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posted on July 7, 2004 03:23:43 PM new
Over the last few months I've found the experience of surfing the net harder and harder. Between endless pop-ups, error messages, spam e-mails, etc., I'd give up on the Internet entirely if it wasn't my business. Things seem to be getting worse at an exponentially increasing rate. This has to be affecting the number of people surfing the web, and consequentially, the number of buyers looking on Ebay. I've tried numerous remedies, many of which have been suggested on this board. If things continue I see a signifigant and dramatic change in the delicate buyer/seller ratio that has caused Ebay to succeed. Is there an answer? Are there other web browsers out there, like Mozilla, that may be the answer.
posted on July 7, 2004 03:33:49 PM new
Try a firewall with a popup blocker. I use Zone Alarm Pro and seldom get popups.

posted on July 7, 2004 04:03:52 PM new
Sounds like someone has broken the internet again.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 7, 2004 04:19:02 PM new
Try Google's or Yahoo's toolbar. Both have pop-up blockers that work pretty good.

posted on July 7, 2004 04:23:21 PM new
Try using the Opera browser. It has a very effective pop up control built in. It also has the ability to emulate Internet Explorer or Mozilla.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on July 7, 2004 04:47:35 PM new
Hi sparkz is right...opera or foxfire by mozilla stops popups, reduces cookies.
We switched about 3 weeks ago when the hijacking of sites began with the hole in microsoft.
posted on July 7, 2004 04:48:31 PM new
posted on July 7, 2004 05:26:15 PM new
I appreciate all the suggestions.....and I'll try some. Keep them coming as they are welcome. Some I have already tried(like ad-aware, and spybot), without any long-term success. My point however is about the end of Ebay, and the Internet. If the average person, especially newbies to the Internet(and yes, I do think that still 50%+ of the populace still qualify as newbies), has to institute these defensive measures just to do normal web surfing, then what does that mean for Ebay's future? Forget about a nickel raise in insertion fees, or the end of reserves, or the Ebay/Paypal issue. These will all be minor compared to the bigger picture, unless there is some simpler solution to solve it.
posted on July 7, 2004 05:26:17 PM new
I use Netscape and rarely get pop-ups. Just once in a blue moon...

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on July 7, 2004 05:51:29 PM new
I've said it before... and I'll say it again... if you're sick of SPAM, pop-ups, error mesages, and viruses... switch to an Apple computer! Mac's running the current OSX operating system do not have those problems to deal with!!! Point by point:

1) Pop-ups: Apple's Safari browser has a built-in feature to reduce/eliminate pop-ups

2) Error messages: No "blue screen of death" on a Mac. If you happen to be running the dreaded microsoft programs... and one of those crashes... your operating system stays stable! The benefit of running an operating system based on UNIX.

3) SPAM: Apple's Mail program has advanced filtering to sort through SPAM messages.

4) Viruses: Not a problem on a mac! There has only been ONE virus that could possibly affect OSX... and that was "theoretically" created in a lab environment, and to knowledge has not been publically distributed.

5) Spyware: Once again... not existant for OSX. Windows (in Microsoft's wisdom) lets programs install themselves without the users permission. Not so with OSX. Not to mention, the .exe files that contain the spyware won't even open on a Mac.

I could go on and on about reasons to switch to a Mac... but fortunately... Apple's already put up a website with the information. Go to:


Honestly... if you switch to an Apple you'll be much happier than living in the Microsoft world. Check it out, and decide for yourself!

posted on July 7, 2004 05:58:23 PM new
You can join the other SIX gronks in the MAC population -- donna forget to bring yer BETAMAX tapes -- hot trades for one&all!

For entertainment, be sure to enter the Tony Orlando Talent Competition!

posted on July 7, 2004 06:06:02 PM new
I appreciate the suggestion to switch to Apple. It may work out fine....for me. But as tomwii suggests, it does not address the bigger question. Most people use Windows, and especially newbies have Windows thrown at them. It's not the answer.
posted on July 7, 2004 06:13:33 PM new
It may not be as bleak as you imagine. 40 to 50% of the newcomers to the internet are starting up with AOL. Their newest version (V9.0) has one of the best popup filters in the industry. Their spam filters dumps about 95% of all spam in a folder that can be deleted in bulk or viewed for legit email that made it there by mistake before you delete it. Their email is scanned for viruses before it ever gets to your inbox. I have not received a single virus infected email in over 6 months. The other ISP's are gradually catching up also. Their biggest single fault is they still install Internet Explorer as the default browser. Why they would use such a buggy and insecure browser, when they own Netscape has never made sense to me.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on July 7, 2004 06:22:16 PM new
Most people used horses to get to town once too. The lo and behold, someone came along with a better, faster, and less tempramental method that didn't crap on you. Times change, technology evolves and things like Windows get left behind.

