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posted on May 6, 2005 04:49:36 AM new
One of the user IDs I have for bidding just got an email with a $5 coupon -- to use with purchase of $19.99 or more on eBay when seller accepts PP and you pay with your registered PP account, good from now till May 24. It's a very low FB account which may be why only that one received the email.

Not a bad marketing move on eBay's part -- sales usually slow down about now so I'm grateful for anything that will stimulate sales.


[ edited by birgittaw on May 6, 2005 04:52 AM ]
posted on May 6, 2005 05:43:17 PM new
I want one of those coupons!

posted on May 6, 2005 06:18:41 PM new
Those coupons are provided by another company not at all affiliated with PayPal or eBay. Use with caution. Just ask tomwiii.

posted on May 6, 2005 06:27:52 PM new
Oh? And what might that be -- both the "unaffiliated" company and the "caution?"


posted on May 6, 2005 08:57:03 PM new
Here's the site that offers them. http://www.tradecoupon.com/index.php

Tom and I had both signed up and shortly thereafter, PayPal canceled our subscription to the service and shut him down. He's up and running again, but that was enough for me. Tom made some interesting observations about the company:

1) NO "ABOUT" Page

2) HIS "HELP" form didn't work

3) His email address ([email protected]) comes thru (as far as I can tell) VENEZUELA...VENEZUELA????!!

4) The test mail crashed his PC. After he rebooted and viewed the message it appeared to come through a Tokyo email server.

5) The potential for ABUSE is huge the
way he has things set up: the buyer goes to the TC site & enters the COUPON
info & is then re-directed to PayPal to make payment? How do we know that's where the buyer is being re-directed to? The buyer could be re-directed to a SPOOF site in Russia, or TOKYO, or.....VENEZUELA??

It could be perfectly legit, but I wasn't going to take the chance with my customers. Your seller could be using another service. If he is, I'd be interested in knowing what it is. Perhaps it's a better set-up than this one.

Tom - Hope you don't mind my sharing this information. It just goes to show what a sleuth Ralphie is!

posted on May 7, 2005 04:23:40 AM new
Yeah, especially with all the fishy security breaches over the past year, there were too many red-flags with this set-up, as Cheryl listed the ones I was worried about...

BTW: i've seen at least TWO other sites IDENTICAL to this one! Oi!

That being said, about 1 year ago, feeBay did send me a $10 "coupon" to use if I purchased anything via PayPal -- can't remember why they did so, but THAT coupon was legit

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me."—Guess Who? Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
posted on May 7, 2005 04:53:20 AM new

Thanks for the caution -- never heard of those companies or have anyone try to use or sign me up for any of them but good to know.

The one I got was indeed an official eBay coupon. And? And I fully intend to shop with it -- that was my point but apparently not clear enough.


posted on May 7, 2005 04:55:26 AM new
If it was from eBay, I'd go ahead and shop with it, too! How often do you get a free $5 from eBay?

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