posted on November 18, 2002 07:26:24 PM new
I am going to start listing jewelry in Lots.
How many pieces do you consider a lot? I have seen them from 2 - 100. I don't consider 2 or 3 a lot. Any suggestions?
posted on November 18, 2002 07:40:05 PM new
When I was selling jewelry in a "lot" I tried to have at least 10 pieces. I don't think 2 or 3 can be considered a "lot" either. To me 10 pieces is a "lot", 2 or 3 is a "little". Sorry, it's late.
posted on November 18, 2002 07:54:49 PM new
I think the definition of a "lot" will vary from seller to seller. I like to group items together in lots of 5 or more. I think the main thing is to group similar items together.
"Who's tending the bar? Sniping works up a thirst"
posted on November 18, 2002 10:01:24 PM new
At a live auction a lot would be any grouped amount over two and even just one item could be considered a 'single lot'.
posted on November 19, 2002 12:58:40 AM new
Libra, I collect vintage costume jewelry and always search bid and buy lots..then resell what I don't keep for my collection.
If there are 3-10 pieces call it a "Small Lot", from 11-25 pieces call it "Lot" and anything over 25 pieces call a "Large Lot".
3 pieces of very nice costume jewelry is a lot and can draw the bids...just put the number of pieces in a small lot somewhere in the title.
This is also where the gallery feature pays for itself...there are so many jewelry lots listed that the gallery pictures get first dibs. Unless someone has hours and hours to look at each listing, the gallery is the clincher.
posted on November 19, 2002 02:58:12 AM new
In biblical terms the "lot" was cast; a leader of a congregation was picked, see the New Testament...
The term lot in the auction busniess is simply a generic term for a grouping or assembly of like or different items, can be any size or offering. Now a set, that's something else...
Hows that?
posted on November 19, 2002 04:13:10 AM new
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks. Now all I have to do is start sorting and it is going to take me awhile. I have never used the Gallery but after reading your post rarriffle I did some gallery searching and it seems like they do get the bids so that will be something I am going to do. I also think I will list them for 10 days or do you think that is to long. It seems like forever to start getting bids and if I had 10 days verses 7 would that be an advantage? It also seems like when after you receive your first bid hits become more frequent or is that my imagination? Thanks again everyone for your input...
posted on November 19, 2002 12:54:37 PM new
with costume jewelry, if you have one or two really interesting pieces in the lot and the beginning bid is low enough you will get bids right away...the sniping in this category is brutal though
I don't think the length of the auction 7 versus 10 makes that much difference..the bids will come for a good lot..the bid usually at least doubles during the last few minutes.