posted on July 4, 2002 11:03:34 AM new
Just got a SPAM from some guy using MSN. I know it's spam because it's some cheap advertisement for some junk and he sent it CC to a lot of people on my ISP.
I'm sick of this! I'm putting (more) filters on now, but couldn't figure out how/who to report this MSN spammer to.
posted on July 4, 2002 11:17:15 AM new
I use MSN & hotmail. MSN cannot stop someone from sending spam out. You have to do it through your ISP. If you are on MSN, call them & they will instruct you as to how to get rid of it. The number is 1-800-386-5550.
posted on July 4, 2002 10:44:02 PM new
try writing to [email protected] and see if that will go through. [email protected] is what you use for yahoo and it must be the same for all ISP's but I am not sure. I have the same problem with someone at my ISP but I will tell you if I don't recognize the name or email address I just delete it without reading it. I bet I delete more than 30 a day that I never read because of spam.
posted on July 5, 2002 08:14:33 AM new
The problem is that most spammers do not put a return address on their spam that is accurate. Someone used the address I use at ebay as a return address on a set of spams he mailed. I got about 1000 letters of complaint, none of which were valid upon investigation.
posted on July 5, 2002 08:51:52 AM new
I forward all of my spam to my 2 Senators and my Congressman with a polite note asking them to please tell these people to stop harassing me.
If everyone did this, we would get something done, if for no other reason than the shear load of forwarded spam they would get.