posted on April 8, 2002 03:43:05 PM new
Ok. Perhaps I am not seeing it but I can not find the "sign in" button on MY EBAY. Am I heading for the funny farm a little early????
posted on April 8, 2002 09:34:49 PM new
It's not's just missing! Ebay io experiencing difficulties again!!! Hope they get all their glitches fixed soon........this is getting frustrating!
posted on April 8, 2002 10:28:44 PM new
Go to the Community Page (Click on Community at the top).THEN Click on "NEWs and Events" Page, THEN Click on the "SYSTEM STATUS Announcements". At the Top of that Page you will Find the "My eBay" Button. I just lucked into this when I was looking around.
posted on April 9, 2002 09:16:02 AM new
I just tried to relist an item in the Clothing category. It took me right to the relist page without having to sign in at all. But when I tried to click on the "change category" link I got an error message saying my password was incorrect. (Even though it never asked for my password.) Looks like the screw-ups aren't fixed yet.