posted on April 28, 2004 05:17:35 PM new
So they start out,,,,,, I'll give you Half price and come and pick it up. You won't have to pack it.
sorry no personal pick up. thanks anyway,,,
THEN,,,,,,here it comes, YER a Crook! and your shipping is too high!
Oh, I'm a crook and YOU want to BUY OFF e bay? they'll hand me a quick $50.00 and come and get it? hahahahahah......... I am learning.......
It's an item they are dying to get. and the profits are in the ,,,,as I have learned,,,,,right here,,,AND on e bay,,,, Shipping fees...The "ITEM" is $1.00 and the Shipping is actually from seeing OTHERS ,,,,,selling the EXact same ITEM, for rediculously low start prices,,,,,Shipping is where the MONEY is......Hundreds of the SAME item.......Not just a FEW of US crooks. hahahahah. 100's...........
Especially those Wholesale Made in China sellers,,,,,$4.99 tie downs,,(nylon rope with a hook),,,Shipping $15.00.... hahahaha, weighs two pounds.....Those Shipping fees pretty much cover your, listing fees, your pay pal fess and whatever ELSE fees we are being feed from us. Works for them......hahaha, then again i read their feed backs,,,,RIPPED me on Shipping postage says,,,$2.99......
Well are the buyers blind,, HE said it right in the auction $15.00 shipping and handling......
Sheesh I went off on a tangent on this one....(:
Everything at e bay works,,perrrrrrfect. Have A Beautiful E bay day.
posted on April 28, 2004 05:30:36 PM new
I have had 5 in the last 24 hours......I ignored at first, then more came , then I thought be nice,,,,i replied,,,,explained,,,,THEN ALL of a SUDDEN Their replies started coming, Yer a Crook, I can buy this NEW and on and on and,,,,,
well, if ya don't like what ya see,,,go chisel another seller of the SAME thing down....BUT, the other sellers, Ain't,,,Local ,,,,,like ME.. Like i said, they are killing for this ITEM.
Everything at e bay works,,perrrrrrfect. Have A Beautiful E bay day.
posted on April 28, 2004 05:31:03 PM new
yeah,they dont want to pay sales tax,they dont want to pay shipping.
why dontyou let them have the item free??
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on April 28, 2004 05:38:11 PM new
Oh yeah,,,,,and the tax thing,,,,Why are you charging taxes,,,,well duh,,,,,this IS a business.....Oh, I just thought you were getting rid of some old junk, Well yeah I am, and when you pick up this piece of junk, I' ll go buy another piece of junk and SELL it too. I think that's called business? Anything sold in the State of Cali for nia,,,,,is State Board of Equailization monies due.
Everything at e bay works,,perrrrrrfect. Have A Beautiful E bay day.
posted on April 28, 2004 05:41:01 PM new
hahahahah, sorry lucy, loose lips ,sink ships,,,,This ship is going,,,ALL the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY...........
Everything at e bay works,,perrrrrrfect. Have A Beautiful E bay day.
posted on April 28, 2004 06:57:28 PM new
Jack...Under your Ebay info, change the part that gives your location as Los Angeles. Put in Lone Pine, Calif. It costs at least a hundred bucks to get to that place from anywhere in Calif. They'll quit bugging you then.
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on April 28, 2004 07:11:34 PM new
sparkz,,,,,ya got me REALLY thinkin' now,,,,,,Hawaii,,,,,,,,,on the internet WE can BE Where EVER we WANNA be at the Click,,,,of a button,,,,,,
Everything at e bay works,,perrrrrrfect. Have A Beautiful E bay day.
Lone Pine is pretty popular, eBay-wise, or so it seems. I had a RPPC of some cafe in Olancha, just down the road from Lone Pine. It sold for almost $60!
Ever been to Mule Days up there? Well, I guess it's actually in Bishop.
posted on April 28, 2004 07:51:59 PM new
Bishop,,,,,A Dear friend o mine just went and died on me, 60 years old,,,,X CHP,,,,,,,,a few years back,,,,,Yeah jack, use my address for your insurance on yer car,,,,there is ONLY three cars in the whole city,,,,Mine his and the OTHER guy,,,,,,,,he saves me a TON of money, and may he rest in peace forever,,,He saw the Pacific in the early fifties and told me of the sights he had seen,, battles and destruction,,,,,,6 foot 3,,,,,and he called himself a Lawman......He was the,,,,,He was a Man.....we met each other at the goodwill pickin' trash,,,,,he Knew schwinn bikes,,,,,,and he eyeballed what I, was buying,,,,,We sold together shoulder to shoulder in many Special swap meet shows,,,,one GREAT guy..i still miss him,,,He just up and died,,,passed away,,,,hahahaha, too many cops were at his funeral,,,,I,,,,,,could not go,,,,,hahahah, I,,,,Salute! rest in peace J.D......
