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posted on March 9, 2004 03:24:29 PM new
I was having either one of those Senior moments or a blonde moment when I shipped out a book and sent it to the wrong buyer. Thank goodness they were religious books and so that buyer was very honest and emailed me right away about the mistake.

I was trying to figure out how to email her a preprinted Endicia label and called Endicia. The first time I called I got the answering machine (lunchtime I guess) and left my number, I hung up and called again to a different extension and the lady there said "nope, it can't be done". About 15 minutes later this guy called me back and said, "actually you can do it if you have Adobe....not the reader program but regular Adobe".

I said I did (and I don't but I know they have a free 30 day trial for just about all their programs) so I started downloading Adobe only to find out it's a HUGE program! So I went back onto Google and looked again and there's a new program called pdfFactory that is miniscule and does the same thing.

Instead of going to the printer, it goes to a PDF document and you can email it or save it. So if I'd messed a label up, I could print as many copies of it as I wanted to.

This is only a 30 day program trial but I wouldn't half mind having it for real.

So I was able to email the PDF document to the buyer and they can slap that postage paid label on and pop it in the mailbox for me. Isn't that too cool?

I LOVE Endicia! You will too – Click here!
posted on March 9, 2004 04:51:10 PM new
Thanks glassgrl!

Good information.

The Adobe Program you are referring to is Adobe Acrobat®.


pdfFactory available at:


posted on March 9, 2004 05:08:17 PM new
Thanks for making the links for me!

I don't know if that will work with any other program or not. I had trouble understanding what the guy was trying to tell me how it worked...I kept saying.."so I save "as"?" Anyway, it goes to a PDF "printer" file instead of the actual printer. Then you can choose to print/email/or save as at that point.

The reason why they said I couldn't just print the postage and then scan it and email it was the resolution wasn't good enough. And that a PDF file is basically picture perfect same resolution. I forgot to turn it back to my printer, so when I printed a different label today it was already in the "saved as" folder - so I had to print it from there.

Maybe it's just the stealth bar code that they were referring to that wouldn't print properly if you saved it to jpeg and then scanned it.

I LOVE Endicia! You will too – Click here!
posted on March 9, 2004 05:54:08 PM new
If you scan a label and email it, it unlikely that it will be the same size when they print it.
I used to use a non Adobe program but it didn't work as good as the real acrobat. (I think it was pdf995 or something like that)

I use it for emailing Fedex return labels.

posted on March 9, 2004 06:06:52 PM new
How did you get around the date on the stamp?

As far as I know, the stamps are only good if the item is postmarked on the same day the stamp is dated for. Yes, you can print labels for future dates, but what if the person doesn't actually mail it on that day?

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous

There is no 'T' in Chess

Games of All Kinds - Replaymedia.com
posted on March 9, 2004 07:56:56 PM new
Glass you sure it wasn't a blonde senior moment"

As far as I know, the stamps are only good if the item is postmarked on the same day the stamp is dated for.

Not so. Endicia & the Post Office prefer the package be mailed on that date (for tracking purposes), but if it isn't used on that date it is NOT invalidated.

The Democrats ran on 'Honesty' and I told 'em at the time they would never get anywhere. It was too radical for politics. The Republicans ran on 'Common Sense' and the returns showed that there were 8 million more people in the United States who had 'Common Sense' enough not to believe that there was 'Honesty' in politics." --Will Rogers
[ edited by Bear1949 on Mar 9, 2004 08:01 PM ]
posted on March 9, 2004 09:28:37 PM new
"Not so. Endicia & the Post Office prefer the package be mailed on that date (for tracking purposes), but if it isn't used on that date it is NOT invalidated."

Are you sure about this?

What's to keep me from printing a stamp today, and mailing it next month. When they complain about slow delivery, I could say "look, it was sent on March 9th". It's not like there is always a visible postmark- in fact, I hardly ever see them.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but this seems like an easy way to be dishonest.

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous

There is no 'T' in Chess

Games of All Kinds - Replaymedia.com
posted on March 9, 2004 10:30:03 PM new
Absolutely sure, I have it happen to me all the time. Print the postage & take them to my mail box only to find the mail has already run. SO it doesn't get picked up til the next day. I have NEVER had a package returned for "INVALID POSTAGE" .

It's no different than running letters thru a postage meter that has the incorrect date.

If still in doubt send a email to [email protected] (I think that's his address). He's the top dog @ Endicia.

The Democrats ran on 'Honesty' and I told 'em at the time they would never get anywhere. It was too radical for politics. The Republicans ran on 'Common Sense' and the returns showed that there were 8 million more people in the United States who had 'Common Sense' enough not to believe that there was 'Honesty' in politics." --Will Rogers
posted on March 9, 2004 11:01:29 PM new
I've printed postage for a certain date, missed the day, and just did a 'date correction' on Dazzle.

But I believe Harry from Endicia, when he came here more, said it really wasn't that necessary if it was only a couple days late. I did the date correction anyway

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