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posted on April 24, 2002 07:20:44 PM new
Some of mine are: 1. truck drivers carrying unsecured loads on their flatbeds. Dozens of people have been seriously injured on Florida's highways recently as pipes,bricks and other assorted debris have been flying into windshields of trailing cars. A woman was impaled by a pipe last year. A large rubber mat with tacks in it recently flew onto the hood of my new car and left a permanent 6" scratch on it.
2. people talking on cell phones in restaurants,doctor's offices etc.
3. people who let their dogs loose.

What are yours?
posted on April 24, 2002 08:21:19 PM new
1. Water running down my arm and dripping off my elbow (like when washing dishes). Totally drives me crazy!

2. Hubby forgetting to flush the toilet, leaving me to find the "surprise" later. I guess he's proud.

3. Those annoying "Request for Total" e-mails from eBay, even though I've (supposedly) got Check-Out disabled!

4. Somebody picking their fingernails ... click, click, click, click, click, click ...

5. And most recently, all these contaminated e-mails from bidders with the Klez worm/virus! I bet I've received 40 or 50 of them in the last few days.

posted on April 24, 2002 08:39:21 PM new
Specifically people who have to YELL in their cell phone. They would not bother me if they could talk in a normal voice and not "pose" looking around to see if everyoine is seeing how cool and important they are.
Reminds me of teenagers who pull out their cigerettes and bump one out against the table and take it one handed to show how used to doing it they are - then tap the ends down in a big ritual and look around to see if everybody sees how mature and experienced they are. Then they have to turn and present themselves in profile so you get the full theater of how they whip out their lighter or match and light it so skillfully amd quickly for someone gazing off at the horizon. Then there is the deep ritual first puff that comes after the styling and profiling snatch of the cig. from their mouth and they turn to the opposite profile and lean back to blow the smoke at the ceiling.
The think they look like the Marolboro Man instead of a wanna be a grown up.

I could list a few more.

posted on April 24, 2002 09:03:10 PM new
Gravid, that was beautifully written!

How about black web pages that can't be read without highlighting the print.

Waiting in line at the grocery store with only two checkers in operation.

The use of "ya" instead of "you"....I don't know why that one bothers me so much.

posted on April 25, 2002 12:14:32 PM new
People that wait until the cashier is finished ringing up their groceries before they write their check.

People in a hurry to pull out in front of you and then go 5-10 miles below the speed limit.

Red light runners. Not the ones that you sometimes accidentally run, but the ones that blatantly do it. They are going to kill someone one day.

A few years ago a man was killed when a ladder fell off a truck and when he swerved to miss it, his truck jumped the guardrail and his truck plunged into the river. Yes, I am in Florida.

posted on April 25, 2002 12:35:10 PM new
You go to the park and feed the ducks and someone comes with two or three small children and they charge the ducks to make them all run back in the water - not once but 3 or 4 times so you are sitting there with your cracked corn and can't feed them. They sit laughing at the kids like it is just the cutest, brightest thing they ever saw. You know the kids don't stand a chance of ever being anything but a rude clueless hicks with parents like that.

posted on April 25, 2002 04:08:40 PM new
Ordering things in a restaurant or take-out deli, and being served with sugar in packets with your coffee; 1/100th of an oz. each of jelly and butter in stamp-sized plastic containers for your muffin or bagel.

posted on April 30, 2002 09:55:06 AM new

1. We are a family of five. These are all restaurant related but have happened nearly every time we eat out:
We are frequently offered a table for 4 when 3/4 of the restaurant is empty. You either have to eat with the plate in your lap, your knees bumping, nowhere to put your cup. Only 4 sets of silverware (the waitress acts offended if you ask for a 4th set). You are handed 4 menus. You ask for non-smoking section and they stick you back to back with the first table of the smoking section. You request butter for a baked potato and it comes after your food gets cold. They don't bring drinks until you're done eating.

