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posted on October 28, 2003 10:13:33 AM new
Buys ITEM, Pays, Shipped. End.

45 days later. Positive feed back shows up.
hmmmm,,,,can't remember getting paid?

Read here of those that post positive feed back even though they NEVER paid. (hoping that will end their obligation and seller may,,,,,, JUST CLICK A POS.)

O.k., e mail the buyer, please send the ups number to verify payment/shipment.

Wait, wait, wait, 15 days go by, No response. hmmm.

O.k. Ya want feed back, got it! Neg! Never paid.

Now, from July 17,,,to end of October? He NOW responds! I paid!

Sends ups number including 14 other forms of proof!

O.k. problem, Square trade, let's split 50/50.....$10.00/$10.00. You did a pos. I did the neg. Happens. I asked for verification you never responded.

Opened a case [][trade.

NO WAY! buyer says, You negged you pay!

Sorry, 50/50 or whatever.

You will be hearing from MY ATTORNEY!!!!!!says the buyer.

Any experience where this is going?

Cancelled the []trade case.

posted on October 28, 2003 11:07:15 AM new
I think it's your responsibility to know if the buyer paid or not. If I were that buyer I would be furious too.

posted on October 28, 2003 11:22:20 AM new
JACK; If you shipped it, it must have been paid for, Right? otherwise you wouldn't have shipped it.

posted on October 28, 2003 11:43:09 AM new
san,,,,,,,tons of sales. I asked him for the ups number, he Never bothered to reply back.

O.k. let me re phrase my opening statement.

Buys item. pays? shipped? That is why I asked him for a number. He had plenty of time to reply back. This sale was from July 17,03.

My question is this Attorney aspect. Is that going to go anywhere? Or is it all threat talk. He would rather hire an Attorney than simly pay $10.00 for []trade? 50/50.
posted on October 28, 2003 11:53:48 AM new

Don't you keep records of your eBay sales? For every item I sell I keep a record containing the item#, (brief) description, bid amount, s/h, total, e-mail, shipping address, payment rcvd date, date I first e-mailed them, and date they first replied. It sounds like a lot... but it's really not that time consuming. It saves you a lot of grief if you have a paper or electronic record of all your sales. Honestly... it seems like you're the one who caused the problem here by not having good records.

The buyer left you a positive and you left them a negative because you couldn't prove you shipped it to them??? Shame! Sorry, Jack... you're definately a great asset to this board... and I'm usually right there with you on your posts... but this time I think you're wrong. You should do the right thing and pay to have the neg removed. (of course they should never have threatened an Attorney... but that's beside the point...) Anyhow... I hope you start to keep records from this (if only for tax purposes alone!) I've still got all my records going back about 3 or 4 years!

posted on October 28, 2003 12:44:17 PM new
Sorry Jack,
You've been a BBBBAAAAAADDDDD boy. I have to agree with the rest of the posters. Your record keeping and trigger finger led to this, and now you want to play halfsies with the wronged party?

Life is not a dress rehearsal
posted on October 28, 2003 12:44:43 PM new
He's probably not going to get an attorney over a $10 dispute - but you never know. Wouldn't it be easier on your own peace of mind if you paid the full $20 and had the neg removed? In my eyes the buyer was not at fault.

posted on October 28, 2003 02:45:20 PM new
Get a lawyer for $10? Ok. whatever.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. B. Franklin
posted on October 28, 2003 08:07:49 PM new
Let's not be too hard on Jack.
I have had several people leave me a positive knowing I have a program that automatically returns it then claim they paid since I left them feedback. BS! But my items are cheap and I don't have any tracking numbers. I can see his point. He thinks he hasn't paid and thinks the buyer is pulling one on him. They don't respond. I would have filed the NPB first then the FVf if I never got a response from the buyer. Then I would have left a neg. But I wouldn't really concern myself with the feedback removal. It isn't worth it. How many negs do we have that people left underserving. So, once in a blue moon a seller is bound to make a mistake and leave an underserved neg. I thought it was nice to even offer half to remove it.
When is the last time a buyer fessed up to a mistake and offered to pay half to remove a neg??? NEVER!!

