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posted on August 5, 2001 11:33:30 PM new
Coming into these Round Table discussions and merely crticising or crtiquing what is being posted by anti-Bush's is old hat!

And simply stating your feelings that Bush has done a wonderful or good job so far is merely opinion -- everyone has one.

No, what I'd like to see instead of constant rebuttals to anti-Bush threads, why not post your own in support of Bush? I mean, if you feel that he's doing a good job so far, don't just tell us that -- you'll just get argued down and that's no challenge. Why not find some links to some articles on the Internet that praise Bush's acheivements, or at least you can be undeniably proud of that are from some mainstream media source, not some Ultra-right wing newspaper or magazine?

That's what I've seen lacking from Republican posters -- crediability of the issues that they stand for. They just will not take the time to go search the Internet and find mainstream material that backs them up. If you feel so strongly towards Bush and your political party, why not do more than just attempt to belittle Bush detractors? You can win a much greater coup if you can shut ever detractor's mouth by something undeniable from the mainstream -- so why not go for the throat?

I would never back up a politician or political party that can't be defended in any of their positions. So, if Republicans do, let's see it!

posted on August 5, 2001 11:39:50 PM new
I'm a democrat


posted on August 6, 2001 12:13:51 AM new
Hello? Hello? Guess the Republicans are busy trying to find those links.

posted on August 6, 2001 08:33:21 AM new

I have tried, but mine are what you call only opinions

I don't get on the internet now, only to do auctions, and I DO check in here, mostly ebay outlook to see whats going on, if anything, in that area, and obviously look in here.

I don't cruise the net for much else these days. I did hit the Seattle Times a few times, but we receive publications at home, that I do read; US News & World Report, Time, and some others. I'm sure they are on the net, but I don't look them up.

I'm a Republican, sorry if your looking for rebuttal, I'm not rebutting?

[email protected]
posted on August 6, 2001 09:26:12 AM new
"I have tried, but mine are what you call only opinions"

KRS tends to post a lot of Op-ed pieces, but they are not from any ultra-Liberal newspaper or magazine, and are appropriate. The reason being is that the opinion mentions facts, not political misleading hype as a basis for the opinions. For instance, that the recent ballistic missle test was rigged is undeniable, the fact being that the target missle had a homing beacon in it skewed any results. Can you not find any opinionated pieces that are based upon the facts touting the merits of Bush and/or the Republican party?

I realize that you do not have much time, NearTheSea -- I have two businesses to run myself, plus a personal life. But for other republicans who may have a bit more time on their hands, why not go and get the facts and present them here? Simply stating your own personal opinion ends up making us look like were gang-raping republicans in here when all that we really want to do is to debate the facts.

posted on August 6, 2001 09:42:07 AM new
Find Facts saying how wonderful Bush is?!? Easier to hunt the Jabberwocky.

posted on August 6, 2001 10:18:07 AM new
Good question Borillar. It shouldn't be hard to come up with a whole bunch of things the Bush administration has done. After all, they have touted the first 6 months as being: "the first president to get so much accomplished in his first 6 months of office".

I'm sure krs is just as frustrated with only Democrats being the majority of posters which equals no debate, or real discussion. He's tried to draw them out with humour, seriousness, questions, etc., but to little avail.

I know, it makes you think that they don't have a leg to stand on, but I'm sure they want to discuss his accomplishments just as much as we do and I hope this topic brings a wealth of information to us all!

posted on August 6, 2001 10:38:00 AM new
We Republicans have to work for a living, don't get the free handouts the democrats cry for!! If you want to read the articles then you find them on your own time since you have little else to do. I have work to do and a life to to lead, I don't live for the internet!!! Ontime

posted on August 6, 2001 10:45:14 AM new
I hope you can see the humour in your post ontime........

posted on August 6, 2001 10:47:14 AM new
I suspect they're just too embarrassed to ask how to make clickable links.
(waiting to find out what I can put in my sig file)
posted on August 6, 2001 10:47:41 AM new
How many of those on this list do you suppose are not Republicans?

posted on August 6, 2001 11:42:01 AM new
Well, even though I'm not a regular gaffan, I can post a clickable link, you mean like this (PLEASE Borillar don't look, it might make you ill )




These 'clickable internet links' are not what he was wanting though

edited: you got me, I screwed up on the clickable thing on the first one

[email protected]
[ edited by NearTheSea on Aug 6, 2001 11:43 AM ]
posted on August 6, 2001 11:54:40 AM new
C'mon NearTheSea, what do you favour most about the Bush admin., in your words?

