posted on February 6, 2005 08:04:17 PM new
Has anyone checked their latest ebay bill? I just received mine and there is now a line called, "Special Duration Fee". It is in the same place where the 7 day listing fees where showing up. Ebay is tap dancing around their latest fee increases and now are trying to hide their next one.
Any bets to when it becomes reality?
Alive in 2005
posted on February 6, 2005 08:18:13 PM new
stone: Someone just posted a reply from Ebay, somewhere in the EO, that it had been essentially an error and was being corrected. I hope that's true.
Is it true that the only difference between a yard sale and a trash pickup is how close to the road the stuff is placed?
posted on February 6, 2005 08:21:10 PM new
About the time they think everyone has calmed down from the 100% increase in the 10 day duration fee, they will slam us with a 7 day duration fee. Bet it's going to be 20 cents.
A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
I believe that it was an error to show they are going to raise rates again. Anything that ebay states right how has to be taken as a lie or mis-guide statement.
Overstock is dropping rates in a couple of weeks. Wonder if they will advertise to get bidders over there?
Alive in 2005
posted on February 7, 2005 07:21:43 AM new
That was me. Here it is again:
Thank you for contacting us regarding the 'special duration fee' line
item you may have noticed on the SYI form or your account status page.
This notation was due to billing backend work that caused the extra line
item to appear. Engineering has resolved this problem and the fix will
appear on the site next week.
We would like to assure you that this notation doesn't indicate that
there have been any changes made to listing duration fees or to the
auction format. Please look to the announcement board for any further
information in the future.
I wasn't charged any "special duration fee" - it just appeared as an extra line in the account statement under the listing fee for my auction for the Jaguar cans, which was listed 2 weeks ago on Sunday.
posted on February 7, 2005 07:56:11 AM new
My Ebay bill shows the 7 day special duration fee beneath the items listed on Jan 23 and Jan 24. There is no charge associated with this line, but one has to wonder if it is just a preview a "fee" that Ebay is going to sock to us and it was unveiled too early.