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posted on February 3, 2002 07:59:59 PM new
That must be it. They can't defend their Glorious Leader and invoking the name of Clinton brings bellylaughs anymore (as in,"Who?") They won't come in here anymore and preach to us about the wonderful benefits to be had by kissing up to Multi-National Corporations, the Rich, and Wall Street - Enron and the GOP saw to that! With the lies and treachery of the Republican politicans, Republican voters are hiding out. Am I right?

"Friends don't let friends vote republican"

posted on February 3, 2002 08:41:02 PM new
[ edited by hjw on Feb 3, 2002 10:09 PM ]
posted on February 3, 2002 08:49:34 PM new

[ edited by hjw on Feb 3, 2002 10:10 PM ]
posted on February 3, 2002 09:32:22 PM new
Pearls before swine just about sums it up.

P.S. Borillar, I used to enjoy your posts. You really need to get some new meds or something.

posted on February 3, 2002 09:44:41 PM new
[ edited by hjw on Feb 3, 2002 10:11 PM ]
posted on February 3, 2002 09:48:30 PM new

[ edited by hjw on Feb 3, 2002 10:16 PM ]
posted on February 3, 2002 09:49:14 PM new
Be fair now. DoctorBeetle comes here and counterspews--give credit where it's due.

Borillar, twinsoft is the ultimate kissass - the model for legions of imaginary followers. He likes your posts more than ever and when he attacks you with his simpering whines it's only because he thinks he's making points somewhere else.

Helen, why argue with those people? Like, what do they care what happens here? They left the place to whatever it will become and have no standing here whatsoever now. If there isn't much here anymore it isn't because you stayed; it's because they left.

posted on February 3, 2002 09:56:20 PM new

Thanks, krs.


posted on February 3, 2002 09:56:48 PM new
You can't bring back what once was. At some point, one has to realize that and let go...

posted on February 3, 2002 10:10:43 PM new
of course they are not here !, I mean afterall they have hard work to do, think of the skill needed to come up with a plan to give the air lines millions of dollars only to have them stab the postal service and the economy of the entire nation in the back by cancelling dozens of flights to middle and small town America. Think of how it must be worse than working a 12hour day in a steel mill or coal mine for a business suited fruitcake to come up with the idea to give the rich tax breaks and outright grants because they get the economy moving. when these lazy parasites have not bothered to read the financial pages and see that small business who got nothing are the ones who are NOT laying off thousands. What I am trying to say is they are in office now so they have to steal all they can. and the freight train of hilary scares the hell out of small town America. You dems need to cut slick willy loose. How can you justify taking that Cuban boy with stormtroopers in the middle of the night to hand over to a filthy marxist murderer. Clinton and the top dems tried to make a Kennedy Image, Kennedy was a war hero Clinton was a draft dodger, Kennedy was murdered by the people around him, someone seems to be murdering all the people around the other guy. Drop this bum Tell riker (i Mean Gore) to get a bath and a shave and some balls and do something about the stolen election. Does anyone out there imagine that Arkansas under bill became a workers paradise ?

posted on February 4, 2002 06:03:50 AM new
To answer the original question I will quote one of the posters: "Like, what do they care what happens here? They left the place to whatever it will become.... ."

posted on February 4, 2002 06:19:28 AM new
My political affiliation is Independent. So where does that leave me in the analysis of posters and where they post? LOL

I think saying people post here or don't post here soley because of their political beliefs is short sighted, simply because there's so MANY other reasons why people do or do not post. Time available, mood that day, interest in the threads that day, lots of boards out there, friends they have elsewhere, credit card requirement, etc etc.

The people who have actually stated that they do or do not want to post here because of X, Y, or Z reason, including politics, are the only people about whom anyone could know that for sure. Making a general statement about all posters involves general assumptions about them which may or may not be based in fact.

I personally don't like it when people assume some bullcrap about me. I don't think anybody here is assuming anything about me, that's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is in general, it's not something people like.

There's no requirement to stay here and there's no requirement to leave here unless for some reason a poster gets suspended. People choose to leave, choose to stay, choose to come back. It's just choices. Some people might make those choices based on politics, some might make them on other reasons.

For me I like to talk about all kinds of things, not just one topic. Unfortunately I'm not the world's most prolific or interesting thread starter, I only have so many ideas to start threads with that others might want to respond to, combined with having my own forum elsewhere where I do start a lot of threads. I like responding to others threads here though if the topic interests me.

I post where I want, and don't post where I don't feel like it. No more complicated than that. I've rarely understood the need for negative comments about where anyone posts or doesn't post, it's a personal choice. Again, that's a general statement, just joined the discussion here and don't know what was said earlier.

