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posted on October 22, 2001 08:04:13 AM
I just finished reading some of yesterday's Washington Post and found this article thought provoking. It'll be interesting to see how the FBI handles this. Do you think that giving these guys new identities and a trip through the Witness Protection Program will work?


posted on October 22, 2001 08:07:44 AM
I get an error message when this comes up. If I click "Yes" it loads. I don't know what to do about it. I've had this problem with the Post for about a month now even after deleting cookies several times. Anything other than the front page has that message. Does anyone know how to fix it?

posted on October 22, 2001 08:14:57 AM
Find a couple mothers who lost children in the attack and give them visiting privileges
to these fellows cuffed to a chair and provide them with a single edge razor blade and a soldering iron. No need for some Federal agent to dirty his hands when there are women who have lost their children.
You don't want to allow them to talk right away. Allow them 2 or 3 visits before you will even talk to them about keeping the ladies away.

posted on October 22, 2001 11:27:14 AM
saabsister - Your link worked fine for me.

The issue of the 'witness protection' is one I've long struggled with. I know it's done to get the needed testimony for prosecuters to get a conviction. BUT.....

I wasn't aware that "The two former al Qaeda members who testified publicly in the 1998 bombing trails were resettled with their families in the US under the witness protection program and given either money or loans to restart their lives". Now that really gives me the shivers.

From what the article say, it sounds to me that the suspects aren't interested in accepting that program anyway.

Again, I'm sitting on the fence in regards to the other issues too. One part of me says we're in a state of war (this conflict) so there are no rules (civil rights). Put them to sleep and get whatever info. we can to protect our country. Maybe look at them as being POWs. I don't know. We can't keep playing the nice guy roll if we ever hope to win this war on terrorism.
[ edited by Linda_K on Oct 22, 2001 11:29 AM ]
posted on October 22, 2001 01:34:43 PM
I have some of the same reservations, Linda_K, about putting them in the Witness Protection Program - who's going to be protected?. The article offers an array of alternatives - WPP, being nice, torture at foreign hands,beating them up. Quite a choice.

posted on October 22, 2001 01:43:19 PM
Well if I were 100% sure they were connected to the organization that attacked the WTC and they had the information that could identify future attacks and possibly save thousands of lives I would not worry about my questioning setting them free or making it impossible to convict them. If they spill their guts their own people will take care of them you can be sure. If they name names and dates and places they won't ewant to go home.

posted on October 23, 2001 04:23:17 AM
Torture works for me!

Due process be damned. These aren't U.S. citizens we're talking about. These are foreign nationalist terrorists!

deco, who has turned from a dove into a hawk in less than 60 days!

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