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posted on May 4, 2005 01:04:51 PM new

posted on May 4, 2005 01:18:43 PM new
1-does she have to show the pic?
2-can someone tell me if this is the pic of a one month old?look at the arm and legs,esp legs??
-sig file -------
Eat grass,kick ass,never go belly up!
posted on May 4, 2005 01:40:42 PM new
Something like this should be pulled off eBay. I think it is gross. Did anyone look at her feedback? 5 Negs in Feb.

Life Is Too Short To Drink Bad Wine
posted on May 4, 2005 01:50:39 PM new
Yeah - I'm with sanmar - this should be pulled.

posted on May 4, 2005 02:12:38 PM new
Stop - my oldest was 2 months premature and looked just like that when she was in the NBICU - the diapers are huge for those little preemies. (She is 21 now and robust and healthy thank god! Nothing wrong with her - just tiny at birth)The picture isn't gross - that's how babies look in NBICU.

Is this auction in good taste? NO. Should it be pulled? I think you have to be actually selling something don't you - not just asking for donations? If seller were selling certificates of contribution or something like that then perhaps it would be "ebay legal" - probably can be pulled the way it is set up

posted on May 4, 2005 02:46:43 PM new
I noticed that there are two birth and death dates..one in the about me page and one in the auction. One lists the birth as Jan 1st..the other on Jan. 10th...

posted on May 4, 2005 02:55:50 PM new

posted on May 4, 2005 03:45:09 PM new
Pathetic, I wish, I had not looked.

This auction is bad taste even if is a plea for money for a tombstone.
it is NOT an auction in any sense of the term

Bad taste for sure, but very very sad
[ edited by deur1 on May 5, 2005 09:51 AM ]
posted on May 4, 2005 03:58:26 PM new
Yeah, it is weird that the birth and death dates differ on the 2 pages. They are problably typos, but you'd think they would at least double check their info, or at least change/update the dates.

posted on May 4, 2005 04:35:28 PM new
was duplicate,,,,sorrrry

[ edited by myoldtoy on May 4, 2005 04:37 PM ]
[ edited by myoldtoy on May 4, 2005 04:38 PM ]
posted on May 4, 2005 04:36:31 PM new
yeah the dates dont match, and 1/1/05 to 3/2/05 is two months, etc.
check sellers" f/back -- "left for others," on/about all these dates...somehow i woulda thought she'd be otherwise involved.

"I have reservations about whether it is just for a tombstone." --- or for a tombstone at all??
and check out this part of her auction:

"when payment is recieved item will be shipped within 3 business days if weather permits thank you."

several you said it better than me, in one word, "SCAM."


[ edited by myoldtoy on May 4, 2005 04:38 PM ]
posted on May 4, 2005 04:54:59 PM new
I think it is interesting to see just what, and how much they bought during this "sad time". If they had kept the money, there would have been plenty for a headstone. It's not like they were buying essentials.

posted on May 4, 2005 05:42:09 PM new
OMG.. NO.. I can't believe this is a scam..
No one could be that heartless and unscrupulous.

posted on May 4, 2005 06:40:30 PM new
Oh Maggie, you KNOW they can!

posted on May 4, 2005 07:32:57 PM new
with all the scumbags I've seening selling sh*t on Ebay,it doesnt surprise me

Baseball season has started,but they have it all wrong.3 strikes and you're out,4 balls you walk.I can tell you right now a man with 4 balls could not possibly walk

[ edited by classicrock000 on May 4, 2005 07:34 PM ]
posted on May 4, 2005 07:40:42 PM new
That is just sick.

If it is true I feel sorry for them but that is not the way to get the money.

posted on May 4, 2005 07:46:31 PM new
Have you really seen that many scumbags selling on ebay? Really? because that's so unusual...I have seen over 99.9999% very nice people and really only one true scumbag.