JMHO. Have a good Monday.

posted on February 4, 2002 06:21:54 AM new
Hi rgrem, nice to meet you.

posted on February 4, 2002 11:07:26 AM new
Oh, I haven't read the specifics, but by inference, I assume that Helen had an unpleasant confrontation at another board where there was more tired old whining about RT and politics. That threadbare issue has never been resolved because for the ones who perpetuate it, national politics and the opportunity to state opinions about them was never the central issue anyway -- just petty board politics masking a martyr complex. Those who honestly dislike political discussions either ignore them or move on. The others have different agenda.

posted on February 4, 2002 01:22:31 PM new
Republicans Too Ashamed To Post Here

I can see why you're saying that Borillar. It's pretty difficult to have a challenging conversation if everyone agrees with each other. The problem is, when you're trying to ask a question or make a comment that shows ANY alignment with Bush, you get hammered with all these conspiracy theories and talk about how he's the devil, etc. It doesn't make me think twice about Bush, it makes me think twice about how radical you all are sounding. How can anyone have a normal discussion about politics when talking to a group of radicals?? If you take your chances, you get called names or are told your beliefs have no bases. Wouldn't you think there would be more people around the RT if it was still a discussion board?

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on February 4, 2002 09:04:50 PM new
I dunno KD. Comments like, "The majority of the country is now Republican and the Democrats that voted for Gore are relieved that Gore didn't make it" seriously asks the question: where do you base these facts upon? And the comments that equate to,"Are you nutz?" seem to come into play. If we only had some of the tough cookies of the past, such as that one Air Force officer who learned too much here at the RT, we'd have a great time at it. Basically, that's all I've ever wanted, was someone to discuss the issues and the merits with. But people who base their political phylosophy and "facts" upon the endless lying propaganda of either political party need a little shaking up, IMO. And anymore, I just open up to say what I think in order to someone ANGRY ENOUGH to come in here and say,"That isn't true -- it couldn't be true!" You know what I mean? I'd hate to be relegated to simply posting links and quotes as some people do to remain impartial.

"Friends don't let friends vote republican"

P.s. How do you like my sig line?

posted on February 4, 2002 10:44:47 PM new
"The majority of the country is now Republican and the Democrats that voted for Gore are relieved that Gore didn't make it"

I missed who said that Borillar, but I'm sure they were only joking.

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on February 5, 2002 02:38:53 PM new
I'm not ashamed to say I'm a Republican and I'm certainly not ashamed to say I'm a child of God. And I don't think any of the claims you post here are the fault of one party or the other,instead I think we are reaping what we have sown as a nation which is leading our Country to its end which is not going to change as we are no longer a nation under God but a country that wants to blame everything on a party.Give me a break who do you think you are kidding?

posted on February 5, 2002 03:56:05 PM new
MAH645: I agree with you wholeheartedly! We DO try to blame someone else for our own failings. I think it is a natural inclination, one that by overcoming it makes one an Adult. That this very same inclination also extends to politics is too much to ask of this nation it seems. That we have taken the idea of Citizenship out of the public schools and have embraced mere History and Political education has left us with politically uneducated and disinterested voters. That nowadays, one does not take the time to learn the issues and to understand the process to see how it affects you, but rather, turn it all over to a party whom you root for like a football team and the Presidential race is thereby reduced to nothing more than a Superbowl.

What would it take to increase intelligent educated participation of our political process? I say that in the long run, we need to get the ideals of Citizenship back into the populace and to encourage the full participation of the political process by our younger generations. In the short term, we need simply fill a lot of body bags in a hurry. Just my opinion.

"Friends don't let friends vote republican"

posted on February 6, 2002 07:00:00 AM new
My political party affiliation has absolutely no correlation to where I read or where I post.

I like reading some of the political threads here in the round table...the ones that are presented with an interesting article or we thought and supportable opinion. The rest I back quickly out of.

Personally, I don't see Republicans as a problem. I know quite a few of them and I let my friends vote any way they see fit. I will have an intelligent political discussion with those that are capable (no matter their political affiliation) and I encourage all to be informed before making a decision, in politics, healthcare or anything else.

I am not real interested in reading nonsensical, unsupportable, rabidly introduced, ranting theories that are nothing more than delusions. I read something else.
Please call me Charlotte so I don't have ta change my ID.
posted on February 6, 2002 08:26:27 AM new
"I am not real interested in reading nonsensical, unsupportable, rabidly introduced, ranting theories that are nothing more than delusions. I read something else."

Nor I, Charlotte. I suppose that you resisted the urge to post at all during the Clinton years, then. The messageboards all over the Internet were chock full of republican supporters who constantly posted accusations that were "nonsensical, unsupportable, rabidly introduced, ranting theories that are nothing more than delusions." That the republican leadership in Washington did nothing to stop this sort of nonsense, but instead, encouraged it outright by being the source of that ranting, made the messageboards a nasty place to be for everybody. So turnabout is Fair Play - wouldn't you agree?