I never knew his name til his wife said it one day,,,,,,,,,,He was,,,,,,He was a U.S. Sailor and A California Peace Officer, a Highway Patrolman.....
I know,,,,,,,he checked me out. 10 years were were mind pickin' buddies....Farewell my friend.....Taps....
I wonder,,,,,,Nah,,, Im gettin' a ticket!!!! hahahahaha.
The few, The Proud, The MARINES. Semper fi.
posted on April 28, 2004 07:53:46 PM new
Lucy...I've been to Lone Pine a few times in my younger days when I would spend the Summer months on the road in a truck. Beautiful country up there. The only problem is, when they built the town, they forgot to build any roads to get there. Only one highway going there and it's a very long drive from just about anywhere in the state. It's probably only a little over 50 miles from me as the crow flies, but I'd have to make a 450 mile round trip to drive there. Nobody would want to go there to pick up an Ebay purchase, especially with gas at more than 2 bucks a gallon. I would just pay the seller his charges and let FedEx or UPS worry about getting it to me. Funny thing though, these pilots at Lemoore Naval Air Station can make it to China Peak in less than 10 minutes. Their FA 18's are a little faster than my pickup, and they take a short cut
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
For sure, that part of California is isolated, to say the least. It is beautiful, though. Jack wouldn't have ANY bidders wanting to pick up their stuff if he said that's where he was!
FA-18s? (I hope I'm getting my airplanes right...) When my son was at the Academy, one of his summer cruises involved flying in one (as a passenger - he hadn't gone to flight school yet.) He had a two-day orientation just to ride in the thing. Simulator, etc. All that good stuff.
One thing that's pretty neat is, if you're at the Navy Lodge in Pensacola, the Blue Angels swoop by right outside your room when they're practicing.
posted on April 28, 2004 08:50:10 PM new
Him just up and dying for No Good reason and Tweedy just getting herself get killed on the road,,,,,,Are the Only real two deaths in my entire life that have had REAL meaning,,,a cat and a cop....Now if Tweedies two kids ever get ,,,,,,,,,,,I will just be heartbroken,,,,STAY OUT OF STREET YOU LITTLE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Live as long as ME,please,,,,Otherwise,,,Who is gonna love and FEED em''''''''''
posted on April 28, 2004 09:34:18 PM new
Jack...Sorry to hear about your friend. I went through the same thing. A CHP officer from the town I grew up in. He gave me a speed ticket when I was 15. We later became close friends. He was my CO in the National guard and was at my wedding. He passed away 4 years ago and I sure miss him.
Lucy...I was proud to make the acquaintance of a couple of Blue Angels. When they were accepted into the group, my company transferred them back to Pensacola. I'll never forget the day before we were to go out and pack one of them. He came by the office and left a key to his house and told us to go on in and get started. He was on his way over to the base. Said he had to make a hop down to Guam, but he would be back by lunch time the next day. I guess you can get a lot accomplished in a day when you have the keys to a FA 18 Hornet.
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on April 28, 2004 10:03:52 PM new
This is the reason that I only have WI for location.
I got sick of at least one email per week wanting to pickup.
I still get them every now and then asking where in the state I am but the are usually at the other side so it doesn't matter.
posted on April 29, 2004 04:23:09 AM new
Jack-sorry to hear about your friend. I just retired after working 36 years as a communications specialist for the New York State Police.After working nights,holidays and weekends,I can tell you your social life and number of friends are almost non existant.
I was almost a CHP myself-I took the test back in jan 1968.After passing the test I had to fly out again 3 weeks later to take the physical and failed the eye test! I never wore glasses before-go figure.
Sparkz--you got a speeding ticket at age 15??ahh what were you doing driving at age 15? lol
posted on April 29, 2004 02:08:31 PM new
I get a lot of requests too for people to pick up the item here. I have a very easy answer for that, and it is the truth - My business license does not allow me to conduct business out of my house. I am a mail order company, and I need to mail the items to comply with the restrictions placed on me with my license.
I've met people at a location in the past, but I won't do that anymore. It's just too much of a pain to do, so they need to have the item shipped.