Forget it and move on Jack.
posted on October 29, 2003 05:36:30 AM new
I think the point is that a supposed "professional" doesn't know what he shipped?

...and fast triggers a neg... now that is a lesson in NOT how to do things....

posted on October 29, 2003 08:17:03 AM new
A "hobby" seller would not have a clue.
posted on October 29, 2003 08:26:53 AM new
God save me from the 'perfect' people.

Give me a break. We all make mistakes and when you do a lot of sales..it happens.

Dear Lord,
When I grow up I want to be as perfect as people like Twelvepole.
Just don't let me brag about it as much.
posted on October 29, 2003 08:59:49 AM new

You're right... we do all make mistakes. But... the right thing to do when you realize you made a mistake is to do what you can to fix it. Jack knows he made a mistake now. He should do the right thing and pay to have the negative removed. Hopefully, he'll also take steps to make sure this doesn't happen again. Mistakes can actually be beneficial experiences if you choose to learn from them.

posted on October 29, 2003 02:07:49 PM new
It appears I have more of a "clue" than a "professional"

I at least understand cutomer service and how I would want to be treated.

posted on October 29, 2003 02:21:31 PM new
To Who?
posted on October 29, 2003 10:53:08 PM new
Hey Jack.....my opinion is that you should not have left the neg unless you were absolutely certain that the buyer did not pay. (filing the NPB alert/FVF would have been the right course to follow, prior to the neg)
If you still feel that the neg should be removed thru SquareTrade but insist the buyer split the cost, give me your PayPal i.d. and I will send you the $10.00.

posted on October 30, 2003 03:03:35 AM new
You Jack... you should be a professional seller and get that buyers neg removed unless you can absolutely say they didn't pay...

and if you can't find you shipped something, doesn't speak well for your accounting records... might want to get a PROFESSIONAL Book keeper. You obviously have a large business and at times that is a neccesity even if part time.

posted on October 30, 2003 04:21:06 AM new
Thanks all for your inputs.

12 you can belittle me and other people all day long. I don't need a PROFFESIONAL accountant, but then again, send your accountants number I'll give e'm some work.

And how can you figure anything unless the buyer sends a ups number. HE NEVER BOTHERED TO RESPOND GIVEN MORE THAN AMPLE TIME. DID YOU READ THAT? Yeah,he paid.

Lesson learned here NEVER be leary of a positive feed back. Just give it right back whether they paid or not. Don't Question it, Don't think about it, don't bother e mailing if you have doubts, Just POSITIVE everyone. Even if a NPB slips in a positive, Give it right back. Positive: Wonderful person. never paid but great e mails.


Lead or be left in the Dust....

posted on October 30, 2003 04:49:52 AM new
WOW... the point went right over your head didn't jack...

WHY don't you know if he paid? That is YOUR responsibility...

Normal people throw away packaging and yes even sometimes the invoice...

Goodness they expect the seller would know all that...

You have no proof they didn't pay... they owe you nothing, but you owe them apology and a neg reversal.

But then again jack doesn't like it when he is wrong...

Oh and it is normal practice for a LARGE business to hire outside book keepers
nothing wrong with that and it allows easy look up in matters like this.
AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Oct 30, 2003 04:54 AM ]
posted on October 30, 2003 06:55:02 AM new
What's the definition of a professional seller? I know a hobby seller must do ebay sales part-time.
Shouldn't a professional seller sell full time on ebay to be termed a 'professional seller'?