2. The soup company glues the label behind the upc code or coupon so it is destroyed when you try to remove it from the can.

3. Cell phones in the grocery store. They block the isles and give you dirty looks if you want to get through. People using cell phones while driving (I hate sitting through red lights for no reason or nearly getting side swiped)

4. School kids crossing the street in herds (instead of together or at a crosswalk). They block the entire length of the street so you have to stop where you are (yes they step right in front of the car).

5. Being blamed for something I didn't do or being called a liar.

6. My daughter doesn't flush toilet.

7. Clean/dirty laundry dumped in floor and mixed up together, effectively blocking the washer and dryer.

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posted on April 30, 2002 12:04:52 PM new
"Pet peeves"

You mean not related to politics or religion, don'tcha? >>SIGH!<<

posted on April 30, 2002 01:09:31 PM new
men and women who don't pay court ordered child support.

posted on April 30, 2002 01:55:56 PM new
Being asked stupid questions about the obvious. Like at the grocery store, I'm pushing a cart and someone that knows me asks are you doing some grocery shopping? Heres your sign.

People that can't wait their turn. Like at the post office when I have a number and someone comes in and totally bypasses the number system and goes straight to a clerk that isn't waiting on anyone. Like their $hit is more important than anyone elses.

Slow gas pumps or when they have it set to stop from running fast with still a dollar or 75 cents left to go.

Getting a bag of burgers at a drive up window at a fast food restaurant and they practically fill the bag with ketchup packets or you drive off and then you notice that there aren't any knapkins in the bag.

Going to Sonic drive-in and after ordering, a grown Mexican (south of the border illegal alien) man brings me my food. They are everywhere here.

Edited because I can;

[ edited by yellowstone on Apr 30, 2002 01:57 PM ]
posted on April 30, 2002 05:22:50 PM new
Here's another one; those pesky national emergency system tests that they do on the network tv stations. They never seem to have them during the dang commercials do they.

posted on April 30, 2002 06:39:44 PM new
I know that this may seem surprising to some of you, but my pet peeve is also illegal aliens, not just Mexicans. We get illegal Hispanics, Chinese, and Russians here. We are being flooded with Hispanics and many of them are escaping poverty and persecution. But a lot of them are running drugs, forming street gangs, and many have a general contempt for the laws and local citizens as they know that they'll only be shipped back to Mexico if they break the law. My sister, whose Mexican boyfriend that she's had, has just broken her nose with his fist and knocked her front teeth loose. Now, I'm not blaming the Mexicans or whatnot, but what I'm angry over is the local police and law system. This guy was drunk, smashed my sister's nose, she had a mouthful of bloody teeth, the guy tried to assault the police officers when they arrived and he resisted arrest in the way that typical Oregonians know better than to do with our local Killer Cops. To top it off, the guy just got done with probation for drinking and driving and being violent when drunk. What was the result of the arrest? At the Hillsboro police station in Washington County, they simply washed their hands of the affair and were going to just give the guy a ticket! Yeah! He was just being processed and then released - still drunk, back out onto the street. My sister had to make her own way down there to the police station and demand, bloody as hell, that they keep him until she could get a restraining order on him. Believe it or not, she had to damn near get herself arrested just to get them to grudgingly keep him in jail over the weekend.

A friend of mine, wrongfully, got drunk and slapped his wife across the face in an argument about his drinking. She complained to the police and he ended up in jail for two weeks and has five years probation, 36 weeks of mandatory anger-control counseling, mandatory substance abuse counseling and a fine, even though he had a clean record. I told him that he deserved it for laying a hand on his wife. And which police and system was it that did this amount of fair justice to him? The Hillsboro Police in Washington County - the same one that was going to let the S.O.B. walk after doing serious damage to my sister!

On another count, last year a state employee of Hispanic origin was fired after it was discovered that illegals were being funneled to her and she was giving them full health, housing, food, education, and other benefits with no questions asked, while denying local Americans benefits whenever she could. In fact, that was in the same county and there is supposed to be an investigation because this gal was not the only one doing this!