P.S. I always think about your poor dog when I see you post....hope you're doing OK.

posted on August 6, 2001 11:59:51 AM new
I am a Democrat, have worked at least two jobs since the since I was 18 - worked volunteer starting at age 14. I am now running 3 businesses PLUS eBay.

I have never so much as accepted unemployment, let alone Welfare. Sorry, but I make my own way in this world. By the way, unemployment is OK to collect - it is insurance you pay into.

Sorry, Ontime, but that thought does not pertain to all Democrats - at least not this one


posted on August 6, 2001 12:30:05 PM new
Hi kraftdinner!
I'm fine, about the dog I mean... thanks

What do I like about the Bush Administration?

Well I do like his proposal on schools having to show good results, I know, a lot of people oppose that one

I like the tax rebate idea, to stimulate the economy..... yes he (Bush) would like Americans to spend it, not sure what the current national multiplier is, but every $1 pumped into the economy is like putting $7 back into the tax revunes, which is a good thing, thats the theory anyway.

I understand the making fun of Bush for his speech or pronunciation problems, yes that can be funny

I am pro life (please don't shoot me with flaming arrows) I do not march outside abortion clinics, or participate in that sort of thing, its just what I believe.

I do believe we can generate fuel, yes in those highly controversial areas, and not depend on foreign oil, as we do, and are continuing to do. We do need to find alternatives to that.

Theres more, but I'm sure I'm making Borillar sick here LOL!

edited to add more...

[email protected]
[ edited by NearTheSea on Aug 6, 2001 12:32 PM ]
posted on August 6, 2001 12:41:59 PM new
How about This Place.


above link doesn't work

Might be hard to get though. Seems this person does not put transcripts on the website for fear of...?

Edited to change url.

arttsupplies (webmaster)
[ edited by arttsupplies on Aug 6, 2001 12:43 PM ]
posted on August 6, 2001 01:31:06 PM new
You're not making me sick, NearTheSea!

I seriously thought that you had elected to set the ignore feature for my account name. We honestly do not want to beat up on republicans in here. We want to debate the merits and demerits of the political parties, candidates and office-holders alike, as much as just the political process.

What is bothersome is when facts do get posted that show Bush in a bad light and then republicans come in here to rebutt with only caustic remarks, opinions, or worse -- regurgitate Republican Blather Machine hype without giving any thought to the content of such remarks. It would be great to have facts proving the case for the republicans -- and certainly earns more respect for them. I miss Deuce posting his links, which were awfully hard to fight - which proves that it can be done. Maybe someone with more time can start new threads with facts and/or links to facts that support Bush and the Repubican position? It would be a lot more fin on here then.

posted on August 6, 2001 02:09:13 PM new
LOL Borillar, now I never put anyone on ignore, hey I want to see what is being said, when I'm here, no matter who says it, whether I agree or disagree, or have no opinion about a topic at all! And I especially would not put you on ignore

artsupplies, I tried the alt rush limbaugh newgroups, and couldn't find any transcripts.
I don't listen to Rush, I have in the past, and have agreed on some things he has said, but I only listen to Art (who btw, used to have a daytime conservative talk show, but now isn't into it any longer, obviously LOL)

[email protected]
posted on August 6, 2001 02:15:06 PM new
It may just be that Republicans just don't have the incentive to post that Democrats do...their guy's in the White House, after all. They're not mad about anything...

posted on August 6, 2001 05:29:51 PM new
That could be it, Toke. But if it was a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic majority in Congress and they were pulling the shenanigans that these ... people are, I'd be here in a heartbeat to bash them for it. Maybe it's a matter of Blind Faith? I only have that reserved for religion, never politics.

I really miss the old-time republican politicians. They were gentlemen politicians and very skilled at lying, as politicians should be. And maybe that's what's wrong now. Now this onerous, nasty, foul, trecherous breed of so-called "New Republicans" who lack any decency or common sense probably are way too dim to understand that the political propaganda of the past is not real and think that it is the real answer to solve our problems.

That would explain it. It used to be that the Democrats controled Congress and the republicans had to fight and use every back-door tactic that they could to outsmart the other side to get their agenda through. In order to make that happen, it was necessary for them to reach a wider segment of the voters. So just how did one go about attracting the votes from citizens who were voting in their best interest to turn and vote for a party that was against their best interests? Disinformation, cleverly disguised as "the answer".

The republicans built a lot of little, quick-fix ideas and circulated it around. To my mind, the greatest coup was the one where they tried to convince everyone that making the richer get richer would put money back into the pockets of the workingclass. Hah!

