.15 an hour, plus one super size French Fries a day! You heard it here first!!
posted on January 8, 2002 07:41:23 PM new
How about the rumor that AOL and it's partners Time Warner will open an online auction soon? Could get interesting ....
posted on January 8, 2002 07:58:24 PM new
AOL did indeed purchase controlling interest in Ebay. Steve Case is due to announce soon that Meg has resigned and is scheduled to become a moderator for Auctionwatch. You heard it here first.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 8, 2002 08:06:25 PM new
ebay's revenues are $529 million and they sell the company for $285,000?
posted on January 8, 2002 08:49:19 PM new
Pierre forgot to set a reserve price. Besides, at that price they're saving a bundle on fvf.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 8, 2002 11:12:17 PM new
GEEEEE. Are you guys playing with my head? I've always been very gullible because almost everything anyone tells me COULD POSSIBLY be true. But a buyout of EBaY? Don't toy with me, now.
Somebody tell me if this is true! I can't sleep until I know. (Especially about Meg becoming a moderator. . . . )
posted on January 9, 2002 09:35:49 AM new
eBay is a cash cow and there is NO WAY that they are going to sell out at this time, especially to the troubled AOL.
If eBay were to sell out, you can be sure they would want cash for the purchase, not stock. Using this fair assumption and taking into account eBay's current valuation, it is safe to assume that AOL is not in a cash position to purchase the company.
Forget what you heard and keep selling. The nonsense people are spreading isn't worth listening to or wasting your time.
posted on January 9, 2002 09:43:51 AM new
No, no, no, no, you are all wrong. eBay paid for the surgery to remove a corn from a 10 year-old AOL user in Topeka, KS whose last wish was to receive a free coupon from Victoria's Secret.