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posted on April 4, 2002 12:09:54 AM new
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Bush and Sharon are
colluding to force the Middle East into a massive, all-out war as a way to
stay in power. But Bush plans to have the last laugh. By encouraging
Sharon to escalating excesses, Bush hopes to bait Arabs everywhere —
including Iraq — into taking aggressive action, even all-out war. This
would of course give Bush the pretext he's sought for launching an
attack on Iraq and embroiling America in a war guaranteed to last
through election day 2004. But the other part of Bush's plan is just as
vicious. By encouraging the bloodthirsty egomaniac Sharon, he may
succeed in destroying Israel without ever lifting a finger himself.

It seems insane that Sharon has staked his country's security on an
alliance with Bush — a man who describes himself as a fundamentalist
Christian (which by definition means anti-Semitic), whose mentor Billy
Graham was blatantly anti-Semitic, whose family actively traded with the
Nazis in WWII and who has himself made anti-Semitic comments. This
is like getting into bed with a rattlesnake and assuming you won't get

But, there is another dimension to the Middle East insanity very,
very few know about: the unholy alliance between the Christian right and
their Jewish counterparts, the Zionists. While sane people around the
world view the Middle East conflict as "mere" political wrangling with
religious undertones, the rightwing Christians and Zionists see the
conflict as a prelude to the final chapter in the fulfillment of Biblical
scriptures - at least as interpreted by paranoid schizophrenics with
religious delusions such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and their
Rabbinical counterparts in Israel and America . These people welcome
the current bloodbath with "rapturously" open arms — it means the
"final Chapter" is imminent, at the conclusion of which the faithful will
ascend to heaven and the rest of us heathens will die a horrible death.
(These people are such great human beings, eh?).

I did not know about this wacked out movement until very recently.
I thought this type was confined to small, relatively powerless cults such
as the Jim Jones or Hale-Bopp folks. But it seems that the rightwing
Judeo-Christian "coalition" is not only just as whacked out as these cults,
it is far, far larger and has friends in very high political places —
including, it is very likely, Bush himself and most certainly John
Ashcroft. Ashcroft is a Pentecostal, and the Pentecostals are the most
rabidly fixated on the "coming rapture" and the significance of events in
the Middle East.

First, I will give you some background, which was provided to me
by a very reliable source.


The reason why the Christian right has been funneling
money into the West Bank is because they are trying to force
the Rapture.

According to Evangelical Christian beliefs, the Jews will
rebuild the Temple Mount. When that happens the Lord will
take all Born Again Christians up into heaven with him where
they will live at his right hand for ever and ever Amen.

But the Jews will not rebuild the Temple Mount because
they are all impure from having stepped upon the earth which
has dead people buried in it. In order for them to be pure,
they must get a pure red heifer that was born in Israel and
burn it. The ashes will be mixed with water and this will be
used to purify the builders and priests of the temple.

Reverend Clyde Lott , an Evangelical cattle breeder, has
been working with American-Born Rabbi Richman and West
Bank settlers to genetically create a perfect red cow. The
West Bank is currently populated with Palestinian Muslims
who are sworn to protect the Al Aqsa Mosque which must be
destroyed because it currently sits exactly where they intend
to build the Temple Mount. They also need a male who has
taken his bar mitzvah (he would be at least 13 years old) who
has been raised "in a bubble" never touching the earth or
anything that has become ritually unclean.

According to the Jews, the Messiah will come once the
temple is built.

According to the Christians, the Jews will almost all die
once the Temple is built and an antichrist immediately moves
into it. According to the Muslims, both the Christians and the
Jews will die violent and bloody deaths if they attempt to
destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque.

No, I am not hallucinating!

We are about to see the biggest mass suicide ever.

Furthermore, if you listen to the Christians, there also has
to be a war with Persia around this same time.

My source also included the following excerpt:

["According to Clyde Lott, the intent of many Evangelical
Christians who are helping Israel today is to speed along the
time when they will be raptured into Heaven, leaving behind a
world in chaos and flames. "It's very sad, but I would say the
interest in the Christian world is to see the Temple rebuilt
from the Antichrist perspective, for the rapture of the Church,
and that's a very selfish point of view," Lott says, "The very
people who are advocating this are the ones that are very
Semitic in their feelings". Although Evangelical theology
forecasts the destruction of the Jews in the Last Days, Lott
believes that the Jews are God's Chosen People and that the
Bible clearly states that God favors those who help Israel."

