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posted on May 29, 2002 12:31:18 PM new
Well...talk about spooky coincidences. I meet the guy today, (per his instructions) at the kennel. We are in his office, and talking about dogs, and I told him there is a sigline that I like that I have seen on the net that says "the more Im around people, the more I like my dogs" and he points to a bumper sticker that is on his file cabinet that says the same thing, which was not viewable from where I was sitting. Then, we walk the grounds and look at the kennels and visit some of the dogs, and while we are walking, we are talking. He mentions my car...webejamin on the side...and then he points out his truck..on the license plates frame, it says "Gold Jam". I ask when it means, and he said he is growing rasberries in the far back pasture, along with other fruits, because he makes JAM. Sells them to the local markets and such. I said "well...I could take the Jams to the market for you when my duties are done...after all, you be jam'in and so be I", and he laughs, and I bust up, and we are wiping the tears from our eyes talking about Booger (what I call my car), delivering Jams because WE BE JAMIN some good Jams, and all delivered by a green Booger. This kennel place is new...its an old farmhouse being renovated into his office, and living quarters for the weekend caretaker, but on the way to the place, it reminded me of Hana, or the back hills and roads of Kauai. It was gorgeous. He only has 5 dogs and 3 cats boarded right now, but he is building the place up. So I asked him if he had a website and he said yes, but he hasnt messed with it yet. So I told him to check mine out...and if he wanted me to work on it for him, I would be happy to do so, IF I was hired <grin> . He said "you are a saleswoman, Brenda" and I said "Nope, I just have the gift of gab" and then he said "yeah, but you drive a booger" and I said "yep, with YOUR jams in it" and we both busted up again at the idea of green boogers in jam.
So...I think I have a good shot at it

[ edited by hepburn101 on May 29, 2002 12:33 PM ]
posted on May 29, 2002 03:27:07 PM new
Interesting. Now what would you actually be hired to do?

posted on May 29, 2002 04:08:04 PM new
Receptionist. Answer phones, greet and meet the customers who want to board their dogs. Poop scooping when the need arises and short on staff. Paperwork. Taking Jams to market in the JamMobile

posted on May 29, 2002 04:16:33 PM new
Just got back from a second interview somewhere else. I dont know if I want this job...they havent offered it yet, and Im kinda dreading if they do. It sounded good at first, but the more I think about it, I dont know if I will like it. Its at a retirement home. Really not a home..kinda like a "temp stop off" place for folks who just had surgery, etc. The lady that was showing me around the facility said many of the family members came often, but not nearly enough and we are to keep "occupied" those whose families didnt care one way or another. She said many of the old folks are lonely, and so so sad. THat in turn made ME sad thinking about them and how empty it must feel for them, laying there in their beds or wandering the halls and no family. I gotta ponder this one.

posted on May 29, 2002 04:45:27 PM new
The more you are around those people the more you might like your dogs!
posted on May 29, 2002 06:39:38 PM new
Some day you both may be one of those people.

posted on May 29, 2002 06:47:06 PM new
nycyn, I know. As I walked down those hallways and saw the people, I got really depressed. It wasnt Fried Green Tomatoes. It was real. I hope Im dead before I wind up like that. No friends, no family who gives a sh!t. How awful it must be for some of them. They brightened up so much, when I smiled at them, and patted their hand as I passed by. Such a little gesture...any show of kindness was appreciated in such a small way. A smile back, eyes looking up from wheelchairs and beds, saying its a pretty day isnt it? I dont know if I would hurt myself being there, or hurt them by getting them used to me then me leaving because I cant handle it.

posted on May 29, 2002 11:02:34 PM new
It's a sign. Two paths, choose one. Unless you are very determined, run don't walk away from the nursing job. I cared for old folks and it is VERY depressing. Especially when you see from the inside how the homes are run. Definitely go with the booger jam guy.

posted on May 30, 2002 05:35:06 AM new
Hep - My advice? Go with, and trust, your gut feelings.

Working with the aged/ill can be hard and emotionally draining... but doing so has many rewards of its own.

I know you've always shared your love of animals and that job sounds like there may be side opportunities for you.

posted on May 30, 2002 06:57:46 PM new
Im really hoping I get the animal job. Its perfect for me. But, the retirement home is full time and has benefits. I also love being around old folks. Its something I have to ponder, thats for sure.