Come on, lets be realistic - Microsoft has been chasing Apples tail in terms of programing and technology advances for a decade now. Every day new weaknesses annd holes in their system are exposed.

Please tell me.... with all of the problems that Windows has had, and all of its weaknesses ... why in the world would you opt for it? It is the weak link in your business chain. You yourself have stated that it's weaknesses are making your business more diffcult to run and yet you are going to advocate it? Why?

If you had a car that was as buggy and problematic as your windows based computer, would you decided to stick with it as opposed to a more efficient model just because everyone else drove onne like it?
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 7, 2004 06:22:21 PM new


posted on July 7, 2004 06:32:50 PM new
Tom - honey... we are talking about stability and safety concerns that are intergral aspects of the operatinng system. Not a bout a bad latch.

Why don't you come back whe you find some articles 14 dutch kids causing millions of dollars worhth of business inturuptions to companies using Linux based systems. I'll wait.....

Or just go to one of the virus reporting sites and bring us info on the ones that affect Mac users. Don't worry - we'll still be here
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 7, 2004 06:39:13 PM new
Since they operate under the 'a sucker is born every minute' business mode, no, I don't think so. I think they are trying to slow it down, so they don't run out of suckers. You know' grab their executive perks as long as possible.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on July 7, 2004 07:02:34 PM new
fenix and sparkz....i agree with most of what you say.....but a switch to Apple is only the answer for me. For the vast majority of newbies, they are stuck with Windows, with all it's faults. And obviously most computer owners already are stuck with Windows. .......For those old enough, or those who know history, imagine the average American Joe buying a TV in 1955, to watch Milton Berle, wrestling, and a baseball game or 2. Suddenly their TV is taken over by endless commescials......except then there was an end to the commercials. Now there is no end. It's not a matter of adjusting your antenna. You now have to be an electronics wizard to fix the problem, or buy an RCA instead of the Zenith. It's not right, and it won't work. There has to be an easier solution.
posted on July 7, 2004 07:18:20 PM new
Long - yes - you can install Linux but other than that, Windows is an inferior product which is overly suscepitble to attack and whose manufacuer is unwilling or unable to create a better version of.

There is a big difference between how you want things to be and how they really are. remember, you really do get what you pay for. I've never understood the Windows users mentality. They bought the lower priced product and for some reason are baffled when they find out it is also lower quality.

As long as you are going to use windows, the first thing you should do is erase Explorer from your hard drive. It's an absolute piece of trash.

When you get an opportunity some time in the future, go to your local apple store, and have them take you on a tour of the operating system, tell them what your computer needs are and let them show you that all the software that you need really does exist and then com home and get on ebay and price some of the eMacs and iMacs. Chances are you will find that you have been introduced to something that is much easier to operate and versatile than you thought it was and is more affordable than you thought as well.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Jul 7, 2004 07:19 PM ]
posted on July 7, 2004 07:30:41 PM new
Another alternative is to fdisk the partitions off your pc, reformat and install Linux with Netscape or Opera as a browser. I have Linux Mandrake V7.0 which I intend to install on an older pc and get my feet wet. As soon as I get familiar with it, I will probably wind up installing the latest version on my main machine.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on July 8, 2004 12:27:09 PM new
sparkz -- Glad to see another Opera fan.

I don't have much hope that Opera will become big in the U.S., though. Not when 50% of ther population thinks AOL is just fine.

posted on July 8, 2004 12:49:59 PM new
I use Norton Security & Spy Sweeper. Also Verizon DSL is really good at blocking spam. I rarely have a pop-up or spame. I think a lot of your problems may be not using a firewall & ad blocker. But then, what do I know?

posted on July 8, 2004 02:21:01 PM new
Despite what the Mac users will say - Apple is now irrelevant. It has fallen below 3% of PC users. Linux actually passed it last year as far as deployments.