At any rate, when the new republicans came in, they were duped too! They never were smart enough to realize that the hoopla that the republicans had been touting for years was nothing more than bull-hockey meant to get their legislation passed through Congress. And this is what we have ended up with.

Is that an unsound theory of events? Look at it this way, then : can you explain why the Republicans are in complete disarray? Afterall, Bush came in and did EXACTLY what the party had been preaching for years! He went and sucked-up to corporate America and screwed Americans whenever possible. Hell, with the republicans droning on and on with their mantra, "Clinton told a lie ... Clinton told a lie ... Clinton told a lie ..." and so forth, ad nauseum, Bush felt that republicans could say or promise anything that they liked and not honor their word at all -- and magically, it wouldn't be lying! Now they are trying to do damage control, realizing that the American peole are watching [i]-VERY- closely to what is going on in Washington, and that lying, backstabbing, and cheating everyone who hasn't bribed them enough is getting them into hot water.


Because, by an act of the Supreme Court, Bush actually made it into the White House -- which was never supposed to happen! Suddenly, they were in charge and how were they supposed to go about it? Well, they HAD been telling everyone for years exactly what they would do if they ever got another chance to gain full power -- so that's what they did.

And it's back-fired on them big time!

So, perhaps that's why republican posters won't go looking for any facts -- there aren't any? I mean, all of the baloney that they believed to be true for decades has become reality and it stinks and now, faced with reality, they have no direction whatsoever. Maybe that's what Bush was referring to as "drift"?

If I was a republican voter, I'd be a-wishing really hard by now that I'd voted for McCain over Bush!

posted on August 6, 2001 05:38:39 PM new
Even if I wanted to vote for McCain (which I didn't) I couldn't have, as he was not on the ballot.

edit: sp.

[email protected]
[ edited by NearTheSea on Aug 6, 2001 05:41 PM ]
posted on August 6, 2001 06:09:28 PM new
Borillar So, perhaps that's why republican posters won't go looking for any facts -- there aren't any?

I like chicken, fried, broiled, grilled, or roasted. I don't like chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year. I feel like there is a diet of chicken being served till Nov 2nd 2004 at this restaurant.

Bush is an imbecile.
The Republicans are killing our children.
The Florida vote was illegal.
Clinton was a genius and a saint.
Bush is stupid.
The Republicans are polluting our world.
Gore was robbed.
The democrats are our only hope.
The Kyoto agreement stopped water rising in my basement.
Bush is a moron.
The constitution was destroyed in Florida
The democrats have our moral compass
Democrats yes, yes, yes!
Down with the teachings of Goldstein, oops Republicans.
Bush is a fool.
Clinton was the victim of a republican conspiracy.
Republicans are the cause of my O.C.D.

Some posts are giving me a sense of deja vu. So don't take it to personal if I decide not to eat chicken for awhile.

posted on August 6, 2001 06:11:39 PM new
Not even in the primaries, NearTheSea?

posted on August 6, 2001 06:16:56 PM new
(uaru you forgot thee most important one-the selection of the President )

Borillar, the primaries? no... I was assuming that you meant the Nov 8th-Dec 11th election, selection whatever it was

[email protected]
posted on August 6, 2001 07:41:28 PM new
I'm just saying that Republican voters by now are all likely wishing that they had fully voted for and supported McCain in the primaries so that he could have had a better chance to get the party's nomination. Then McCain could have won the Supreme Court victory and he would have been a president that you could point to with some pride.

McCain would have been able to act as a bridge between the American people and the Republican-held Congress. If they had, I can tell you that Jeffords would not have gone Independant and the Republicans would still be calling the shots all around. As it is, republicans are embarrased by Bush and the blatant bribed behavior of the Extremist Republican politicans holding court in our nation's capital.

Now you know why I'm not a Democrat. I got disgussed at their bribed antics as well years ago. But at least they've managed to keep some of their principles in place and are still Ladies and Gentlemen with that old-time class. I tell you, NearTheSea, none of the old-time republicans would have done to Clinton what these "New" republicans did -- they'd be just too stink'n' proud to have lowered themselves that way.

posted on August 6, 2001 08:00:09 PM new
NearTheSea from:

"reducing taxes on all taxpayers, especially for those Americans on the fringes of poverty"

Those on the fringes of poverty where the ones that didn't get the "rebate" checks. Why say it, but not do it?

