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posted on April 27, 2004 01:02:32 AM new
I came across this link, http://www.zoicks.com/feedback.htm and wondered if anyone has seen or used it before. It would seem to come in very handy for those you want to neg, but are having a Mexican standoff with. They'll neg you if you neg them. With this, wait until 90 days has passed then bomb their a$$.
[ edited by netdelivery on Apr 27, 2004 01:04 AM ]
posted on April 27, 2004 03:20:22 AM new
hmmm ... that IS interesting, ... but if it will bring up any old auction that is still in ebay's database, then after one would leave this 'late' feedback, wouldn't the receiver of the feedback be able to click on the auction number and leave their feedback too?

posted on April 27, 2004 09:28:48 AM new
Who here will be the first to try it?
posted on April 27, 2004 08:46:22 PM new
I think the net should be the ginnea pig.

posted on April 27, 2004 09:19:47 PM new
I'd gladly volunteer if I had any outstanding feedback to be left. Alas, I do not.
posted on April 27, 2004 09:22:08 PM new
Someone, anyone, post a clickable link...thanks.

Everything at e bay works,,perrrrrrfect. Have A Beautiful E bay day.
posted on April 27, 2004 09:42:02 PM new

Someone, anyone, post a clickable link...thanks

Nothing new to see - please move along folks...

Standard deep link into the eBay database.

[ edited by agitprop on Apr 27, 2004 09:43 PM ]
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