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posted on March 11, 2004 03:59:48 PM new

posted on March 11, 2004 04:27:35 PM new
lol do you really wanna see it again ! Heres your micmic66

I'll be back with mine in just a sec

There is that better lol
[ edited by toasted36 on Mar 11, 2004 08:49 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 04:30:53 PM new
first of all..no fair cleaning off your desk first.

second...it's TIME everybody learned how to make a link here.
[*img][*/img]remove the stars.

upload your pic to VD.
open the picture, right click on it.
go to properties
cut and paste the url inbetween the [img]'s.

For URL'S same thing
[*url] [/*url]

Here's the saved AW page on "how the heck do I...?"

I LOVE Endicia! You will too – Click here!
posted on March 11, 2004 04:38:04 PM new
ok it looks about the same as last time lolololol ! This is what selling on ebay looks like in my house

posted on March 11, 2004 04:50:14 PM new
No cleaning the desk!! Not fair!!

posted on March 11, 2004 04:51:10 PM new
Darn...my Tiara isn't showing up!

toasted...is that a TV we're seeing? and an 'air cooled' computer?

This is the bill paying/photo editing computer. Everything else gets done on my laptop while sitting on the couch!

OK TOASTED you posted micmic66's picture...now make it a WEE bit smaller!

[ edited by glassgrl on Mar 11, 2004 07:49 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 04:59:00 PM new
Love the fact that you can see micmic66's desk in toasted36's picture. Maybe that should be a requirement to prove the picture is current.

I need to get my camera and come back later.

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.”
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
posted on March 11, 2004 05:01:17 PM new
photosensitive...to funny!!

posted on March 11, 2004 05:10:54 PM new
Now, you said "desk". You didn't say anything about the rest of my office.

Okay, to be fair, my desk is pretty cleaned off most of the time. Here's where the real mess is (gotta love the postal tape taping up the plastic on my windows!) There's a disaster in every corner:

posted on March 11, 2004 05:31:09 PM new
Nah no TV glassgrl...Thats my FREE 31 inch monitor...It wouldn't be here if it hadn't been free lol ! My uncle work the end of Video Poker that fixed problems like broken monitors,machines that were broke and so on....when Video Poker was outlawed in South Carolina they had like 30 days to get all the machines and piece out of the state.Soooo I'm storing this monitor for him lol ...gee it's just breaking my heart to have to keep it ya know Air cooled computer [grin] yup and fans,The toasted one said it stays cooler that way

Cheryl Rofl ! That free priority tape sticks to anything !! It's a on going joke in our house "You might be a red neck ebay seller if you use Priority tape to fix your headphones" It's better than ANY duck tape on the market !!
[ edited by toasted36 on Mar 11, 2004 05:31 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 05:35:57 PM new
Not my desk top, my table top. Still living in the trailer & will probably be here till August. My desk would be even messier.

posted on March 11, 2004 05:56:46 PM new
Here is my desk. I never work without my Alice mascot.

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.”
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
posted on March 11, 2004 06:04:33 PM new
Great thread!!

toasted - ROFLMAO @ "redneck eBay seller!" - us southerners know how to fix anything with Priority tape

McJane - it's neat! Honestly, that is how I would have predicted your desk/work area looked! And...is that a tv remote I see next to your laptop? LOL!

photosensitive - the first thing I saw in your photo was the stopwhining button! ROFL!!

I applaud all of you for posting pics of your desk! I am one of "those" kind of people that can't work if one thing is out of place on my desk, so it would be a waste of time to post photo - you would accuse me of cleaning it up just for the photo! But....my workshop, guest room-turned-inventory room, dining room-turned-shipping room....now that's another story!

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on March 11, 2004 06:18:51 PM new
wgm, if you mean the red thing, it's a cordless mouse. The TV remote is on the left in the dark area, at least it's dark on my computer. Right now I am watching The Apprentice.

I had to get a laptop because I don't have room for a computer. I also don't have enough room to be as messy as I like to be, besides I didn't show you the entire table!

Come on, show us your desk, neatness is not an acceptable excuse.

posted on March 11, 2004 06:44:01 PM new
Okay, here's mine...never thought I would apologize for being neat LOL!

You can't see in the photo, but my office is in the sunroom and the entire right side is windows, so it's a great room to work in. When we moved in here, the original plans were that half of the sunroom would be my office and the other half my little boy's "train room". Well, it's more like 80% train room and 20% office LOL

I had to put a plug in for Oliver - that's his latest photo on the monitor...he is such a spunky little guy!

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on March 11, 2004 07:06:13 PM new
I love threads like this - kinda nice to get to know my fellow posters better.

Anyway, here's my desk. Not too bad today but you don't want to see the rest of my eBay room,
or my dining room, for that matter.

I ate my dinner standing up at the butcher block in the kitchen because the dining room table's
covered with more than 50 pounds of vintage jewelry I bought the other day at an estate sale.
Spent the better part of today sorting it out.
Will be fun, though, to see how it does on eBay.


Edited to put in a couple of returns so the test wouldn't scroll all the way to the Pacific Ocean, which is to my right. LOL!

