posted on June 23, 2003 08:32:39 PM new
against me, and I keep reporting to ebays that his email is invalid, and they email me back saying it is valid!!!
There is this bidder, who hasnt had a feedback in 3 years, buys a fixed price item off me. I emailed him a total from my email, but it came back as invalid. So I emailed him a invoice through ebays, and he mailed me back, saying payment on the way. I emailed him back, it comes back again!
Payment was recived immedietly, I mailed the item, but he emails 2 days after I mailed saying "It;s been 2 weeks, wheres my DVD?" I found it odd that the auction closed a week ago, NOT 2 weeks. So again I emailed him, his email no good, so I asked a friend of mine to email him, email no good, I emailed him from another email service, his email no good.
Well 5 days after I mailed the item, DC shows it was delivered, but he emails saying "its been 3 WEEKS! I never got the item, and I will file fraud against you on ebays if you dont respond to me in 10 hours!!". AGAIN, his email is invaslid, and DC SHOWS it was delivered, and it was not 3 weeks, it has been a week and a half.
I emailed thru powerseller and rules and safety saying his email is invalid 3 times, and they keep emailing me back saying they checked it out, his email IS valid. How can his email be valid if it keeps coming back on 4 different email services??!!
Also my DC shows the item was delivered, I mentioned insurance is optional and recommended, my EOA states that I am NOT responsible for lost item, unless insurance is purchased.
Please help, as I dont want this clown filing fraud against me thru ebays for a 29.99 item, especially when I cant contact him.
I am afraid to hit contact info on him, for this guy scares me as his letters he writes hint he is mentally disturbed, so U dont want him to have my number. What can I do? Please help!
posted on June 23, 2003 08:40:35 PM new
It sounds like he has either you or your ISP blocked. That would explain why ebay says the address is ok. In cases like that it's best to mail another letter from yahoo or hotmail or another free email.
Don't worry about the fraud filing. That means nothing to ebay unless you have a lot of them filed against you.
posted on June 23, 2003 09:01:55 PM new
If Ebay can get through to him, just send him a message through the "send this auction to a friend" link. Tell him to unblock your ISP, and let him know what day it was delivered. The neighbor's dog probably snatched it out of his mailbox.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on June 23, 2003 09:19:01 PM new
Let him file. When Square Trade contacts you, give them the Delivery Confirmation number and be done with it.
Mario Andretti - “If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.”