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posted on June 26, 2009 06:29:28 PM new
Anyone here ever have Lyme Disease.

I had it ten years ago, noticed the bulls eye rash and went right on Doxycycline. Was sick for only one day.

May 31st was admitted to the hospital with a high fever 103.6, discharged four days later on Cipro and readmitted June 14th same thing. I asked to be tested for Lyme and it came back positive and am now on Doxycycline.
I've been soooo sick ever since with extreme fatigue and no other symptome so much so I can't do anything. Days are bad, but feel a little better at night.
I understand the fatigue is a Herx reaction which is where the killed bacteria gives off endotoxins and they are what makes me feel so bad. I'm lucky I have none of the other terrible symptoms or complications.
Only good news is the (infectious disease) doctor says I'm in first stage and very curable.

Has anyone here ever had Lyme, did you get over it, how long did it take, were you very sick with it. I'm beginning to feel I will never be well or feel good again.

Read a lot about it on Google....all bad.

Would really appreciate any help/suggestions/input/experiences.


posted on June 26, 2009 06:39:51 PM new

hey mcjane I was just thinking about you the other day and I was wondering why you had not posted here lately. sorry to hear you're not feeling well. hope you feel better soonest!!

I don't know anything about lyme. except I always worry about my dog getting it because he is a tick magnet. I hear that Frontline is not working for dogs so much anymore and they are going to the new pill now but that doesn't work for ticks. The collar for ticks irritates my dog. I've resorted to dipping my dogs now and it seems to be working but I worry about the buildup of toxins.

posted on June 26, 2009 06:59:48 PM new
Hi glassgrl
Of course you know never use a flea collar with ANYTHING else. I really think collars are way too toxic. Know what you mean about putting all these so called 'safe' repellents on our pets.

I have four cats two go out and I live in the woods, lots of wild life and PA is a very heavily infested state for Lyme. I use Frontline, but the tick has to bite the cat for it to kill them. What the problem is if they are on their fur they can drop off anywhere and of course they all get on my bed. Look for the nymphs around the pets eyes, nose & ears...where ever there is not a lot of hair, when engorged with blood they look like a tiny shiny seed bead.
The nymph deer ticks are as big as a poppy seed and adults a sesame seed so it's hard to see the nymphs, both can carry Lyme. I don't know when I was bitten and never had the bulls eye rash this time.

I am so sick and terrified this time that I don't let any of my cats out anymore. If you read about 2nd & 3rd stage Lyme you will see some are sick for years. No guarantees with 1st stage either, but prognosis is much better.

If I don't recover from this life is not worth living, it's that bad.

Don't post much, not selling, but I still check in and read everyday.

posted on June 26, 2009 07:13:10 PM new

I have read about it and I'm like you...

My daughter suggested I get some guinea hens. I've seriously thought about it.

I'll keep you in my nightly thoughts. Don't give up yet.

posted on June 26, 2009 09:43:01 PM new
Read about Guinea hens and their love for ticks. I would need a couple of hundred and then would have to worry about the fox getting them. LOL

It's the unrelenting fatigue and it's like nothing you've ever felt before, not giving up.
I want to sell my house just to get away from the woods, used to love it here, not anymore.

glassgrl....check this out...


[ edited by mcjane on Jun 26, 2009 09:49 PM ]
posted on June 27, 2009 04:19:29 AM new
I am so sorry you are so sick! I had no idea it could show up without the bulls eye rash, please take care of yourself and know we are all pulling for you to get well soon!

I spend a lot of time on the weekends outside in central Ohio but try very hard to inspect for ticks when I come in. Hubby likes to look too, like the country song 'I'd like to check you for ticks'.

posted on June 27, 2009 07:12:56 AM new
The VA hospital does not offer testing for Lyme because they said it is not reliable.
Fatigue could be old age or an infection somewhere.
Older women often feel tired due to lack of that hormone.
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on June 27, 2009 08:17:08 AM new
pmelcher, many do not get the rash.
The lucky ones do and can start treatment right away when Lyme is very curable.

hwahwa, My test came back positive and even indicated that I had it before.
Yes, testing is unreliable, but not always.

The one true indicator is the bulls eye rash.

posted on June 28, 2009 05:34:04 PM new
Hang in there Jane,

I know how the constant fatigue can really get you down and few people understand how unbelievably tired you really are. Plus Chronic Fatigue can cause such mental fog that can be hard to think or decide on your own care when you are looking for answers.

Whatever you decide to do, do NOT give up hope! There is a cure and I know you will find the right one for you.

[ edited by ltray on Jun 28, 2009 09:28 PM ]
posted on June 28, 2009 08:35:42 PM new

I have not had Lyme disease and I am very sorry to hear you are suffering horribly from it.

You may be right that the only thing to do is leave your beautiful red house in the woods of Pennsylvania. Lyme is a dreadful disease. The fear of another bite may well spoil your enjoyment of your surroundings.

There's time to make that decision when you're feeling better, though, which hopefully will be very soon. If a move puts you in a situation where you can rescue more animals, it could even be a positive thing.


Hey, JCEarrings made the big time! Come see our site announcement!
posted on June 30, 2009 12:44:05 PM new
I'm speechless that you know/remember I live in a red house and I certainly do. High up on a hill, secluded and a perfect place to rescue and have as many pets as you want.

I love it here or should say loved it now I live in fear. I am so sick with this disease and just can't seem to turn the corner and starting to think I never will. For the first time in about a month I woke up this morning feeling pretty good, but this afternoon the overwhelming fatigue has returned and I will probably be going back to bed. It's not because I've been doing anything either, I haven't, I've just been on the computer, that's all.

