posted on April 8, 2002 12:41:14 PM new
After almost total unavailability for the past few hours, finally got to my Myebay, Selling page; and it shows an item active and ending in 2 days THAT I ENDED YESTERDAY. But the item page is "unavailable" and then Myebay went dead. I think there are a bunch of wires crossed out there. Anyone think they will be fixed by tonight?
posted on April 8, 2002 12:45:42 PM new
Well, Fluffy, good luck. I just got back into myebay selling and the item that's reappearing and disappearing happens to be a watch. So now that jewelry is down, my ended-2-days-ago watch has disappeared. lol. I would worry that a problem like this could be a very extended one. Think I'll take a nap and get ready for tonight. grin
posted on April 8, 2002 08:06:40 PM new
I'm sure glad my prediction of dire consequences didn't come true. On the spooks, the auction that came back to life went away again, came back and went away again. I figure I ended it right at the time the data base went down. If they restored operation or the files a few seconds later, it would explain the spooks. Anyway, tonight going good for me. And for you?