If I decide to take the retirement home job (that is, IF they offer it to me), I plan on using the boards for ideas. Some threads get lots of fun replies and interest (the fluff ones). I plan to borrow some of the topics and use them during "social hour". I would love to ask the room of folks what is their best memory, or what song brings the best recollection of a time gone by. In other words, get them to talk about themselves, and share memories that will make them smile. Things like that.
[ edited by hepburn101 on May 30, 2002 07:00 PM ]
posted on May 30, 2002 07:10:38 PM new
If you really want to cheer up the seniors bring dogs for them to play with. Many of them were surely animal lovers but the home will not allow pets. Many homes are allowing dogs to visit.
posted on May 30, 2002 08:02:47 PM new

I have a solution. Take both jobs! Leave the animals at the nursing home to keep the old people occupied and happy while you are delivering jam to the market. . Then pick up the dogs and clean up their mess and you will be back in time to pick a few rasberries and make some more jam.
At night, you can get overtime pay working on the web page.


posted on May 30, 2002 08:15:47 PM new
Stusi, they wont allow dogs in there. Its half a retirement home, half a "convalesent" place. I wish they would, though. I would take Charlie, since hes old himself and very mellow. Chooch would jump all over them and wash their faces, lol.

posted on June 8, 2002 10:22:27 PM new
Hepburn, Have you heard anything about the jobs yet?

I was sure you'd get the one at the dog place.

posted on June 9, 2002 04:57:59 AM new
Well if she has to deal with the USDA at the dog place get ready to meet the most irresponsible government employees yet. Vicious and self imnportant jack asses.

posted on June 9, 2002 06:53:36 AM new

Good point, auroranorth.


posted on June 9, 2002 07:06:09 AM new
Hepburn - I second Rawbunzel's question? Come on....let us know.

posted on June 9, 2002 07:08:02 AM new
USDA? Would that be the "United States Dog Administration"? I didn't know we had one. I hope my dog is in compliance.

posted on June 9, 2002 07:14:08 AM new


posted on June 9, 2002 07:29:38 AM new

USDA Dog Projects and Publications

[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 9, 2002 07:31 AM ]
posted on June 9, 2002 08:05:08 AM new
From the usda link above.

Interpretive Summary: Within specific hosts such as humans, mice, pigs, marsupials, dogs and ferrets several unique types of Cryptosporidium have been identified based on their gene sequences. However, the parasites possessing each genotype are indistinguishable from one another when observed microscopically, restricting our ability to clearly identify them as species and to be able to predict, when they are found in the environment, both their source and their potential to infect humans and livestock. The present study has characterized Cryptosporidium from a dog based on morphology, host specificity, biological characteristics, and gene sequencing, and has compared these characters with those of other isolates. Findings indicate that the isolate from domestic dogs is a unique species.

Technical Abstract: Oocysts of Cryptosporidium, spontaneously excreted after a dog was chemically immunosuppressed, were examined by bright field, differential interference contrast, and immunofluorescence microscopy and were found indistinguishable from oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum. Sequence data for the 18S rDNA and the HSP-70 gene revealed sequences that varied significantly from all known species of Cryptosporidium. These oocysts, isolated from feces of the dog, were intubated into BALB/c neonatal mice, immunosuppressed C56BL6/N juvenile mice and a newborn Holstein calf. Oocysts of a bovine isolate of C. parvum were likewise intubated into controls for each of the same animal species. Based on microscopic examination of feces all animals became infected and excreted oocysts. However, by molecular analysis, the calf was the only animal confirmed to be infected with the canine isolate. Based on the genetic distances and differences in host specificity between the dog genotype and C. parvum genotypes, we therefore regard this unique organism as a separate species and propose the name Cryptosporidium canis.

I could not write on this board the name that I "propose" for these people..

posted on June 9, 2002 08:36:05 AM new
I didnt get the Retirement Home position...I dont know if Im happy or not. I was wishy washying with the pros and cons, so maybe it was a blessing. The kennel job, I never heard back from him so I left a message Friday to see if the position was filled...havent heard back from him. In the meantime, I applied at a few other places...one at a small market/gas store, one at a coffeeshop as breakfast cook. I wont hold my breath at the cook job...even though my parents owned a cafe and I was cook, its been 30 years. There is one that I am very interested in, but they already hired someone, and I was too late in applying..however, they will keep my app on file as they said if I would have applied sooner they would have taken me since Im experienced in PR/property management. Its working at a resort in Avila Beach, showing the property to investors (time share), working with the current owners of the properties, activities director for summer festivities, etc.