Ahhhh! How times have changed! Republicans actually get to see how their leadership would do in Washington and now, when their leadership is worthy not just paranoid fantasies, but really are in a provable conspiracy, republican voters just seem to write it all off as noting more than mere delusions.

[band sounds] >>BOOM!<< >>BOOM!<< >>BOOM!<<
[cheerleaders] "That's OK, That's Alright - just get out there and fight, Fight, FIGHT!"

So, that this republican administration is unraveling, it's not-nice-to-humans activities, its fantastic greed, the full scope of its felonious behavior yet to be revealed and what do republican voters do?

[band sounds] >>BOOM!<< >>BOOM!<< >>BOOM!<<
[cheerleaders] "That's OK, That's Alright - just get out there and fight, Fight, FIGHT!"

Who's the deluded one?

"Friends don't let friends vote republican"

posted on February 6, 2002 08:42:07 AM new
Actually Broiller it was more fun reading the rants in the Clinton days. My God...look what they had to stoop to to get a story. I figure Bush gives anyone plenty to point out without going on a tangent...simply by presenting what is there.

I agree, the mainstream media does not present news. One has to read other sources. Mainstram media is entertainment, more now than ever before. It is produced to get ratings, it is neither liberal or conservative, merely what ever will produce ratings at the moment. And much of it is nothing more than propaganda. But there are intelligently presented news articles available to those that want to read it. Not every one will want to...it is their right.

Anyway, I am not feeling any need to go off on a conservative like rant about issues. I don't need to return tit for tat. I do point out that Homeland Security is set up in a way that should frighten anyone that believes in the American philosopy of freedom. I do point out that most of what little is released by this administration does not fit together, much less fit with facts. I do encourage people to be informed and to analyze the info they are receiving, to be sure that it even makes any sense. But I refuse to lower myself to immatating the behavior of Newt, Henry and other ranters of the far right.

Please call me Charlotte so I don't have ta change my ID.
[ edited by BittyBug on Feb 6, 2002 08:44 AM ]
posted on February 6, 2002 12:43:05 PM new
Well, Charlotte, I hope that I don't chase you away with my occasional rantings (it's just my way of trying to pick a fight). I am happy to see that we both agree on the fundamentals -- as all real Americans should, and then, split the differences over mere budgets and programs. That REAL Republicans are FOR America and Americans FIRST is how it used to be. This current Newt Gingrich crop makes me ill and sorry to call myself an American when standing in the same room as they do. The outrages and excesses has escalated to every part of our government, and if it keeps up, it will fall into civil war. That's how it always happens in the history books and I have not been presented with a good reason why it will be any different for us.

posted on February 6, 2002 09:00:23 PM new

Amen sister.

The problem with "political discussions" is that there is none. The typical "political" post here begins with a pre-conceived conclusion followed by absolutely absurd linkages and "evidence" found in totally unrelated things.

posted on February 18, 2002 09:54:54 PM new
Us Republicans don't post here because you Democrats are all a big joke and not worth talking to about politics. What really just cracks me up is how you Democrats worship your guy while us Republicans only just barely tolerate our guy. I would agree with anyone that Bush is a bumbling boob but he sure beats any Democrat.

If a Republican monkey was running against any Democrat I would vote for the ape anytime.

posted on February 19, 2002 09:02:24 AM new
If a Republican monkey was running against any Democrat I would vote for the ape anytime.

If a Democratic monkey was running against any Republican I would vote for the ape anytime.

If a ape monkey was running against any Republican I would vote for the Democrat anytime.

If a Republican monkey was running against any ape I would vote for the Democrat anytime.

If a Democratic monkey was running against any ape I would vote for the Republican anytime.

If a ape monkey was running against any Democrat I would vote for the Republican anytime.

edited again to make more sense...
[ edited by arttsupplies on Feb 19, 2002 09:20 AM ]
posted on February 19, 2002 09:39:54 AM new
I'm curious why anyone would choose to vote for someone they perceive to be a "monkey" rather than to even consider a third party option.

I'd never vote for a politician I thought was a monkey... but then I'm not an American.

posted on February 19, 2002 10:27:26 AM new

What's all this about monkeys?

Monkeys are sweet & cute! Republicans are sneaky & evil...so they're probably CATS!

posted on February 19, 2002 01:11:53 PM new
Dang! I came over here to read a big rant on republicans and it turns into an anti-monkey, anti-cat thread. Just when I thought it might be interesting too!

I better get back to work! It is too hard to get foodstamps these days and we do need to eat.
[ edited by ashlandtrader on Feb 19, 2002 01:12 PM ]
posted on February 19, 2002 02:59:07 PM new
whoops! Did I manage to derail the topic of conversation in this thread. Oh well, ee ee oh oh ah ah

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