posted on July 25, 2003 06:20:37 PM new
I just ordered some boxes and got the If you are not automatically redirected, please click this link." I clicked the link and no problems ....boxes are on the way
posted on July 25, 2003 07:40:44 PM new
USPS "revamped" their site about a year ago...I think it's MUCH more difficult to, I couldn't find some of the items I normally order. It's MUCH simpler to use their phone service...The number is: 1-800-222-1811...option 4 (that's for priority items). Also, you have to use the phone system to order the pre-printed (with your name/address) priority mailing labels. So, I just use the phone for all of my priority ordering.
posted on July 25, 2003 09:04:49 PM new
I had the same problem a few weeks ago. The link and the redirected didn't work - just took me back to where I had started. I got so frustrated I just gave up, thinking there must have been something wrong with the website. It sounds like it is still the same. Guess I'll use the phone #.