posted on January 13, 2005 06:00:16 PM new
Interesting article..Seem that some sellers are already questioning if the government or a fair-business consortium should regulate eBay's fee structure so that the small scale entrepreneurs don't get gouged
[ edited by ciao346 on Jan 13, 2005 06:01 PM ]
[ edited by ciao346 on Jan 13, 2005 06:03 PM ]
posted on January 13, 2005 08:46:26 PM new
Sorry but I am a laizefare(sp) kind o' Guy. It's e bays Business (Megs)if they (she)wants to go out of Business, that's her Business. Sooner or later SOMEONE out there HAS to Come up with REAL Competition! SOON!Real SOON!
posted on January 13, 2005 08:50:20 PM new
AH! perfect case in POINT,,,the PRICES of GAS. Does the GOV. step in? NOPE. They charge us WHATEVER they want and guess what,,,WE pay! But with GAS, we are FORCED to. Not e bay.
posted on January 13, 2005 08:51:49 PM new
with GAS, I BELIEVE that's called PRICE Fixing....and I don't see any GOV agaency doing anything about that....
posted on January 13, 2005 08:58:27 PM new
I thikn Ebay is opening themselvs up to anti-trust Regulation. I don't think anyone can argue that Ebay has a functional Monopoly. With no real competition they are the 800 pound gorilla... Perhaps a split into Ebay and Wbay???
posted on January 13, 2005 09:29:52 PM new
It's only a matter of time until the Justice Department does to Ebay what they did to AT&T. History has a way of repeating itself.
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on January 14, 2005 04:30:25 AM new
Every time the government has stepped in to "save us from our selves" it has backfired badly. Just think of what has happened since they regulated and then deregulated the utilities. And MaBell, what a joke! They said that they were going to break it up so that there would be competition and out here in rural America all we got was sold to the lowest bidder with long distance choices of expensive or more expensive.
Please, keep the government out of this. Some one will come along with the technology and $$ to make another auction site that will compete.