Most Israelis understand the subtext of this alliance, but
they are loathe to disclaim it. "Basically, we're a doormat for
them to get to their own eschatological culmination," Rabbi
Richman says, "It's a pretty scary thing, because the whole
rapture thing that is popular in some Evangelical circles,
which calls for a fulfillment of the hard times for Jacob, is
essentially an invitation to genocide."

And yet, knowing this Rabbi Richman and the others
happily accept the support of those who would destroy

Now that you have digested at least some of this, consider Bush's
actions for the past several months. Without even needing to invoke a
conspiracy theory, his behavior suddenly makes sense — in a bizarro
world way. Thus you have his constant use of the words "evildoers" and
his passage of judgment on other nations as "evil," his obsession with
attacking Iraq and, if he had his way, also Iran (the modern-day
counterparts to "Persia" — at least close enough for government work!),
his willingness to use nuclear weaponry (after all, Armageddon is part of
the plan), his creation of a shadow government, his seemingly
inexplicable refusal to make any effort to restrain Sharon, his
surrounding himself with fundies, regardless of their qualifications (only
the "pure" can participate in the "glory" of the final hours!), his
determination to knock down the wall between church and state, his
encouragement of Ashcroft's prayer meetings in the Justice Building, etc.

So, simply put, we may well have a pack of religious nutcases
running the U.S. government as well as in control of Israel. Is it any
wonder that the situation in the Middle East has reached the current level
of insanity? Sharon has intentionally provoked the current showdown,
exhibiting a flagrant lack of concern for human life, be it Jewish, Muslim,
or Christian. Yes there are Palestinian suicide bombers, but, as R. D.
Laing once said, some forms of insanity are in fact just sane reactions to
an insane situation.

I have no doubt that, with Bush and Sharon at the helm, the insanity
will get much, much worse before it gets better — which it never will as
long as these two madmen remain in power.

Meanwhile, as these extremists use the "Holy Land" as a playground
for acting out their delusions, the Palestinians are paying the heaviest
price: Here are journal entries from those trapped in Ramallah.

© 2002, Cheryl Seal
posted on April 4, 2002 03:02:44 AM new
This is what many believe. It is true that there seems to be a downplaying of the near fanatic character of Bush's mentors in faith. Falwell is one, but there was some other whacko who had Bush's attention for a few months in some brainwashing camp. I don't remeber the details of that stuff but saw it several times over a period of a few months.

His "wife" -- look at her eyes. That's perverse and radical religious zeal that you see. For people like that there is only the word and they will kill or do any other unholy act to secure their idea of survival and comeuppance in rapture. I would expect that she plays brainwash tapes for him while he sleeps.

posted on April 4, 2002 07:36:52 AM new
Waaa! I don't want to be raptured!

I recall another chilling TV moment--some biggie interviewing Dan Quayle's wife. He asked her something like did she really believe that Noah loaded a boat with pairs of animals, and she said "yes" without hesitation. Good thing I wasn't driving, I would've driven right off of the road.

posted on April 4, 2002 08:40:38 AM new
An interesting theory, KRS. Another one to pass around.

As for me, I hope that the Rapture is true, that they succeed in making it come about, that they are all whisked off into Heaven to sit wherever they are supposed to.

That's because it leaves the rest of the world alone for us! Just think of it:

1) No more TV Evangelists ripping old people's life savings off for gold water faucets in their mansions.

2) No more sanctimonious co-workers complaining every time you dress up your work area for Halloween, while they complain that they don't let Christmas into public schools anymore.

3) All, or at least most of the gullible people will be gone. You know the ones: the ones that want someone to lead them around by a ring in their noses to tell them what to think and how to vote. In fact, how to live, how to everything!

I can go on, but you get the picture. Without these fine folks around, the rest of the world (what's left of it after their mass murdering) will calm down and join in unity and brotherhood (and sisterhood). Since the antagonists and crazies and the feeble-minded will be gone, only the sensible, intelligent, independent thinkers will be left. Sure, it'll take hundreds of years to clean up the mess that they left behind, but it'll be worth it! In the end, as is promised, there will be a thousand years of peace and harmony on earth.

posted on April 4, 2002 09:07:42 AM new
What a bunch of tripe!

I don't know where people come up with this stuff.

I'm sorry to point out that THERE-WILL-BE-NO-RAPTURE! "Christians" will be right here, in the flesh, to see and experience everything that's coming. This includes the destruction of everything they hold dear.

posted on April 4, 2002 11:03:15 AM new
How typical. When ANYTHING happens in the Middle East, it's always associated with either God's second coming, the voice of God, the wrath of God...whatever.


