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posted on June 20, 2007 06:29:32 PM new
Every time I go to view an item I get an annoying alert from my web brower that ebay it trying to install a Skype Add-on on my computer.

Here's a screen shot: http://x-titles.com/screen.jpg

I just spent over 30 minutes explaining my concern to Live Help, and all they could suggest is to contact Skype directly for instructions on how uninstall the software. I kept explaining the software isn't installed - I just want to prevent the alerts and not install the software.

posted on June 20, 2007 08:10:32 PM new
I finally give up and download the add-on, and now no more alerts. I don't use Skype, and I haven't a clue what the add-on does.

posted on June 20, 2007 08:49:01 PM new
It's watching you ... and every move you make.

I'd bet you're one of the Internet Explorer browser users, aren't you? Huh, actually after I blow this up, I see that you are. Try Mozilla.

posted on June 20, 2007 09:09:30 PM new

Hope you don't mind eBay listening in on all your future phone conversations as per the Skype agreement. Don't mention any forbidden words like Google either or your eBay and PayPal accounts might be 'suspended, pending review'.

p.s. if you use a secure browser like FireFox you can blacklist Skype and any other software that attempts to hijack your browser.

posted on June 21, 2007 05:55:35 AM new
My BF downloaded the new IE Explorer and they stole Firefox's tab idea. He just won't switch to Firefox and I won't use IE. Guess who has had more trouble with their system?

posted on June 21, 2007 07:19:36 AM new
I looked at the same item with my Firefox browser and didn't get the Skype DL - maybe you should dump the program and switch browsers.

posted on June 21, 2007 05:50:28 PM new
Yes, Internet Explorer.

I agree, Firefox seems to be the wiser choice.

posted on June 21, 2007 07:05:47 PM new
I wonder if Skype (ugly name) is worth the one or two billion eBay paid for it.

I would like to know how they can make money with it.

posted on June 21, 2007 07:20:28 PM new
Apparently I am the contrarian on these boards. I have both SkypeIn and SkypeOut. Skype provides my business phone services.

Using Skype, I now have a dedicated business phone number, without the cost of installation, or monthly service fees. And, I can write off the yearly Skype fees on my taxes.

Further, the service is good, without any problems. Occasionally I'll receive an invite to chat online, from someone who sends me the request, with a picture of a scantily clothed young girl. Other than that, it has worked great.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I also purchased a Skype enabled phone to use with the service from my friendly neighborhood WalMart. Works great.

Bill K-

http://www.kozersky.net [ edited by kozersky on Jun 21, 2007 07:26 PM ]
posted on June 21, 2007 07:34:16 PM new
Bill - It's great that it works for you. However, I think most of us here can do without our eBay customers calling us. It's just an invitation to a 3:00 a.m. phone call from a demanding eBay customer.

posted on June 21, 2007 07:56:04 PM new
cblev65252 - your computer would have to be on all night for that problem to occur. Further, Skype also has its own voicemail.

Bill K-
posted on June 21, 2007 09:10:17 PM new
Bill, thanks for posting a positive experience with Skype. Many of us, myself included, tend to write off any new services offered by eBay as another way to rip off sellers with more fees. Skype would probably be a good business decision for me, but emotionally - it's just too hard to hand eBay any more money.
posted on June 22, 2007 04:30:04 AM new
Kozersky, you don't always need to have your computer on to use skype, there are wifi skype phones available. They work great but they have very poor battery life.

In a world without walls or fences who needs Windows and Gates?
posted on June 22, 2007 07:20:07 AM new
"Occasionally I'll receive an invite to chat online, from someone who sends me the request, with a picture of a scantily clothed young girl. Other than that, it has worked great."

aaahhh so where do we sign up for this??


If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
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