posted on September 13, 2003 04:41:29 PM new
NO! I am buying it for ME! $22.00 marked on the brand NEW box,,,,,$4.00?. No problem.... (The small, two steaker kind)I put it together and threw some rail road spikes (found 5 on the railroad tracks) in the bottom of it,(Great! Real, HOT heat!) fired it up and Walla!!! BBQ Chicken! delicious,,,,mmmmmmm. Yummy!
Anyone care for a NICE HOT!!!! Fresh Baked potatoe? Butter, Sour Cream, Chives....a dash of FRESH ground pepper,,tad o' salt,,mmmmm......
posted on September 13, 2003 09:08:19 PM new
The worst sound in the world is when you grab an item at a yard sale for a quarter, knowing you can list it and get at least $50.00 for it and you rush back home to start taking pictures and the wife says " That's a keeper".
Neroter12...How do you fix that chicken? Do the molasses go on before or after you fry it? Sounds interesting.
Jack...Hang onto those railroad spikes. They come in handy sometimes when you have an especially nasty NPB
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on September 13, 2003 09:42:47 PM new
lol...its my own concoction, so sometimes I brush the chicken with it before I fry it, and sometimes after I fry it. Add garlic salt and pepper. It is an interesting taste.
Kinda makes it a sweet chicken I guess.
(I think they use molasses or something similar in some barbeque sauces, dont they?)
posted on September 13, 2003 09:55:08 PM new
Sounds intriguing. My wife is the chicken cooking artist in this family, so I'll pass it on to her. The molasses would probably be great on barbequed chicken also. We'll let Jack try it out on his new BBQ and he can report back
The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.