Hey, I'm sorry as hell that they are impoverished and come from a dirt-poor country. I also don't want anyone to go cold and hungry if it can be helped. But when Americans are being denied food, medicine and shelter in order to give food, medicine and shelter to people who won't enter this country legally, I get angry.

[ edited by Borillar on Apr 30, 2002 06:41 PM ]
posted on May 1, 2002 04:37:22 AM new

Before 9/11, the EBS annoyed me. Know it scares me to death everytime I hear it.
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posted on May 1, 2002 08:46:04 AM new
Borillar - While I agree with many of the things you said I just can't believe because of human nature that someone who was in this country as a gang member to run drugs and make big bucks in crime is going to be the SAME GUY that takes a crappy drive-in movie job for a pitance in the evening to earn probably 15 or 20 bucks, or works all day in the heat on a yard crew all dusty and dirty.
The ones you see working are not that sort of criminals unless you have reason to hang out where the gang members and dopers do their business.
Hate to see you look at the bagger at the supermarket pushing 12 packs of Coke and lump him in with the guy making a thousand bucks a day pushing coke especial de Columbia.

Of course they may BOTH had a cultural distain for women. That seems almost universal outside the US and UK.

posted on May 1, 2002 11:08:23 AM new
But when Americans are being denied food, medicine and shelter in order to give food, medicine and shelter to people who won't enter this country legally, I get angry.

Borillar, We may not see eye to eye on a lot of issues what with you being a far left Democrat and me being a middle of the road Republican, but I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of this issue.

I think also that alot of people do not fully understand the impact that these illegals are making on our economy. In my opinion it is a 3 part hit that we are taking on our economy.

1. They are taking our jobs. When I first moved to Santa Fe in 1980 I could easilly get a job working any number of construction trades and be paid a decent wage. Now construction in Santa Fe is mostly dominated by illegal alien Mexicans. Illegals are hired by construction firms over resident workers because they are willing to work for a much lower wage.

2. They are driving down the value of our jobs by being willing to work for a much lower wage. If an employer has the choice between hiring a citizen painter for $15.00 an hour or an illegal alien for $5.00 an hour which one is he going to pick? They accomplish this and survive in our economy by getting together and renting housing that is meant for a single family dwelling and packing in 4 or 5 families.

3. This is probably the biggest hit to our economy in the long run. These illegals work in our country and they send a good portion of their earnings back to their home country. It's bad enough that they are taking our jobs and lowering the value of our jobs but to then not even spend their earnings in the USA is a big hit we are taking.

All the fast food restaurants in Santa Fe are now run by non english speaking illegal Mexican aliens. Construction jobs that in the 80's that were plentiful for citizens are now practically nonexistant. attitudes have changed over the course of the past 20 years or so, so that construction jobs in general are now thought of as being a menial labor.

the SAME GUY that takes a crappy drive-in movie job for a pitance in the evening to earn probably 15 or 20 bucks, or works all day in the heat on a yard crew all dusty and dirty.

gravid, These are jobs that if they had a citizen they would earn 20 to 30 bucks a night instead of 15 to 20 which I believe is more like 5 to 10 because they are willing to work for far less. As far as the dusty yard crew, these illegals are each earning $5.00 to $8.00 an hour whereas a citizen dusty yard crew worker would earn a more reasonable $10.00 to $15.00 an hour.

What it all boils down to is that earnings are based on what the lowest wage workers are willing to work for. We have these llegals in our country that come from enonomies where doing the same work they may earn a small fraction of what they can earn in the USA. So by coming here and competing for the same jobs here are driving down the value of whatever jobs are available here.

