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posted on November 29, 2004 01:15:37 PM new
How can I edit somethimg or delete it on EO

posted on November 29, 2004 01:40:13 PM new
Can you be more specific? By EO, do yo mean End of Auction? Did the item sell or are you relisting?

Life Is Too Short To Drink Bad Wine
posted on November 29, 2004 02:34:29 PM new
on EBay Outlook. how do you get the edit to come on by your reply??

posted on November 29, 2004 02:36:13 PM new



CLICK da little edit link...

posted on November 29, 2004 02:51:30 PM new
thanks tom - been trying all day to send you this pic and finally figured it out with the help of a Vendio rep
here ya go gohttp://imagehost.vendio.com/preview/ni/niel35/QUACKMEUP.gif

posted on November 29, 2004 02:52:32 PM new
will try again

posted on November 29, 2004 02:53:04 PM new
finally - and you really do, sometimes

posted on November 29, 2004 02:53:48 PM new

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