Maybe you should try more reputable sellers like the ones in the EO. Read the feedback and that should tell you to beware or go ahead and bid.......did you know about that?

posted on May 4, 2005 08:44:24 PM new
I guess I'm one of those referred to as
"there's one born every minute" Crow.. but this was way to over the top to be fake. I don't know how Ebay has allowed it to stay up.
How they could do this.....oh never mind...it's just all to upsetting..

posted on May 4, 2005 10:07:02 PM new
i probably wouldnt have touched this thread, except the date caught my attention; then someone noticed the "ME" dates being different.
57 years ago i lost my baby sister; she was 11 months + 1 day old THAT day. i realize this may be an easier number to "recollect," but i have never confused it with another date.
i, like most of you, find this really gross, disgusting, s&%*, etc.
IMHO it would have been in much better taste, and had more positive impact, to show a gentle lump in the earth, some of that north carolina green grass and some flowers..instead of mortal misery being suffered by a child?

again, MHO
posted on May 5, 2005 12:41:32 AM new
neglus - Small world...My oldest - a daughter - who's also 21 - was also pre-mature. 11 weeks early. And you right it was alot like the photo in the "listing", only my Jackie was smaller. But red skinned. We compared her to a skinned rabbit. Luckily she only spent a week on the respirator. That was the hardest part.

And yes...now she is bright and brilliant....taller then me. Studying to be a doctor.

I don't care if the story in the listing is true. It's just bad taste.
posted on May 5, 2005 01:09:35 AM new
What myoldtoy said.
posted on May 5, 2005 03:59:48 AM new
"Have you really seen that many scumbags selling on ebay? Really? because that's so unusual...I have seen over 99.9999% very nice people and really only one true scumbag."

LOL! you think that 99.9999% of people that are selling on Ebay are very nice?? take your head out of your butt and look again.

Baseball season has started,but they have it all wrong.3 strikes and you're out,4 balls you walk.I can tell you right now a man with 4 balls could not possibly walk
posted on May 5, 2005 07:32:27 AM new
classic, I can only refer to my experience which has been mostly good.

Maybe you should look to yourself to see why you've had so many bad ones.

posted on May 5, 2005 08:12:11 AM new
Looks like the story is true...Here is the obituary:


posted on May 5, 2005 08:15:34 AM new
It may be true, but that doesn't make it less tacky. As someone pointed out, with all of their ebay buying and selling transactions, they probably could have come up with the money. Showing the baby picture in the auction is just plain disgusting.

posted on May 5, 2005 08:24:42 AM new
crow-when I made that statement, I never said it was the dealings I had.All you have to do is look around the "cheese sandwich" "the preztel stick" "the ghost picture" "name my baby" this auction and a host of others. I will repeat my statement-there are a lot of scumbag sellers selling sh*t out there.

Baseball season has started,but they have it all wrong.3 strikes and you're out,4 balls you walk.I can tell you right now a man with 4 balls could not possibly walk
[ edited by classicrock000 on May 5, 2005 09:54 AM ]
posted on May 5, 2005 08:33:20 AM new
she had Cystic Hygroma a mass or cyst on her lungs they never tryed anything but to let her lay there and die at 1 month and 22 days old on March 2nd 2005 we miss that little angel with all our hearts Please help us buy her a tombstome and help find out more about this Cystic Hygroma.

What's more sad? That she says "they" never tryed (sic) anything and let her lay there and die? Can't believe that. Or that she was still selling items during this time and could have been researching Cystic Hygroma on the internet?

posted on May 5, 2005 10:43:21 AM new
Doen't sound like there is much they could do. It seems that most of these cases end in spontaneous abortions with fetal death in utero - http://www.bereavedparents.com/medical/cystichygroma.php.
I wouldn't be so quick to judge them - what would you do if your baby was in the hospital in another town and you had two other young children at home, knowing that the prognosis was certain death? I am sure there was a lot of waiting. It looks like they only started selling again in late December - perhaps the mother was working and sold on ebay to replace the income lost during maternity leave?

The picture of the baby is not gross. Ewora and I both know that even through the tubes you look at your newborn in the incubator and think she is beautiful - she has grandma's nose, mom's hands etc etc.

The auction is in very poor taste and poorly executed but not a scam - I repeat, who are we to judge how the family spent that difficult month? Wringing hands and prostrating themselves in grief is no more productive than selling on ebay - life goes on.

posted on May 5, 2005 01:54:24 PM new
per ebay:

"This listing (5577321364) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly."


posted on May 5, 2005 02:25:07 PM new
This "auction" left Ralphie & I speechless, hugging each other -- counting our blessings...

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me."—Guess Who? Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
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