As for animal rescue it is something I'll always do no matter where I live. There is always room for one more.

posted on June 30, 2009 01:31:15 PM new

Of course I remember your house. You probably don't know this, but your story of how you rescued a dog that some cretins were leaving tied up in their backyard inspired me to get involved with a cat rescue organization locally.

Part of every website sale we make goes to The Nine Lives Foundation.

We have had a beautiful buff-colored longhair visiting us off and on for the last several months:

She's well-groomed and social, so I thought she must have a home nearby, but we can't pin it down. Time to scoop her and have her scanned for a microchip.


Announcing the JCEarrings Summer Giveway -- a winner every day!

[ edited by fluffythewondercat on Jun 30, 2009 01:31 PM ]
posted on June 30, 2009 04:00:34 PM new

Maybe it IS time for you to move.

and before you buy into that economy thing, my DH's ex just sold her house and everybody *said* it couldn't be done. She sold it for more than expected and it sold in less than a month.

You can't live in fear. that's a very health threatening thing in itself. Just start to look at some other houses. Maybe that will free up some new energy for you. Dream. Dream big. If not now - when?

You might just fall in love again

posted on June 30, 2009 06:37:27 PM new
galssgrl agree on that economy thing, houses are selling fairly well around here. I'm at a point in my life where I want to unclutter, want to get rid of almost everything, scale down my life and soon I will.

flufF, what a beauty that cat is such a beautiful color. I hope she has a home, feral long hair cats have a rough time if their hair gets matted. This one looks very well groomed. Hope you find a chip.
Could be a male because of the color, most orange cats are male.

So you remember Molly's story, what a nice girl she was. A cook in a diner told me about her and as the story goes it was a bitter cold night that I got out of bed and went to get her, stole her and never looked back.

My newest cat is a yellow guy named Mario. He belonged to my best friend's sister who passed away from ovarian cancer a little over a year ago. She also had three dogs that her son kept, but Mario was headed for the pound, why I will never know. It was the day of her funeral that I brought him home.

You make my year with your saying I inspired you to get involved in an animal charity.
it's like a gift.
I knew you had a cat and were an animal lover, but getting involved is everything, pure happiness.

Everyone should do it.

posted on July 2, 2009 01:41:27 PM new
I just read about Lyme on the PSP forum-
Economic Reform act of Chairman Obama of the socialist States of America :
10 ounces of meat per month,half a yard of cotton per year per adult.
posted on July 2, 2009 03:00:43 PM new
Stop, you continue to surprise me.

I did not know you were interested in PSP, aka the disease that killed Dudley Moore.

I do hope you don't have a friend or relative with it.


Announcing the JCEarrings Summer Giveway -- a winner every day!
posted on July 3, 2009 01:33:51 PM new
Jane, you were right: The orange cat is a male.

He's been hanging out in our back yard full-time for the last couple of days, so today we took him to the nearest vet and had him scanned.

He's microchipped for Home Again.

Home Again, however, had no record of his owner. We've run into this situation before, where the cat is microchipped on adoption and the lazy owners never bother to register it. It's not like it's expensive.

Bless HA, though, because they suggested we call the Peninsula Humane Society, which is where Milo (he has a name!) was chipped. PHS is trying to contact the owner.

Meanwhile, I have a gorgeous and very affectionate flame colored longhair at my feet. He is such a sweet kitty, I don't understand how anyone could neglect him.

PHS wants us to call back tomorrow if the owner hasn't contacted us by then.

Say hi to Milo!


Announcing the JCEarrings Summer Giveway -- a winner every day!

[ edited by fluffythewondercat on Jul 3, 2009 01:35 PM ]
posted on August 28, 2009 04:55:32 PM new
Anyone heard from mcjane?


Come see the JCEarrings music videos!
posted on August 28, 2009 06:17:32 PM new

no - I was just thinking about her this morning.

McJane - where are you - How are you???

posted on August 28, 2009 10:34:51 PM new
I think remember her posting on another post a few days ago.
Hope she's OK.

posted on August 30, 2009 02:57:02 PM new
I had lyme disease last month.The only reason I knew I had it was it showed up in my annual blood tests.The nurse there said she had it a few years ago and could hardly walk because of her knees.I had NO symtoms whatsoever,no aches pains,NOTHING.Why? I have no idea.

posted on September 3, 2009 08:34:21 PM new
I really hope she's OK. Anyone with updated info or contact info, please let us know.
posted on September 6, 2009 09:44:13 AM new
I found an email address for her and sent off a note.


Come see the JCEarrings music videos!
posted on September 6, 2009 12:18:10 PM new
Thank you Fluffy!!

posted on November 4, 2009 05:48:30 PM new
Hi Fluffy,
I'm a lurker here...I'm just curious if you ever found Milo's owner?

He's a GORGEOUS boy! Not just his fur, his eyes!
And yes, in my personal experience, most orange kitties are boys. I had a big orange tabby boycat named Taffy when I was a kid.

mto from ma
posted on November 4, 2009 05:56:29 PM new

sigh. logged in again hoping McJane sent an update......

posted on November 4, 2009 06:43:20 PM new
Hi mto,

No, we still don't know if Milo has a home. He shows up here every evening at dusk and has dinner with our other outdoor kitty. He's so playful. His coat is such an interesting color; he practically glows in the dark.

JCEarrings made the FrogPond!
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