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posted on June 16, 2004 08:19:10 PM new
Miss Sixty
100% Authentic Miss Sixty Cargo Dublin FM Wash available. Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in this line. Please contact me via MSN / Yahoo / AOL Messenger for pictures / details.

25-100 pair $50 each
100-200 pair $47each
200-500 pair $44 each

Offers will be entertained on orders of 100+

****Many more styles / washes available please contact us with request

Seven For All Mankind
We currently have authentic Seven For All Mankind Flare Jeans In-Stock with a lead time of one week. Please contact me via MSN / Yahoo / AOL Messenger for pictures / Details

24-48 pair $49 each
48-96 pair $47 each
100-150 pair $45 each

Offers will be entertained on orders of 48+

100% Authentic (with all the paper work) Seven For All Mankind Pink "A" Available please contact me for details. (High minimums)


Von Dutch

Von Dutch Apparel (greasers, shirts etc...)/ Trucker caps available as well . Please contact us for details on these products.
Diesel Stocklot

Diesel Jeans stocklot available. These jeans are 100% authentic and come with all the release paper work from diesel. If you are interested please contact me and I will forward you a size/wash break down.

4000 pcs at 36 usd each, (price open for Discussion , FOB: UK)
Styles Include:


If you have any questions about any of these products please contact me via MSN / Yahoo / AOL Messenger
Best Regards,

posted on June 16, 2004 08:26:13 PM new
Can you say "SPAM"????
[ edited by bizzycrocheting on Jun 16, 2004 08:27 PM ]
posted on June 16, 2004 08:27:55 PM new
I can say it, but I just can't get myself to eat the stuff! LOL!!!!

posted on June 16, 2004 08:33:38 PM new
Why did you start this thread???

posted on June 16, 2004 09:23:14 PM new
This has to be the only board that I have seen where the users are so critical about what is posted. For the most part people have their blow torches ready to flame anyone that they don't agree with. Now I know I just opened the door to it with that statement, but I have been looking over these boards for the past couple months and that is my opinion (which I'm entitled to, so put the blow torch away).

Most of the people on this board are eBay sellers / business people. We should use this board as a business opportunity for our community. If you price out the items that I have listed you will see the opportunity that is there. Miss Sixty Dublin FM jeans sell all day long for 85+ dollars.

You can call this spam if you want, but if you step off your high horse and look what's on the post you will see that its' not.

Thanks for looking and if I offended you in any way I apologize. I just thought I would afford you the opportunity to make some money.


PS If you are interested I have 500 of these available and I can provide all release papers with them.

posted on June 16, 2004 09:29:39 PM new
You're kidding, right?

Your post is spam, pure and simple. If your whatever-they-are jeans were "selling all day" for $85 you'd be selling them yourself, not trying to palm them off here.

As far as this board being critical, maybe you and Doris should get together. Her skin is pretty thin too.


posted on June 16, 2004 09:39:15 PM new
We should use this board as a business opportunity for our community.

This Vendio board is not supposed to be used for hawking our wares, that's what ebay is for. We discuss our buying and selling experiences here.

No one is being critical, they are just following rules. Can you imagine if everyone started promoting their goodies here? Vendio user agreement says that spam is not allowed.


posted on June 16, 2004 09:41:04 PM new
Well put, Kiara.

posted on June 16, 2004 09:54:01 PM new

This is a case and point on the flaming issue.

Just wondering if you did any research before posting your reply? (I would say NO)
If you would have done a simple search on completed items on eBay you would have seen what I was talking about. I thought I was being conservative with my numbers.

Have you ever heard of the words Wholesale?
(I would say NO) Some people make there living selling bulk quantities of products. That is the wholesale business. Just for your future reference

I would hardly call a $1250 Minimum order palming anything off.

I see your point...I did not check the rules prior to posting. Sorry for interrupting everyone's social party with an opportunity. I won¡¦t do it again; I¡¦m not one to break the rules. ƒº


posted on June 16, 2004 09:56:37 PM new
Hey!! There is nothing on the tube so I came on to see what is up. I totally agree, this SPAM, no more, no less. No one in the past 2 years has so blatanly tried to sell a product. Really uncalled for.

posted on June 16, 2004 10:00:42 PM new
Like I said I was unaware of the rules on selling items on these boards and it won't happen again. Thanks for making me aware of this and I'm sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused anyone.


posted on June 16, 2004 10:12:15 PM new
Twc897, whatever...

Sanmar, I agree with you.

posted on June 16, 2004 10:51:05 PM new
You all are just intolerant of alternative business styles. Vendio's policy is obviously exclusionary. I think you should all just re-examine the crude and antiquated biases your hopelessly traditional host is saddling you with. Real Americans wouldn't complain about this and would be less judgmental. I plan to go to the spam pride parade, even though I'm not a spammer.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on June 16, 2004 11:55:54 PM new
twc897...I just stopped in to say hi and goodby. Sorry you couldn'd stay around longer, but I'm sure when the sun comes up on the west coast in the morning and Vendio sees this thread, your ass will be toast. You might try using a few of the professional spam vendors that are not in jail yet. You'll reach a wider market and if you bundle a "Get Rich On Ebay" video offer with your counterfeit textiles, you might get enough for a couple six packs before you hear that knock on your fron door.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on June 17, 2004 02:17:24 AM new
hello twc

"....where the users are so critical about what is posted."

yeap-most people here are very "critical", especially about business...

