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posted on April 24, 2003 11:33:49 AM new
I just listed an auction to start tonight on eBay though Vendio. It starts at $9.99 with a Buy it Now and is a ten day auction. There are six pictures. I then ran an eBay preview and got the following data.

Here is your listing as it will appear on eBay.Ebay Fees: AuctionLengthFee 0.20
BoldFee 0.00
BuyItNowFee 0.10
CategoryFeaturedFee 0.00
FeaturedFee 0.00
FeaturedGalleryFee 0.00
FixedPriceDurationFee 0.00
GalleryFee 0.00
GiftIconFee 0.00
HighLightFee 0.00
InsertionFee 0.60
ListingDesignerFee 0.00
PhotoDisplayFee 0.00
PhotoFee 0.00
ReserveFee 0.00
SchedulingFee 0.00
ThirtyDaysAucFee 0.00
ListingFee 0.90

So I guess my question is, Why a $.60 insertion fee? Has something changed recently that I am unaware of, or could it be a Vendio software glitch? Your help is appreciated.

posted on April 24, 2003 12:31:26 PM new
Check to make sure you aren't listing in more than one category. Your 10-day fee is also doubled.

posted on April 24, 2003 12:47:34 PM new
30 cents basic listing fee,10 cents for buy it now,10 cents for starting the auction at later time,and 10 cents for 10 days auction

posted on April 24, 2003 01:39:00 PM new
It looks like all the fees are doubled. Why 10 cent buy it now? I thought that was only a nickel.

posted on April 24, 2003 01:42:00 PM new
Looks like a two category auction fee setup.

posted on April 24, 2003 01:55:59 PM new
you are supposed to review the fee before you hit the submit button.

posted on April 24, 2003 03:16:14 PM new
Try that same ad in the L.A. Times. e bay is CHEAP for a week. the whole World sees it. Let me say that again, the whole E bay world sees it.....

Whhhhhhiiiip It! Snnnnaaaap IT! Snap! snap! snap! ooooo!
posted on April 24, 2003 08:07:14 PM new
I agree - it must be two category fee @ .30 each plus .10 BIN, and 2 10-days @ .10 each = $ .90.

Which brings up a good question! Do buyers really search by category or key words? I try to word my listings so that the word search will pick up the listing no matter what category I select - I try to avoid two categories for this very reason: too $$$$ for my low ticket post cards!

posted on April 24, 2003 09:29:08 PM new
neglus: That *is* a good question! I just don't know and wish I did. A couple of months ago I started asking my buyers (collectibles and books) how they searched--did they go to the category and search that way, or was it a keyword search. Keyword was the answer most of the time. I still am timid and tend to double-list. And there've been times when I would have triple-listed were it possible to do so.

Why don't we all make a pact to start asking for, say, a couple of months and see what we come up with?

posted on April 25, 2003 06:50:39 AM new
Road - I'm in...I don't even know how to do a category search except to do a "key word" search, bring up listing and then click on the category at the top of a listing..is there another way?

posted on April 25, 2003 10:01:31 AM new
I sell collectibles and usually buy any items from my home town, Brownwood, Texas. I buy just about anything I find from there. And, I always just do a keyword search...Brownwood.

I would hate to read through the thousands of postcard titles in Texas looking for it, or through books for the cookbooks I have found from there, etc.

People looking for jewelry or clothing may just browse the category. If so, then gallery with the little picture would be a big asset and maybe double categories.

But, I assume my records, movie posters and postcards are all found through key word search.

Edited to add: In keeping with the subject. I meant to say, I never use double categories because I don't think it would help me much.

Also, I only list 7 day to save the 10 cents. I went to 10 day for a month and it made very little difference in my sales. There's a big difference in 30 cents and 90 cents. This way, I can list 3 times over 90 days for the same money and 70% of my items will sell in one of those 3 listings.

[ edited by lindajean on Apr 25, 2003 10:05 AM ]
posted on April 25, 2003 12:08:22 PM new
If buyers in collectibles don't search categories, then the gallery image is a waste of money as well! I never have noticed an increase in sales with galleries (though I still tend to add them with higher ticket postcards - I don't know why!)

posted on April 25, 2003 03:22:41 PM new
Neglus: I just did a keyword search for "California postcard," just to see what's going on. At the left was a Gallery link, so even the keyword search can? maybe? profit from gallery photos? But I agree, if people are looking at gallery photos first, I suppose the category searchers will be more likely to see them?? Or???

posted on April 25, 2003 07:59:10 PM new
I believe you are right in thinking I listed in two categories. I made up that auction about three weeks ago and don't remember listing in but one category. I don't even know how to check because the previews don't show the categories you list in, at least the Vendio previews don't. Thanks for your help on this one though.

Neglus:I always search using keywords. The main fault with this method is I suspect I miss the auctions with misspellings.

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