posted on June 11, 2004 11:46:57 PM new
It seems to me that some time ago there was a post that indicated there was some sort of online database for looking up your college and high school yearbooks to see if there were any celebrities in them. I've tried a few times to find this again via google and no luck. Did I just imagine that this existed? Is this a case of middleheimers disease? Any help would be appreciated
posted on June 12, 2004 06:42:56 AM new
Seth Poppel was the person who had the database but I can't find it now either. An old Maloney's guide tells me that Seth will answer your question if you will send it to [email protected]
IF YOU DO NOT KNOW whether anyone famous is in your book, write to the Poppels, giving the name of the school, the city and state, and the year published. Please include a long SASE, for which they will also send you a list of books from your area they’d like to find. Great for serious yardsalers and pickers. They would also like to hear from you were a HS friend or teacher of someone who became famous.
Seth Poppel
Yearbook Archives
38 Range Drive
Merrick, NY 11566
(516) 867-6280
Fax (516) 546-4128
<[email protected]>