I am not talking about the jobs that nobody wants, I have heard that mundane argument before. The illegals don't want those jobs either. These are jobs that are available and being worked by citizens of the USA. It has even gotten to the point that kids in school won't take an after school job at a fast food resturant anymore because they don't pay enough and because they don't want to be the only english speaking person on the crew.

posted on May 1, 2002 12:14:38 PM new
Why aren't the employers held responsible for taking advantage of illegal labor?

I wonder if all of the aliens that you see daily are really here on an illegal status.


posted on May 1, 2002 02:42:04 PM new
I see a lot of legal aliens every day, Helen. They are my best friends. They reached this country nearly penniless, but have worked hard every since stepping foot here -- they take a lot of pride in never having taken a single cent of public grants or funds to get set up. They learned English while taking the most menial labor jobs that you and I wouldn't take. They have paid their taxes put themselves through community college and gotten college degrees. They now own houses and businesses. They worship at the small mosque that put together on a shoestring budget.

The difference, Helen, is that illegal aliens do not have the same opportunities for sustaining oneself. You have to realize that no matter how prosperous that we are as Americans, we cannot support the entire world's population -- you have to cut it off somewhere. Having suffering peoples migrating north, entering this country illegally, and then dropping themselves upon the mercy of public welfare system isn't the answer either. You won't see any "Compassionate Conservatism" headed their way either: not even to their own home country, as this administration does not feel compassionate about other people's troubles. And at no point should Americans be denied benefits over those who are here illegally.

The other difference is that those who apply to be here legally have a background check done on them -- see if the local police have a record of them or not. If there is a smudge on their record, they are usually refused entry into America. And for good reason, too! That desperate people who come from a climate of desperation caused by local greed and rampant poverty and have no second thoughts about using violence as an answer to every problem, those should not be here at all.

As for the system here, I am shocked. I want the same rule of justice applied to those who enter this country illegally as those who are here legally or natural born Americans. Discrimination of any sort is grotesque; but I draw the line at Americans being given a hard fist when illegals merely walk.

I'm sorry, Helen, but I just can not support their plight any more. It isn't just Hispanics either: we have trouble with the Chinese too, who import their fellow countrymen and women here and form gangs and cause troubles. I am not xenophobic, Helen: I just want everyone who comes here to live to go through the process first and be cleared for our safety. Is that so much to ask?

posted on May 1, 2002 03:09:07 PM new
as this administration does not feel compassionate about other people's troubles.

Borillar, I don't want to get in a big political argument with you because I think on the issue at hand we do agree but this statement is fubar.

Wasn't it the current administration that decided to extend unemployment benifits? This to me suggests an administration that does in fact care about other people's troubles. Maybe they just don't care about the same troubles that you do but then you aren't the President, right.

posted on May 1, 2002 03:11:09 PM new

Ashcroft may let police jail illegal immigrants

"In a statement Wednesday, Ashcroft said: "With more than 7 million illegal aliens in the United States and only 2,000 INS agents to handle interior enforcement, the Department of Justice is exploring many options to enforce immigration laws."

It's a serious problem, I agree. I wonder what it will cost to lock them up?

posted on May 1, 2002 04:14:39 PM new
Can we vent?

If I do enough OT I do about 65K. Since my guy was born I've accumulated about 60K in debt. I have maybe three outfits, lipstick from Discount Pharmacy and get my hair done once a year.

A few blocks over is The Housing Projects. This is where the people who don't work live and get more bedrooms than us working people can afford. They also get get free PARKING SPOTS for their cars, which most of us working people can't afford and if we could we'd have to drive around for hours looking for a spot or pay $6-800 a month to park it. The 14-16yo mommies push their designer Italian strollers around. I bought our no-name second hand at a rummage sale for $20.00. All the kids wear $100.00 sneakers and many own homes in PR. Oh, and they get A/C too. I had to pay a few extra hundred for the "wiring" and take a rent increase of $80 per month for putting them in two rooms. They also get intercoms. We pay an extra $6.50 per month for that. In order that I could continue to be a "working" parent, I had to pay nearly $14K per year AFTER Taxes for child care. They pay nothing and don't need it anyway. Pretty little minivans come pick the kiddies up. I had to push my guy thru rain, snow and biter cold, often crunching along icy sidewalks, for about 1/2 mile. Both ways. This earned me a "U" rating one year from a sadistic boss and I now have a letter in my file (no kidding): "One Oct. 12 you were 1 minute late; on Oct. 15 your were 4 minutes late; on Oct. 18 you were two minutes late, o Oct 23 you were 1 minute late"--a year's worth! Ah the glory days. SO I'm paying a fortune for this day care center with a sunless yard approx. 8x15' while the underpriviledged kids around the corner with their free unneeded daycare had a huge play yard filled with modern equipment --kid calling got to go.

