posted on July 18, 2004 11:35:31 AM new
This was so unusual, I had to share it. It is a raised reliefed metal plate depicting a fighting Samurai Warrior in action. Look at all of the detail ! My little karate kid is trying to talk me into keeping it. He loves karate, samurai warriors and especially dragons. check out the clouds! They are dragons too! See if you can find the lotus blossoms.
posted on July 18, 2004 12:21:08 PM new
looks more like a tiger to me,look at its feet.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on July 18, 2004 02:22:26 PM new
Thank you for sharing paloma. It brings back fond memories of my trip to the Far East a couple of years ago. Saw these plates for sale in Tokyo, in various sizes, in just about every tourist store I passed by, especially the airport. They cost about $50 there for the dinner plate size.