posted on February 5, 2004 07:20:46 AM new
.. that I got.
DEAR Citi-Bank _Client_,
_This _email_ was sent by_the_ Citbiank server to
veerify _your_ e_mail address_.
You must cmlpeote this poescrs by clicking on_the_link
bellow and enteering in the smmall window_ your CITIBANK
ATM/Debit card number and CARD PIN that you use in ATM Machine.
That_is _done_ for_your poetcrtion -7- becaurse some of_our
membres no lngoer have accses to their email addessers
and we must verify it.
posted on February 5, 2004 10:16:15 AM new
Turn them in to ebay and citi bank and let them take care of this. You are right about how badly this was done. Dumb crooks.