Try to find ways to work on a Windows PC.

Windows 2000 and Windows XP do not have blue screens. IF you are using an older version, I would update immediatley.


I just updated my new website - give me your feedback on it.
posted on July 8, 2004 07:59:36 PM new
posted on July 8, 2004 09:50:27 PM new
Despite what the Mac users will say - Apple is now irrelevant

Yeah, we've been hearing that since '89. How long does it take a company with 4 billion dollars in cash and no debt to go broke anyway? Who gives a crap about market share? The real truth is that M$ is unnecessary and irrelevant. Hardly anybody needs them. What possible difference does it make what computer your neighbor or co-worker has at home? Is that why you chose your car, because most people have one?Anyone who chooses to use Microsoft's fat, buggy programs deserves them. In spades.

There's really only one reason Windows users insist theirs is the only real platform. Misery loves company.
If the world made sense, men would ride sidesaddle.
posted on July 9, 2004 06:33:11 AM new
I just can't stand inaccurate information....

Toben, the Blue Screen of Death has been present in every Windows operating system... including Windows 2000 and XP. To learn more about the BSOD, go to the following website:


As for market share... well... Market share is a STATISTIC. And we all know that statistics can be manipulated. I assume that you're getting your 3% number from the latest IDC report. Let me explain how that statisitic is formulated. They take the total number of reported Apple computer sales and divide that number by the total number of computer sales. That only shows that out of the computers sold... 3% of new computers were Apple. That does NOT mean that only 3% of computer users are using Apple computers. Studies have been done that show that Apple users on average keep their machines longer than Windows users. (because the machines are well built and don't need replacement as frequently). Therefore, it makes sense not to see as many Apple computer sales in comparison to the Windows machines.

Secondly, despite a seemingly low market share statistic... you neglect to mention that Apple is RANKED fairly highly in comparison to other vendors. During the 2003 year, it was #5 in sales of all computer vendors in the United States. Not bad if you ask me! A very accurate comparison with Apple computers is to compare its place in the computer world to BMW's place in the car world. They both have similiar market shares... they both create quality products... and they both are happy serving a niche market. There will always be a place in the world for companies that cater service, quality and innovation to compete with the mediocore mass-production of inferior products.

posted on July 9, 2004 10:35:12 AM new
There will always be a place in the world for companies that cater service, quality and innovation to compete with the mediocore mass-production of inferior products.

Well said.
If the world made sense, men would ride sidesaddle.
posted on July 9, 2004 12:32:25 PM new
Over the years I have been a college educator, a graphic artist, and a web designer and among my peers Mac users have been far in the majority.

I spent many hours on a Windows machine when I worked in a corporate setting. I have a Virtual PC program on my Mac that can run any of the very tiny number of programs I need that are not available for the Mac so I know the difference in the platforms.

The Mac is more elegant, intuitive, and fits the way I work in ways that Windows can not.

Apple Macintosh Users:
The Few!
The Proud!
The Smart! (because we know what we like are not afraid to be different.)

“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as of the pen.”
Maholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947
posted on July 9, 2004 01:56:12 PM new
We're getting off topic here. This is turning into an Apple vs. Microsoft debate. Apple may be the answer for those that have Apple, but face facts.....Microsoft has a firm grip on the PC market and related OS and software, and Apple will never be more than a niche market, even if it is a far superior product. The topic is the end of Ebay(and the Internet), due to it's takeover by advertisments and pop-ups. I don't necessarilly agree, but for what it's worth during my talk yesterday with an AOL tech rep(sic), he expressed the opinion that Al-Qaeda was behind the effort to disrupt the Internet. For the average Joe, who uses both Internet Explorer and AOL, if the answer is "fdisk the partitions off your pc, reformat and install Linux with Netscape or Opera as a browser", then we're in big trouble.
posted on July 9, 2004 06:56:01 PM new
The topic is the end of Ebay(and the Internet), due to it's takeover by advertisments and pop-ups..

didn't mean to go OT, and I'm not sure we did. Those of us in the Mac community just fail to see what all the adware-spyware-popup hoo-haw is about. We don't suffer from it, and are always happy to point out that there is a very simple solution....oh well...
Beware the man of one book.
- Thomas Aquinas
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