posted on September 13, 2003 01:50:52 PM new
This is a silver or probably silverplated oval shaped dish. The lid is hinged and opens when you prss down at the tab on back. And then there is a little tube piece on the back that looks like it may be threaded inside. There is some type of crest on the lid. The outside needs polishing, but the inside is bright and shiny.
I can't figure out what this thing is. My best guess is that it is some type of cooking pan and that the tube is for a handle. But would a cooking pan have such ornate designs?
It measures about 7 1/2" long and is 2" tall.
Also... the first picture shows it with the lid slightly open. The only marking I found was the number 22 on the hinge.
[ edited by deltim on Sep 13, 2003 01:51 PM ]
posted on September 13, 2003 02:07:36 PM new
Thanks Lucy! That appears to be exactly what this is. I am getting tired of doing the ebay thing full time, but it's learning about little things like this that keep me going. Learning about new things is my favorite step of them all.
posted on September 13, 2003 04:11:17 PM new
You can also brush bread crumbs from the dining room table into the silent butler since not everyone used to smoke. Believe they used to make special brushes for that purpose.
posted on September 13, 2003 08:02:21 PM new
Silent butler sets had a container (like yours, sometimes not silver, sometimes copper or other metals instead)with a short handle, frequently wooden, AND a matching brush to brush the crumbs off the tablecloth. Too bad we don't have larger sizes to brush down our grandchildren!