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posted on April 26, 2004 08:26:13 PM new
Yea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made Power Seller Last Week Only took 6 Months.

posted on April 26, 2004 08:31:21 PM new
Great Job & Congratulations.

I love an eBay success story.

posted on April 27, 2004 06:56:06 PM new
Ah,,, not to warry, It'll go away sooner or later.....

posted on April 27, 2004 07:12:37 PM new
i'm happy for you too, jewelry .... congratulations!

I just am at a point where I'm getting burned out I think ....... comes and goes ... not to worry. ....... and i am NOT raining on your parade ... trudge on ... trudge on!! ...

posted on April 27, 2004 07:14:06 PM new
A newly-anointed Flower Smeller...

Answers to Questions Nobody Asked, #22:

Mighty Leaf Tea Company packages its loose tea in silk pouches rather than conventional filter teabags. It does not, however, seem to improve the taste of the tea.
posted on April 27, 2004 07:49:14 PM new
Congratulations!!!! I hope to be next!!!!

posted on April 27, 2004 07:51:34 PM new
Way to go, jewelry! Six months is great! There's a lot of hard work behind all those listings, so congratulations on a job well done!

(typo edit)
"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach
[ edited by wgm on Apr 27, 2004 07:52 PM ]
posted on April 27, 2004 08:14:17 PM new
Hope has NOTHING to do with getting to PS...Ya gotta meet e bays quota,,,,,It's not for YOU, it's for EBAY.......listing fees!!!!! LIST and SELL!! Snappppppppppp! to it......SELL!!!!!! and SELL Alot!! E bay wants YOU to WORK for THEM. You drop down and they WILL kick yer can right off with NO remorse what so EVER....SELL!!!!!!! LIST,,,,,actually,,,,,,they get the bucks whether YOU do or NOT,,,,,,,,list! list! list! Make EBAY MONEY is the REAL message......GET in here and SELL or GET OUT! $1000.00 a month.........I think ya get a brownie pin too,,,,,I never got mine,,boooooo,hoo,,,,,,I mean,,,in the MAIL.....I got invited two months after I got on e bay in 2000,,,,looked like BIG Brother,,,,,I just ignored it.......

Everything at e bay works,,perrrrrrfect. Have A Beautiful E bay day.
posted on April 29, 2004 08:03:48 AM new
I have one of those “old” certificates eBay sent out one year (sometime back in the 90’s) about Sales and Leadership.....a real antique now!

I am still a PS, but I don't work at it, and if I drop off once in a while, I don't care - I don't find it any advantage except in getting half intelligent support responses. Of course over the years, we have move 99% of our sales to web sites, which means, what I do or don't do on eBay has little effect on our income.

But, congratulations on your PS accomplishment.

My Boss Is A Jewish Carpenter! [ edited by jwpc on Apr 29, 2004 08:08 AM ]
posted on April 29, 2004 02:04:44 PM new
I am a power seller now, but it will probably go away this summer. That's because I am going to take over a month off, go to Alaska, go to Nevada - No complaints here! It will come back when I go back to work.

posted on April 30, 2004 09:42:14 PM new
While posts like those from jackswebb may appear cynical; it's just reality. And jackswebb hits the nail on the head.

I have been an on and off PowerSeller, depending on how hard I want to work. When I first saw the Power Seller icon next to my ID, I got all excited. But, I certainly can't see any benefit from it, in the least. In my experience, it does not effect sell through rates or bids. It's really worthless. Well, not to eBay, who takes it to the bank from the fees from our listings.

Just my view.

posted on April 30, 2004 10:21:58 PM new
I'm a seasonal power seller. About 6 months out of the year I can qualify and the rest of the time I'm under the minimum.

Ebayvet..If you're going to take time off to go to Alaska, why in the world would you want to come back

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
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