posted on August 6, 2001 10:40:01 PM new

Correct me if I'm wrong (watch, I will be LOL)
but the rebate checks were for taxpayers from their 2000 tax filings

what you said:

reducing taxes on all taxpayers, especially for those Americans on the fringes of poverty

wouldn't that be what this plan is:

[i]The President has proposed a bold and fair tax relief plan that will reduce the inequities of the current tax code and help ensure that America remains prosperous. This tax relief plan promotes the values that make the American economy second to none access to the middle class, family, equal opportunity, and the entrepreneurial spirit. This plan will reduce taxes for everyone who pays income taxes, and it will encourage enterprise by lowering marginal tax rates.
Under the President’s tax relief plan, the typical American family of four will be able to keep at least $1,600 more of their own money.[/i]

Replacing the current tax rates of 15, 28, 31, 36, and 39.6 percent with a simplified rate structure of 10, 15, 25, and 33 percent Doubling the child tax credit to $1,000 per child and applying the credit to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT);Reducing the marriage penalty by reinstating the 10 percent deduction for two-earner couples;eliminating the death tax;Expanding the charitable deduction to non-itemizers; and Making the Research and Experimentation (R&D) tax credit permanent.

Same site, different page.....
more explanation that is tooooooo long for here can be found here


And you do have to be a taxpayer to actually get lower taxes, of course


[email protected]
[ edited by NearTheSea on Aug 6, 2001 10:41 PM ]
posted on August 6, 2001 10:45:45 PM new
Borillar I can't speak for anyone else but the reason I rarely participate in the political discussions around here anymore is because I rarely see both sides of an issue discussed. It seems that the Democrats on this board are pretty much convinced that Bush is never going to do anything that isn't purely of evil intent. I would put more weight into those opinions if anyone ever once admitted to a single thing he's done that was even "possibly" intended to be for the good of the country. I'm supposed to believe that every move he makes has an evil plot behind it? Sounds like a Democratic blather machine to me - set in place to match the Republican blather machine. Neither party is all pure or all evil, imo.

As it is, most of the political opinions expressed in this forum just read like sour grapes - so how can I be expected to take it seriously? As for your asking for links - why do you need anyone to find you a link? I browse news boards regularly and have no problem finding positive news (and negative) about Bush... I don't know why you can't find it too. Takes about two minutes. If I ever once see you post a single positive thing about any Republican or Republican position I think the shock would knock me over. In fact, you've said some of the most hateful and hurtful things I've ever seen on this board and it's all been directed toward Republicans but now all of a sudden you "welcome" their opinions? I don't think so.

The prevelant political message that I see over and over in this forum can pretty much be boiled down to this... All Republicans are evil and all Democrats are either pure as the driven snow or if they are in any way evil it is only because a Repulican forced them to be that way. I've tried a couple of times to engage in real conversations about issues. I always enjoy the opportunity to actually discuss the pro's and con's of an issue and the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing sides?

Unfortunately, that rarely happens here. This is a great place for anyone who enjoys bashing Bush and reliving the idea that he "stole" the election.... other than that it serves no meaningful political purpose.

IMO, Gore should have won the election by a landslide. There should never have been a close election in the first place. The Democratic party had this election wrapped up and even gift wrapped... The fact that he managed to lose it in spite of his position only reinforced my decision not to vote for him in the first place. And btw, if Gore had been the one who was declared winner over and over do you think there's any chance he would have conceded the Presidency to Bush? So, why do you think Bush should have? And, why do you think that it was o.k. for the Florida Supreme Court to change laws after the fact so that Gore could win but it wasn't o.k. for the U.S. Supreme Court to correct them for trying to rewrite the law?

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on August 6, 2001 10:53:00 PM new
NearTheSea - No, I understand the rebate is for your 2001 taxes. If you will be getting a refund for 2001 the rebate you have already received will be deducted from from the amount of that refund.
I'm sure one of us will be corrected here.

posted on August 7, 2001 07:40:05 AM new
chococake-I don't know, as I tried to demonstrate in the chart above....... LOL!!!!

What I understand from what I read, and I didn't read it all, was the whole tax cut plan was to reduce taxes, I *think* (and watch, I'll be wrong LOL!!!) is that depending on how you file, single with children, income less than $xx, etc, your taxes will be less, or rather you'll get a bigger tax break than before.

I don't know about these tax rebate checks, as they say they are not taxable, you might be right, that they will be deducted from next years refund.

mybiddness, now there is something I think, but what I think and write never come out right LOL!

Like uaru showed, it is like eating a diet of one thing 7 days a week, 3 x a day.......
it gets really old

Sorry Borillar

[email protected]
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