posted on February 21, 2005 10:10:47 AM new
I have no one to blame but myself. I collect stills from my favorite movie. There was a still I really wanted but each time I see it listed it is for a seller in South America who makes it so hard to pay her. She wants cash by registered mail or you have to go to Walmart and send it. I do not have a Walmart near me so I will have to give her cash. I guess it isn't a big deal but ..... Damn I wished I paid attention before I bid urrrrr LOL
posted on February 21, 2005 11:29:24 PM new
I was wondering how Wal-mart was involved in sending money to South America, so I went to their website and see they're part of the Moneygram Network.
You can go directly to the Moneygram site link and send a Moneygram to any place in the network.
I've never used them myself, but it appears you can use visa or mastercard.
posted on February 22, 2005 04:13:43 AM new
Most of the super market chains, drug store chains, etc sell money orders that can be cashed any where in the world and they are cheap.