"We should use this board as a business opportunity for our community"

as old wong once said: what is this "we" $*^& ?
posted on June 17, 2004 02:33:10 AM new
Hey! RALPHIE needs a few INVESTORS to help send him to AFRICA & pick up his share of $10million!

Get in on the ground floor & send moola to...

posted on June 17, 2004 08:00:17 AM new

[ edited by OhMsLucy on Jun 17, 2004 09:15 AM ]
posted on June 17, 2004 08:11:47 AM new
If you have been watching this board for a few months .........like you stated........you never would have posted your spam............

What you have done is not related to this board, your topic belongs somewhere else..............
We are not being picky about content, we are all following Guideline Rules,..........
AND, offering your items for sale is not following the Community Guidelines, it's as simple as that.
So as you watch this board, try understanding what it's all about.
posted on June 17, 2004 10:42:46 AM new
This will be my last reply to this thread; I consider it a dead issue. Sorry in advance for the long post!

I want to go over a few definitions prior to making my closing statement. I am doing this to make sure everyone understands the Strict meaning of these words. All of these (with the exception of one) are straight from Webster.com.

Main Entry: 1whole•sale
Pronunciation: 'hOl-"sAl
Function: noun
: the sale of commodities in quantity usually for resale (as by a retail merchant)

Main Entry: 1spam
Pronunciation: 'spam
Function: noun
Etymology: from a skit on the British television series Monty Python's Flying Circus in which chanting of the word Spam (trademark for a canned meat product) overrides the other dialogue
: unsolicited usually commercial e-mail sent to a large number of addresses

Vendio’s Definition
d) Spam. Use the Communication Service in connection with surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk email, spamming or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise).

Main Entry: ig•no•rant
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&r&nt
Function: adjective
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>
- ig•no•rant•ly adverb
- ig•no•rant•ness noun

Main Entry: op•por•tu•ni•ty
Pronunciation: "ä-p&r-'tü-n&-tE, -'tyü-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : a favorable juncture of circumstances <the halt provided an opportunity for rest and refreshment>
2 : a good chance for advancement or progress

Main Entry: 2slander
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sclaundre, slaundre, from Old French esclandre, from Late Latin scandalum stumbling block, offense -- more at SCANDAL
1 : the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation
2 : a false and defamatory oral statement about a person -- compare LIBEL
- slan•der•ous /-d(&r&s/ adjective
- slan•der•ous•ly adverb
- slan•der•ous•ness noun

Now, with all of these new words that we have all learned I will make my closing statement. Those of you that have posted to this thread and shown your ignorance (see definition above) I will do my best to educate you. I think that we should take a look at both definitions of the word spam (see definition above). I did not offer this opportunity (see definition above) in a mass e-mail or was it any more unsolicited than some of the order post here (i.e. Anyone else ready for a vacation or Can you name my dog please, these are completely off the main forum topic and could be viewed as unsolicited threads). This may have taken on a commercial / unsolicited form due to the nature of the post. So yes this may be considered spam, but not in the literal since of either definition, so this makes it subjective to your own opinion.

In the United States freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Through Supreme Court decisions and popular usage it has come to be associated with freedom of expression. Some argue that this linkage is necessary, as the purpose of speech is to express ideas, and ideas can be expressed through non-speech methods of communication as well. Others argue that substituting freedom of expression blurs the distinction between meaningful debate and (sometimes prurient) entertainment. Everyone in America is entitled to their own opinion, and expression of these opinions, by the constitution as long does not intrude on others opinion.

My opinion was that this was not Spam but rather an afforded opportunity that I was sharing with our community (that is were the WE comes in “myoldtoy”, WE are all sellers on eBay so that makes all members of a Community). Your opinion may be that it is spam and not an opportunity due to your ignorance of the apparel industry and how it works.

Addressed Statements Made by the community on this thread:
1. “If your whatever-they-are jeans were "selling all day" for $85 you'd be selling them yourself, not trying to palm them off here” ****Ohmslucy

I understand that there are a lot of you out there that don’t understand the economics of wholesale (see definition above). I’m not going to long dissertation about wholesale verse resale and the relationship of profit per item and profit per hour. Wholesale is just as profitable as retail due to the high volume of merchandise and the turn around time on your investment (profit per hour). Personally I like to do a little of both depending on the item and profit margins. If you would like more information on this I’ll be happy to recommend some books.

2. “You might try using a few of the professional spam vendors that are not in jail yet. You'll reach a wider market and if you bundle a "Get Rich On EBay" video offer with your counterfeit textiles, you might get enough for a couple six packs before you hear that knock on your fron door.”****Sparkz

First I want to address the vulgar language that you used in your post. It has been my experience that those who use vulgarities to make their point are covering up for a lack of vocabulary and the ability to compose a complete argument for your point of view. Now I know that your statement on the FAKE TEXTILES this would be considered slander if it were spoken and make it a matter that could be brought up in the civil court system. You have no direct experience with the products that I sell and their authenticity, so how can you make that statement? That libelous statement is a direct attack on my character (you can look “libelous” up on Webster if you would like to know the exact definition of this word, I suggest that you do so you understand the statement). With all this being said lets just chalk it up to your ignorance on the matter.

