posted on July 10, 2003 11:07:40 AM new
I was on their side until I noticed that the BIN price is 10 cents.
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I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
- Thomas Edison
posted on July 10, 2003 01:07:45 PM new
So they charge $11 s/h, which they state clearly in the auction. If you're going to scream "fee avoidance", you need to provide some rules as to what exactly constitutes it.
And I reject the "I know it when I see it" line.
For three pairs of anklets, would $5.00 s/h be fee avoidance?
How about $7.00?
How about $9.00?
I am not a bathtub full of brightly-colored machine tools on Vendio.
posted on July 10, 2003 02:19:25 PM new
Good question japerton...what do YOU think about it?
I don't see anyone knocking down their door to buy them at whatever price so I would'nt worry about it.
Guidelines for determining fee avoidance would have to be defined by ebay.
It looks like fee avoidance to me, but
at $11.10 for 3 cheesy pairs fo nylon socks, it's not a good value, so I would just move on.
posted on July 10, 2003 11:25:09 PM new
Amen AuctionAce
Fluffy, I am laughing....I guess it's not fee avoidance if you decide it's not fee avoidance.
BTW, I am not screaming, far be it, I think it's pretty obvious that it's fee avoidance. Unless the person is going to Fedex three pairs of socks, then not it isn't, but otherwise, it's patently obvious the seller is pocketing the difference to the tune of $5-6 bux, min.
But I did notice that the power seller does have reasonable shipping prices on other items, for higher starting bids.
Guess it goes to show you that even the seller knew what kind of shat they were pulling.
spelling edit
[ edited by japerton on Jul 10, 2003 11:36 PM ]
posted on July 10, 2003 11:35:01 PM new
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this is fee avoidance, pure and simple. Unfortunately, Ebay has never seen fit to take a position on this issue. I suspect they want to keep it open so they can selectively nail any seller who falls out of their favor.
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.