posted on May 1, 2002 04:27:40 PM new
All the fast food restaurants in Santa Fe are now run by non english speaking illegal Mexican aliens

I hope you don't give them your money since you feel so strongly about it.
I have a restaurant I won't go to because it is owned by a Church.

[ edited by gravid on May 1, 2002 04:28 PM ]
posted on May 1, 2002 04:40:35 PM new

I'm with you 100% on the child=care thing.

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posted on May 1, 2002 04:59:41 PM new
gravid, I don't give them my money because I do feel so strongly about it. Also because they don't speak english I have to assume that they can't read it either. Therefore they can't read the "employees must wash their hands after use" signs in the bathrooms.

They don't care if they are taking our jobs and ruining our economy and i'll bet that they don't care about spreading disease either. They come from areas of their own countries that have open sewage canals and their hygiene practices are far below what our standards are.

posted on May 1, 2002 05:06:30 PM new
nycyn- You forgot to mention the $200 designer sunglasses. In NYC the Agency for Child Development(ACD), which runs the day care system for the city, has a sliding scale of income for admission. They accept a certain number of kids from each of several income levels. By conveniently forgetting to include the income of one of the parents by claiming to be a single parent, or by working off the books, or by lying about their income, many of the kids are there illegally.
posted on May 1, 2002 06:06:21 PM new
I think that we have to be careful about developing a racist attitude toward immigrants. Instead of focusing the frustration that we feel toward these unfortunate people, it's more appropriate to look to their employers and industries who employ them illegally. Employers are the people responsible for keeping Americans unemployed by exploiting illigal immigrants. Employers are the guys who set the wage. Immigrants, illegal or not, are just trying to survive.

posted on May 1, 2002 06:07:36 PM new
I thought I posted this but I don't see it Stusi so I guess I lost it. And yes, many have hidden men/significant others. It would be a loss to marry.

In civilized countries, like the UK, they at least have the "Single Parent Supplement."

Am I bitter? Very.

posted on May 1, 2002 07:22:00 PM new
"Wasn't it the current administration that decided to extend unemployment benifits?"

What does that have to do with illegal aliens?

As far as Bush and illegal aliens goes, so far he's trid to get American Truck Drivers unemployed in favor of unregulated drivers from Mexico. That's mighty compassionate of him -- huh? And that he (the GOP as well) cut funding for help programs around the world to help impoverished countries get onto their feet. That means that those folks will have to go where life and health is, and that means you and I and everyone else who pays taxes is going to have to support them right here.

posted on May 1, 2002 07:53:47 PM new
Borillar, It seems as though you take every thread and interject your thoughts about the current administration and you use it as a means to do a little Bush bashing.

I can discuss just about anything that anyone wants to discuss but when you use a thread for your own personal little soapbox then I have to take exception to it.

What does that have to do with illegal aliens?

It has nothing to do with illegal aliens. I pointed it out because of the reasons that I stated above and I think that I successfuly refuted your interjected Bush bashing claim.

Remember this though, no administration is, has or ever will be perfect.

posted on May 1, 2002 07:59:14 PM new
A pet peeve:

Submitting a question to an organization or web site, and they seem to deliberately misunderstand the question and reverse the order of your words.
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