-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 30, 2003 08:15:26 AM new
It is my understanding that jack has outside business interests also... truck rentals and so forth, a true business...

posted on October 30, 2003 08:31:03 AM new
It is NOT 12's UNDERSTANDING That Jack has outside business interests, It's because He STALKS my AUCTIONS. I do believe after you were THROWN off vendio for a month I asked you to not bother me. That was the time our ole buddy ROBERSTMITHSON, AKA,,,numerous other I.D.'s here posted my auctions which is HIGHLY against Vendio rules and he too took a little Vacation. You ARE bothering me. Wanna take another 30 days Vacation? You offer nothing only your SNYDE remarks. Why is this thread of SO much importance to you?


Do not answer.


posted on October 30, 2003 08:32:19 AM new
Who cares what others do outside of ebay? Sheesh, checking in here this morning you guys sound like two old gossipy ladies across the fence.

posted on October 30, 2003 08:33:57 AM new

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on October 30, 2003 08:42:17 AM new
Whoops! Didn't see you come in there above me, Jack.

Have a super day and ignore the gossipy geezers! lol

posted on October 30, 2003 09:24:49 AM new
last time I checked stating facts is allowed...

Did I talk about any auction? Nope

Did I give out personal information? Nope

Discussing of sellers has been allowed on here for quite sometime... kiara of all people should know that with all of her " keyword spamming" threads

Stalking? I call it trying to verify some of the stories you tell on here... Most of which seem to be quite exaggerated to make you look good and the buyer look bad... but that is the nature of most people...

Did I call you a name? Nope
Am I going to let you tell me what to do? Nope

edited to add... at least when WE had our vacation I was man enough to take it and not come back here as another ID... eh Fetish...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Oct 30, 2003 09:28 AM ]
posted on October 30, 2003 09:40:29 AM new
Discussing of sellers has been allowed on here for quite sometime... kiara of all people should know that with all of her " keyword spamming" threads

If I am searching for something and I find someone with numerous auctions and the whole dictionary in each one so it clogs up the search, yes I have mentioned it. But I don't go out of my way to stalk their auctions or find out what other things they are doing in their life or get personal about them here.

Don't bother starting with me, 12pole. Go back to the RT and play with Bambi, your bimbo blow-up babe. Or has she bored you already? Maybe paint green eyeshadow on her for a change...... might give you a whole new thrill.

[ edited by kiara on Oct 30, 2003 09:42 AM ]
posted on October 30, 2003 09:56:39 AM new
I have no interest in having ANY Fireside chats with you. Get LOST! Your an arrogant A$$........

Whatever your come back WILL be. I have a Real Business to take care of and No more time for your sillyness.

Get a job. Get a life! You have Far too much time on your fingers on Vendio to be doing anything really productive. Did your Welfare check come in yet?

posted on October 30, 2003 10:24:08 AM new
Sorry but I agree with the others here. You were in the wrong. You can try to justify it all you want but inaccurate record keeping on your part is to fault , not the buyer. The buyers did everything they were supposed to. They bid, they paid, they followed thru and sent you feedback. You screwed up. I know that with Works if I was in that situation all I would have to do is does a search of archived items using their email address and up would come their auction along with date nfo as to when the payment was logged in and when it was shipped.

Perhaps you should look into more professional assistance in your endeavors.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 30, 2003 11:05:30 AM new
Getting back on track, He never bothered to respond to my question, please respond with anything! Even his frigging address would have worked! After giving him MUCH time to do so. July17,to NOW.

Whatever, I'll open a [] trade case and get it off.

Jalleniii, I don't need your $10.00. If he never took the time to respond to a simple e mail AND given pleeeeenty of time to respond,what makes you think he'd respond to any NPB notices.

End of this.

Oh! and STALKER,,,,No doubt will keep a sharp eye on my feed backs.

I doubt anyone else would have even brought this subject up here.

You know what. I just got ANOTHER F/B from August! My new rule is,anything over 30 days, I just ignore it and go on. No response.

It's the same relist ITEM over and over and over and I have sold literally 1000's of them. It was not some trinket sitting in the corner awaiting payment. And there are MANY NPB's on this item. MANY I don't even bother with the e bays hoops to file.


Lead or be left in the Dust....

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