[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 07:07 PM ]
[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 07:08 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 07:20:27 PM new
glassgrl....your neck must ache. I used to be set up like that and it killed me.
[ edited by cramer on Mar 11, 2004 07:29 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 07:21:53 PM new
Ok, I didn't realize it was so messy until I took a picture....yuck.

posted on March 11, 2004 07:33:59 PM new
I love them too & also like to see pictures like wgm's son & her dog Oliver by her computer.

wgm, you & Lucy are way too neat & organized!

posted on March 11, 2004 07:41:36 PM new
thank you mcjane

As corny as this sounds, and I think you will understand it knowing what I have been through - but when I have reached my boiling point with some of the buyers I work with, having my little boy's pictures on my desk puts everything back in perspective for me and keeps me going. I couldn't do a lot of the things I do if it weren't for him

edited to add: the "crayon writing" thing that is hanging just to the left of the plant - it's a note he wrote me before Christmas. Believe me, he lives, eats, sleeps, and breathes trains - and the note reads "i love you more than Lionel Christmas" ("Lionel Christmas" is a train video I bought him right after Thanksgiving, and he has the dialog memorized LOL)

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
[ edited by wgm on Mar 11, 2004 07:44 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 07:49:16 PM new

Toasted===love the red phone....they sure have changed over the years.

posted on March 11, 2004 07:54:04 PM new
Mine is usually much worse but we are selling our condo so it's on th emarket and we have a showing tommorow..

My Ebay room also doubles as our guest Bedroom...I can't wait to get a house!

Oh Here is my kitty JuneBug!!

This is a great thread!
[ edited by junebug27 on Mar 11, 2004 08:02 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 08:05:02 PM new
Dang - Junebug is REALLY neat and tidy! LOL!

Here's my dining room table which is why I ate dinner standing up in the kitchen.

Edited to add: The spray bottle on the corner of the table is for nailing the parrot when he gets too noisy,
which he does when I'm right there in the same room with him for a long time. Brat bird.

Lucy the Magnificently Messy

[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 08:06 PM ]
[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 08:07 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 08:06:37 PM new
junebug, I love cats & seeing pictures of them.
I have eight & here is one of them, Peepers.

posted on March 11, 2004 08:22:40 PM new
LOL mslucy "spray bottle for the parrot"

I did the same thing today! It was 68 degrees today and I had the sliding glass door open.

Next door lives a yappie dachsund. He barks ALL DAY LONG! So I emptied out a spray bottle today and went over a squirted him.

He didn't bark anymore the rest of the afternoon! Now all I need is a Super Soaker & I won't have to leave my porch!

posted on March 11, 2004 08:29:40 PM new
LOL mslucy and glassgrl! The "super soaker" comment is just so visual!

mcjane - that is a very beautiful cat! His/her coloring is beautiful! Looks like one of those milk ad photos where celebrities have milk moustaches - "got milk?"

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to the people who sleep under the very blanket of freedom I provide, and then question the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on March 11, 2004 08:32:25 PM new

Sometimes all I have to do is show him the bottle! He runs over to the corner of his cage and glares at me.

Stoopid, stoopid bird... Well, he's not all that stoopid, he knows what the spray bottle means.
Mostly he wants me to give him treats, peanuts and stuff like that, or let him sit on my shoulder and
do what birdies do when it's nesting season.

Oh well, I'll have my table cleared off in a day or two, that is, unless I buy a
bunch more stuff at the estate sale tomorrow.


Okay, editing again to add breaks so the text doesn't scroll so far to the right. I'll be happy when this
thread goes to 2 pages, which I do hope it does. I'm enjoying the pics of my fellow posters.

[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 08:34 PM ]
[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 08:34 PM ]
[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 08:34 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 08:35:18 PM new
McJane Peepers is beautiful
I only have my JuneBug right now but when we get the house we are definitely getting him a friend
Lucy--I also have a bottle for June--I love him but he always wants to lay right on top of my jewelry and papers and picking him up off of everything lasts about a minute and Plop he's right back down
p.s. My desk has looked like your table before

posted on March 11, 2004 08:36:08 PM new
I can't believe I am doinng this but....

Kiara and Cheryl will get the humor in the fact that the coffee mug says She Who Must Be Obeyed. My monitor is way over to the side next to the TV (explaining the TV and the DVD remotes) and the keyboard shelf is actually stuck in the back position (explaining some of my screwier typing) and held up with zip ties. The calculator is my most important tool since I have to constantly due currency conversions. The black thing in the back is my dead halloween tree with multi color monolfiliment lighting, chessy Christmas tree garland and an annoying sqeel when the interior light rotates but I too lazy to dig into the cord spagetti below to unplug it.

Since everyone is posting their kitties I decided to include mine and the little "toy" he came trapsing in the window with today.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by Fenix03 on Mar 11, 2004 08:43 PM ]
posted on March 11, 2004 08:43:29 PM new
Ummmm... Fenix, dare I ask what the new toy is?

I'll close my eyes now - not sure I wanna know.

A long time ago I was house sitting. Included with the house was a big giant cat (a 21 pounder) who was
declawed on his front feet.

Didn't stop him for a minute. One time I was watching him out the window. He was stalking some little rodent.

Crept up on it and WHAM - out came that hind foot and the rodent was dust!
Tigger (that was his name...) felt duty-bound to present me with his trophy.
It was a baby gopher. Oh geeze... Spare me...

At least my parrot stays inside and doesn't bring
me little gifts.


[ edited by OhMsLucy on Mar 11, 2004 08:44 PM ]
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