Im kinda bummed. Getting a job in this area is going to be hard, now that school is out and I have college students as competitors. So, I dyed my hair back to its original color. No more gray. Miss it already
But I dont look 50 anymore, either

edited to correct spelling. Cant get a job if I dont start to spell check. Nah. not in here. Yall know what Im trying to say, lol.
[ edited by hepburn101 on Jun 9, 2002 08:38 AM ]
posted on June 9, 2002 08:49:20 AM new
I like to give young people advice on things (when they'll listen) and I explain jobs to them in this way:

Jobs are Unfulfilling

OK, you're the Owner. You have enough work for two people - you and an employee. The first job is the FUN job, fulfilling and great to have and the other one is sheer drudgery, unfulfilling, a giant yawn.

Question: Which job do you think that Boss will take? Which one do you think is the Job Offer to you?

They Don't Pay What I'm Worth

Exactly. They Buy your services Cheap and they Sell you High, just like any other commodity. You get paid less because you are trading risk for security; that is, you get that regular paycheck with regular paid rate. If you want to risk everything you have like the owner does, you'll get the pay that you deserve. That's why employees get paid lots less than they are worth.

I thought I'd pass that along this Sunday morning.

posted on June 9, 2002 09:00:10 AM new
I had my own shop, and although it was fun, I really missed the aspect of being an employee with no worries AFTER the shop closed...just go home, let the owner worry about whatever there was to worry about. I see two sides. I kinda miss the shop...but I dont miss the stress. I just want a damn job that pays regularly, even if its minimum wage. Im not surviving on ebay anymore. My savings is depleted. Now its my husband that is carrying the full brunt, and its not fair to him.

Maybe I will apply at BurgerKing and flip a few burgers. Beats watching him work 60 hours a week and me not helping

posted on June 9, 2002 09:24:04 AM new
Hep - I didnt get the Retirement Home position...I dont know if Im happy or not. Well...then it wasn't meant to be. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason.

I applied at a few other places Good...continue to persevere.

a resort in Avila Beach, showing the property to investors (time share), working with the current owners of the properties, activities director for summer festivities, etc. That sounds like it could be a fun job.

Im kinda bummed. Hang in there and try to stay positive. I have my fingers crossed for you.

posted on June 9, 2002 11:12:58 AM new
Hepburn, I think it's good you didn't get the retirement home postion. I worked in one when I was in high school and it was the most depressing job I have ever had. It's ok if you don't mind working with people who are never going to get better and are only waiting it out in God's waiting room.

I really thought you would get the other one though, it sounded like you and the owner would get along famously.
They say it can take six months to find a position now so don't give up yet. It is the same for everyone.

posted on June 9, 2002 11:37:31 AM new
Thanks for the positive wishes. I havent given up yet. Meanwhile, I have started a new "mini" business of cleaning the carpets here at the complex when folks move out. I was paying an outside vendor 135 bucks to clean the carpets, but instead, I will be doing it myself and charging the owner 100 per unit. Hes saving 35 bucks, and Im getting 100 bucks that for the past 12 years has gone to the carpet cleaning company. Only problem is, not alot of folks move in or out. So, its a hit and miss thing. Still, its money. Monday was supposed to be my "job search day" again, but I have to go to DMV with the little old lady that sold us the travel trailor...she doesnt drive and wanted to go with me to do the transfer of the title, so I said I would take her and treat her to lunch at the same time (thank goodness she loves taco bell and suggested a Chalupa...wont hurt my dwindling funds too much). Im also glad we got the travel trailor...in case I ever need a roof over my head, it wont be an overpass.

posted on June 9, 2002 05:43:34 PM new
I got a bite!!! The manager at the little gas/grovery store called earlier (I was outside watering the grounds, and didnt hear the phone ring)...he left a message on the answering machine to call him, so I did. He was swamped at work and said to hang tight, that he would call this evening and wants to set up an interview!!! Keep fingers crossed!!! Hours are perfect...6pm to 11pm 5 days a week. THis way Im home for the tenants, and leave for work AFTER my husband gets off work, so the place is always covered.

oh please oh please I hope I get it!

posted on June 10, 2002 12:14:33 PM new
Interview today at 3:00!!!

<i>Keeping fingers crossed</i>

posted on June 13, 2002 01:52:31 PM new
For those interested...I GOT THE JOB! I worked for 3 hours this morning (watching the tapes they make new employees view) and tomorrow I have a full 8 hour shift...then Saturday, I have only half a day but thats ok, since the boss is working out the schedule arrangement.
You will still be blessed with my presence, but not as much

Im SO relieved. I was really sweatin' next months bills.

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