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posted on April 30, 2004 06:08:56 PM new
I now have a book long email from ebay support.
The problem - they billed me late - waited another week to charge my credit card (paypal)- and the payment is still pending - I'm talking March's payment.
Paypal can't help as it's lost in ebay's system.
I'm about to be billed again and then my account will be past due. It will most likely be put on hold and no new listing or bids on what I have listed now.
Paypal has already deducted the money and won't refund it for three more days. So I can pull the money out my A$$ and pay again or risk being put on hold.
Support won't give me a number to call or anyone that can really speak English or understand it?
Don't get me started on the two FVF I've filed for and not received! Same support tech replies tonight - send me the information again and I'll check it out - what did he do 5 days ago when I gave him the info?
Add that to the Vendio SM Pro problems I had last night and as they say STICK A FORK IN ME - I'M DONE!!!!
Think I fell better now - but where's the Tylenol???
[ edited by ladyjewels2000 on Apr 30, 2004 06:10 PM ]
posted on April 30, 2004 06:14:05 PM new
Ralphie says: Hiya!

Didja catch Millie on Antiques Roadshow??

Did you hear Ralphie moan&drool over the Warhol??

Think Ralphie & I will rent out our apartment next year during the SUPERBOWL & retire to Tahiti...

posted on April 30, 2004 06:33:53 PM new
To heck with the Tylenol. Hit the two-buck-chuck. You will feel much better in an hour or two, but may regret it in the morning.

posted on April 30, 2004 06:55:26 PM new
Hi tomwiii
Yes I did see Millie on the RS - almost did not recognize her - where was that punk look??
Still planning on calling you "really" in the next month
We will talk!!!

posted on April 30, 2004 08:39:09 PM new
Het Tomwii if the Packers are in I might take you up on that. Ralphie's dog house will do. But, I doubt if the Tampa Bucs will be there.

posted on April 30, 2004 08:42:19 PM new
Lady Jewels here is what I do. When all my auctions are done for two weeks I go in and pay by paypal as not to be caught between the cracks. I also pay Vendio with PayPal and that has to be submitted 5-7 days before billing so I do the same there. When ebay screws up you wait, when you do your gone. Seems wrong to me. Good Luck.

posted on May 1, 2004 05:27:14 AM new
Good news - just got my credits.
But they still can't find my payment. So I'll just do it again
Then I will do what you suggested Libra so I don't have this problem again

posted on May 1, 2004 04:50:23 PM new
The last two months Ebay hasn't charged my bank account on time. They usually run it on the 20th, but all of a sudden, it is much later. They still haven't taken out March, but they did do February late as well and it finally went through.

posted on May 3, 2004 08:04:04 AM new
Well I got tried of waiting so I pulled out the old bank card (not paypal) and paid.
The next day I checked paypal and you got it - payment clear.
But guess what I still only show one payment posted and I don't have a clue which it was??
I am definitely going to another card that I will have some control over.
This is just crazy. You would like ebay had never heard of paypal??

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