Home  >  Community  >  The eBay Outlook  >  I smell a rat...okay, I actually smell a liar

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posted on April 24, 2003 03:49:54 PM new
About a month ago a buyer emailed and told me she had gotten her shoes and they were "damaged with stains and spots and stuff".

They were brand new in the box and taken directly out of the case from the manufacturer and shipped to her. Being lazy I did not check them as I usually do. It was my fault for not checking them so, I told her to send them back and I would give her a refund including shipping. That comes to about $70.00

She wrote last week asking where was her refund. I responded that I did not have the shoes yet and asked when she mailed them. I even went to my post office and had them look around. Yesterday, she wrote:

I sent them a month ago. I want my refund immediately.

I emailed and asked for a tracking number. She wrote back and said:

I do not have a tracking number. I want my refund sent to me immediately.

I told her that I would not issue a refund until I got the shoes. She has now sent me three more emails "demanding" a refund.

She is a seller also and I notice that she uses delivery confirmation for her auctions. I find it hard to believe she would return a a pair of expensive shoes and not get DC or insurance. Her feedback is 97 positives, 3 negs and 4 neutrals.

edited: I misquoted the customer.

[ edited by shop4shoes on Apr 24, 2003 09:44 PM ]
posted on April 24, 2003 03:53:52 PM new
Yup, the esscence of rat does indeed fills the air.
[ edited by auctionace on Apr 24, 2003 07:21 PM ]
posted on April 24, 2003 04:08:55 PM new
"Immediately" is always a tipoff.

This woman's trying to pull a con. And why not? She's got nothing to lose. Worse case scenario is she's out the time it takes to send email. Best case is that she panics you into sending her money.

Some eBay sellers here would do it. That's "Customer Service", doncha know (eyeroll).
"I'm thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said `I drank WHAT?'"
posted on April 24, 2003 04:23:19 PM new
Best case is that she panics you into sending her money.

Wrong seller for that tactic.

Some eBay sellers here would do it. That's "Customer Service", doncha know

posted on April 24, 2003 05:21:31 PM new
Yep if you get the shoes back,there will be a rat in the box complete with cheese.

posted on April 24, 2003 07:19:53 PM new
WOW! I can't believe the audacity of some of these buyers demanding refunds!
I have only given refunds twice in my 4+ years of selling on ebay. And both times were
for damage that occurred in shipping. Both times I knew that it was my fault, and even
though the packages were insured, I refunded out of my pocket. Ya know...sometimes,
you just get overwhelmed with the packing and shipping and well....I admit I got a
little sloppy and I ended up paying for it. But I accepted the responsibility, didn't want
my customers to have to wait out the USPS claim time...That is "customer service"...not
kowtowing to every scam artist who targets you and holds the threat of negative
feedback over your head. I have had a few obnoxious people DEMAND refunds for a
variety of stupid/ false reasons over the years and they were flatly denied. Only one left me a
negative feedback and I wear it with pride. My reposnse tells all who care to read that
far down my feedback record that " I WILL NOT BE BLACKMAILED OR BULLIED
INTO GIVING REFUNDS"....( or something like that..hehe). Don't give refunds to these
losers. You are a legitimate business... right? YOU have rights too. Do you think
Pottery Barn or any other catalog company provides this type of "customer service"?
Refunds without returned merchandise..yeah, right.
They would be out of business if they did. These "customers" are trying to steal from
you...it's like you are catching them with their hand in your pocket, would you let them
continue or stop them?
[ edited by inot on Apr 24, 2003 07:43 PM ]
posted on April 24, 2003 09:04:18 PM new
When someone claims to have returned an item & then waits a month before asking where is my refund doesn't ring true at all.

An honest buyer wouldn't wait a month before inquiring & they would return the shoes in a day or so, insured with DC. They would then follow up with an email to the seller telling them to expect a package.

This buyer reeks of dishonesty.

posted on April 24, 2003 09:28:46 PM new
I have a friend that used to sell on ebay. She had ebay close her account due to the illness. I have been looking after her home and pets and handling some other things while she recuperates with her family.

She told me that she was expecting a few ebay returns and told me that once they arrived to check them and refund the customers their money. Some did arrive, I called and asked her how to handle them. She told me and I did so with no problems except for one.

On the 16th of April a customer wrote about a return. I was not helping at that time, so I was unaware of it unti the 21st. I responded immediately.

I am responding on behalf of the seller who is ill. Several packages have arrived at her house in the past week. If you give me your name, I will check and see if one of them is from you.

I don't know how she handles refunds so, I will have to ask her. Please be patient if I goof. I am not very computer literate, but I am helping out for know."

CUSTOMER: Responds with her name and nothing else.

"Hello (name deleted),
As of yesterday's mail they have not arrived. Do you have tracking number so, I can check with the postoffice here?

Thank You"

CUSTOMER: I don't have a tracking number, but I sent them back & certainly want my money back, I mailed them over 2 weeks ago, you should have them by now.

"When you mailed them is irrevelant. They are not here. I check her mail everyday and I am not sending a refund until they get here."

CUSTOMER: I think you are scam artist & I will report you to safe harbor

"Knock yourself out. Try the postal inspectors and the attorney general while you are at it."

I am looking for a little advice. Can ebay do anything about this?

I don't want to disturb my friend over one nasty customer. I don't know much about selling on ebay and a neighbor told me to check out this board. My last comments were snippy. She just made me angry. My friend has been selling on ebay for 5 years. She has a very good reputation and feedback. Many of her customers have been emailing her get well cards. I got mad when the buyer called her a scam artist.

posted on April 24, 2003 09:43:00 PM new
Itry: Just be thankful that you are helping a friend. Imagine if you had to deal with customers like that everyday.

You are right not to refund.

I don't have a tracking number, but I sent them back & certainly want my money back.

The comment above would have been enough to make me dig my feet in and not refund.

Is the buyer new on ebay?

I hope things workout and your friend gets better. She must be a darn good seller for customers to send her get well cards. :0
posted on April 24, 2003 09:46:19 PM new
The buyer has 80 positives and 3 neutrals. She sells sometimes.
posted on April 25, 2003 05:08:21 AM new
I knew it was a matter of time...

I have reported you to safeharbor. They said it is your responsibility to make a refund to me as promised. If you do not, your account will be suspended.

Yawn. I am not even going to reply.
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