"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on April 4, 2002 11:26:59 AM new
Hi Kraftdinner!

Always typical...Here too! Even during the Civil War, Northern preachers were spreading the message that a Northern victory might prepare the way for the Kingdom of God on earth. Religion serves to legitimate and motivate warriors.


. It will come with blessings, and be greeted with Hallelujahs, it will be the Millennium of political glory, the Sabbath of Liberty, the Jubilee of humanity."

ubb ed

[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 4, 2002 11:28 AM ]
posted on April 4, 2002 11:43:21 AM new
Cheryl has discovered the plot of Damascus Gate.
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on April 4, 2002 12:12:03 PM new
Jesus said his Kingdom was no part of this world. But whenever what he said conflicts with their Theology they ignore him.

posted on April 4, 2002 12:45:49 PM new
Poor God....so many people to punish, so little time...

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on April 4, 2002 01:01:24 PM new
Nice to see you back Helen! Just remember....no hyphens.

Hi snowy and gravid!!

You know gravid, I think we're all guilty of interpreting the Bible to suit our lifestyle. It's a crap shoot. Believe right and you will be saved. Believe wrong and you'll perish....

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on April 4, 2002 01:28:21 PM new


Well then, without hyphens, you will just have to GUESS what I'm thinking. HaHaHa!!!


posted on April 4, 2002 02:54:47 PM new
Well, right now I'm guessing you're feeling pretty good Helen...and why not! Spring's here & we're all still alive!

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on April 4, 2002 03:09:02 PM new

That's right, Kraftdinner.

Feeling great and beautiful day in Maryland. But I may be thinking in hyphenated words next week while working on income taxes. LoL!!! If I can just refrain from transferring hostility to the keyboard then I will be OK.

Otherwise, there will be another *rupture*.


posted on April 4, 2002 03:27:21 PM new

Immense Ruptures Served

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on April 4, 2002 03:45:46 PM new
Immense Ruptures Served

HaHaHa...That's so true!


[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 4, 2002 03:46 PM ]
posted on April 4, 2002 03:57:07 PM new
....with Imaginary Returned Service.

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on April 4, 2002 05:36:33 PM new
Rack & Ruin

posted on April 4, 2002 05:54:56 PM new
LOL! The IRS is getting money from us this year. Seems like the less you make the more they take.

posted on April 4, 2002 06:00:15 PM new
Speaking of interpreting the Bible, hasn't anyone else noticed what I was talking about above? I mean, God will go grab all of the Christians and send them all forthwith into the air, up, up, into Heaven to sit at his side (where he can keep an eye on them, appearently.) Meanwhile, back on earth, the Kingdom of God is established (notably, without the Christians present) and a thousand years of peace and harmony will reign on earth (more evidence that getting rid of Christians promptly would only benefit the whole world. And that's straight from the Bible!)

So, as I said, "Go, Bush, Go! Bring on the Rapture! Go send yer butt to Heaven with yer best buddies and followers so that the rest of us can enjoy peace and security!"

posted on April 4, 2002 06:28:50 PM new
I have no false hope of going to a mythological heaven any more than I would believe in Valhala or that 72 virgins (houris)would be waiting if I were Muslim.

It is scary that grown people who chart the course of nations believe in supernatural things as believable as the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.

When Pres. Bush watches Peter Pan I bet he closes his eyes and clutches his fists and repeats I believe, I believe to keep tinkerbell from disappearing.

posted on April 5, 2002 12:20:07 AM new
It seems insane that you would believe Sharon cares one whit about U.S. interests. As for an alliance, the U.S. is a fair-weather friend cozying up to Arab nations, and everyone knows it.

I wonder about armchair generals who criticize Israel for defending itself, while viewing suicide bombers in the pay of Iraq as heroic martyrs. Palestinians could have had their own state many times over. What they want is not independence, but the destruction of Israel.

Israel is not blameless. The Jewish zealots building settlements in disputed territories are inflaming the problem. They are a small minority, but Israel's political system requires a coalition that gives the religious party too much strength. The Arabs' response is to publicly blow themselves up, in full view of the world theater.

The idea that Arab nations would grant Israel peace if it just gives up Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, etc., is laughable. There can be no peace that isn't backed up with military might. Israel has shown remarkable restraint while the rest of the world, including America, sits idly by. It's time to dismantle the terrorist network.

posted on April 13, 2002 01:07:23 PM new
I'm going fishing. I'll catch up with this B..s..it at the end iof summer. Hopfully by then there will be no Middle East Maniacs.

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