I will close by saying that I apologize for any inconvenience / hardship that this thread might have caused anyone. This won’t happen again and I hope that you walk away from this thread a better person and less judgmental, think before you type! I will also concede to the fact that this was a violation of Vendio’s user agreement under chapter 1 section b (Advertisement, See Below) this was not intentional in any way. I was ignorant of this regulation and it won’t happen again.


b) Advertisements. Advertise products or services (forums only). Third party representatives may answer questions about services in a strictly factual and non-promotional manner if asked; however, Vendio may end a discussion if we believe that a third party or any of its representatives initiated or are perpetuating the discussion, are promoting its services, or that ending the discussion is otherwise appropriate. Your signature line may contain a link to your personal web page, your email address, your user id, a non-profit organization, an email list, or a website not in competition with Vendio (as determined by Vendio in its discretion). Post a link to any transaction to promote the transaction or discuss the seller/buyer.

Ps. Please try and ignore any typographical errors in this post. Thanks

posted on June 17, 2004 10:50:24 AM new
Whew! I need a nap after THAT dissertation.

Wonder if the time spent writing that post could have been better utilized, maybe ... promoting the textiles somewhere else? Just a thought.

posted on June 17, 2004 11:03:56 AM new
Oh, I hope it's not their last post - this one is even better than that dingbat who kept telling us her husband was a lawyer. It's going to be a slow summer, and we could use the entertainment.

posted on June 17, 2004 11:10:05 AM new
Okay, I'll play.

Vendio’s Definition
d) Spam. Use the Communication Service in connection with surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk email, spamming or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise).


not asked for: given, sent, or received without being requested


relating to commerce: relating to the buying and selling of goods or services

done for profit: done with the primary aim of making money

posted on June 17, 2004 11:44:08 AM new

I see your point...I did not check the rules prior to posting. Sorry for interrupting everyone's social party with an opportunity. I won¡¦t do it again; I¡¦m not one to break the rules. ƒº " s/mark

"Thanks for looking and if I offended you in any way I apologize. I just thought I would afford you the opportunity to make some money." s/mark


"Like I said I was unaware of the rules on selling items on these boards and it won't happen again. Thanks for making me aware of this and I'm sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused anyone."


annnnnnnnnnnd, finally,

"I will close by saying that I apologize for any inconvenience / hardship that this thread might have caused anyone. This won’t happen again and I hope that you walk away from this thread a better person and less judgmental, think before you type! I will also concede to the fact that this was a violation of Vendio’s user agreement under chapter 1 section b (Advertisement, See Below) this was not intentional in any way. I was ignorant of this regulation and it won’t happen again."

..i stand my earlier thread, taking him to task on the "we," and that the sellers/posters here all view THEIR work, AS WELL AS OTHERS, with a critical eye .

Mark certainly made the effort to minimize his "offer" to the community, as well as continually apologizing for everything...from offending to breaking the rules...

..what more do you want?


posted on June 17, 2004 11:44:28 AM new
Who posted anything about FAKE TEXTILES? I sure hope he comes back.

Damariscotta is right ... it's gonna be a sloooooooow summer - entertainment is appreciated.

posted on June 17, 2004 11:51:07 AM new
But....should spammers be allowed to marry?


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on June 17, 2004 11:51:09 AM new
When did "ass" start being considered vulgar language?

[ edited by TnErnie on Jun 17, 2004 11:51 AM ]
posted on June 17, 2004 11:52:48 AM new
myoldtoy, I don't want anything. Mark followed up just awhile ago with this post:

I think that we should take a look at both definitions of the word spam (see definition above). I did not offer this opportunity (see definition above) in a mass e-mail or was it any more unsolicited than some of the order post here (i.e. Anyone else ready for a vacation or Can you name my dog please, these are completely off the main forum topic and could be viewed as unsolicited threads). This may have taken on a commercial / unsolicited form due to the nature of the post. So yes this may be considered spam, but not in the literal since of either definition, so this makes it subjective to your own opinion.

It sounds to me that he is trying to defend himself as to whether this was spam or not so all I did was give the definitions of the words used by Vendio. I have no agenda here, all I did was make a comment same as I did last evening.

One other note, I think it will be a long summer also if everyone has to defend and explain themselves each time they make a post here.

posted on June 17, 2004 12:18:08 PM new
hey, you forgot a definitiion!

Spam : the meat my dear hubby likes between two slices of fresh Wonder Bread

posted on June 17, 2004 01:05:34 PM new

"....defend and explain themselves each time they make a post here."

i guess that is what i was so eneptly trying to say...

thanks, myoldtoy

edited to add: and all that comes from someone who cannot spell inept.
[ edited by myoldtoy on Jun 17, 2004 01:07 PM ]
[ edited by myoldtoy on Jun 17, 2004 01:07 PM ]
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