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posted on November 21, 2002 08:50:31 AM new
Nov. 21, 2002, 6:57AM

Lawsuits blames McDonald's for kids' poor health

Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Are Big Macs hazardous to children's health?

Lawyers have filed a class-action lawsuit against McDonald's on behalf of New York children who have suffered health problems,
including diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

In federal court in Manhattan on Wednesday, a lawyer alleged that the fast-food chain has created a national epidemic of obese hildren. Samuel Hirsch argued that the high fat, sugar and cholesterol content of McDonald's food is "a very insipid, toxic kind of thing" when ingested regularly by young kids.

The plaintiffs include a Bronx teen who ate every meal at McDonald's for three years while living in a homeless shelter. Another is a 13-year-old boy from Staten Island who says he ate at McDonald's food three to four times a week and is now 5-foot-4 and 278 pounds.

McDonald's lawyer Brad Lerman insisted the lawsuit was a frivolous attempt to cash in on the Golden Arches, "the kind of lawsuit that
shouldn't be in court."

"People don't go to sleep thin and wake up obese," Lerman said. "The understanding and comprehension of what hamburgers and french
fries do has been with us for a long, long time."

McDonald's has asked Judge Robert Sweet to dismiss the case, arguing those who filed the claims cannot show their health woes were
caused by Big Macs and insisting the company has never misled customers about its food. The judge did not immediately rule on the

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 21, 2002 08:57 AM ]
posted on November 21, 2002 08:54:43 AM new
The really sad thing is that this person will probably win this assinine lawsuit.

I have a friend who says she'd be happy to testify on behalf of the fast food restaurants. She has been eating fast food several times a week since she was a kid. She is now 46 years old and weighs...110 pounds. And she's in good health--no cholesteral problems, heart problems, nothing.
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on November 21, 2002 09:08:39 AM new

For Gods Sake!

George Bush is more hazardous to children's health than MacDonalds.


posted on November 21, 2002 09:08:48 AM new
Ok enough is enough someone sue the lawyers and hand them their STUPID SIGN

And someone said public floggings were not fun

posted on November 21, 2002 09:14:48 AM new

When did George start lining the kids up & start craming their faces with McFat burgers.

If you wnat to blame anyone, its the parents who give in to what the kid wants and are to LAZY to cook.

Besides MickyD's opened in the early 50's, so I guess Eisenhower started the trend in your reasoning.

posted on November 21, 2002 09:31:24 AM new

Where did I blame George Bush for the MacDonald's menu or say that George Bush is responsible for MacDonalds?

By leaving children without health insurance and other such harmful policies George Bush is a BIGGER HAZARD to the health of children than MacDonalds. By comparison, for example, Macdonalds is a trivial concern.

And this legal action in my opinion is a trivial suit.

[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 21, 2002 09:34 AM ]
posted on November 21, 2002 10:20:04 AM new
Just wait until McDonalds tells the next fat man to come to the counter that they can't take his order because of concern for his health until he gets closer to his ideal weight. The lawsuit for that will make the other trivial!
Maybe they can use Poindexters new snooping software and you will only be able to buy so much food at the supermarket before they cut you off for the week.

"Sorry Sir, you are at your limit for fat this week. I can only sell you celery and lettuce."

"Man mugged outside Safeway. Assailant escapes with strip steaks and sour creme."

posted on November 21, 2002 10:28:34 AM new
Helen, Sorry, I misread you comment.

Gravid, the part about the steaks...

The Akins diet does work.... Besides I would rather eat a steak than a fast food burger

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 21, 2002 10:33 AM ]
posted on November 21, 2002 12:58:24 PM new
Agreed - Atkins works. I have lost 25 pounds on it and am comfortable to keep going.
However the government is also in the telling us what to eat business, and they can stare facts in the face and refuse to admit them. They can't let go of the fat is evil mind set.
I just read an article in our paper about how in 3 seperate studies Atkins followers lost more and had better blood pressure and chemistry than those following the low fat diets recommended by the profdessional societies. But the doctor being interviewed said - We can't change our recommendations so quickly on such slim evidence. Huh? Slim?
And they jump on the religeous for having faith - what else is their decision making based on if they follow peer pressure instead of fact? I guess they don't know it makes them look stupider to stonewall like a politician. Scientific dogma!
The knuckle heads are like the generation of doctors that went to their graves calling Pastuer a fraud. Too bullheaded to change their mind once it is made up.

posted on November 21, 2002 02:14:43 PM new
I also think it is a stupid lawsuit


I can see their point.

In recent years, the fast food industry has targeted children. Specifically the very young. The purpose is to have these children develop a fast food LIFESTYLE. Lifestyles are just as hard to change as an addiction. Fast Food chains are in your children's cafeterias in schools. YES, the schools are required to have heathly meals on hand, but they are generally not promoted nor are they very appetizing. Why, because the more MacDonalds your kid eats, the more funding the school get from MacDonalds. MacDonalds actually operate at a very low profit margin in the schools, but remember, they are changing your LIFESTYLE to make your children a lifetime customer. And in today's society, parents just give in rather than argue. A parent could make a hamburger that tastes and looks exactly like a MCD hamburger, but the child would want a MCD hamburger instead becasue that is the way they are being TRAINED even in school. Ever hear about channel one in schools? It is heavily supported by the Fast Food Industry because they are allowed to advertise on it. It may not be alot of advertising, but remember, it is a captive audience who are being required to pay attention. The students can not leave during the ads.
One school had an agreement with Coke, they had the normal funding from Coke. BUT IF they sold over so many cases of Coke Product(not the juices and healthy drinks), the school would get an additional lump sum. So the school administration INSISTED that teachers allow the student to drink Coke Product during class, that student be allowed to LEAVE CLASS to go get more Coke. In another school, a student was SUSPENDED when during a Coke Promotional Photograph of the student body, he took off the DRINK COKE sweatshirt and revealed a DRINK PEPSI sweatshirt. In case you wonder, the entire student body was REQUIRED to be in that photo, all wearing DRINK COKE sweatshirts.

Should the Fast Food industry be sued.....NO
But hopefully this suit will generate enough publicity to wake up society and parents

I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
[ edited by mlecher on Nov 21, 2002 02:28 PM ]
[ edited by mlecher on Nov 21, 2002 02:30 PM ]
posted on November 25, 2002 03:48:40 AM new
Maybe before anyone at McDonalds takes your order, they should require you to step on the scale to check your weight. Then, only if you make the grade, you could place an order.


I really don't believe the George Bush is a greater threat to a childs health the McDonalds. Do you? Have you ever gone to or taken your child(ren) grand child(ren) to McDonalds?? After eating there did you curse that damned president!! I wish he didn't force me to eat there.

Well did you????

I'm waiting for your answer.

posted on November 25, 2002 06:26:39 AM new

You misunderstood my answer. It was just a flippant remark not really intended to derail the thread. I'll try to explain it to you.

There are many threats to children such as accidents, disease, crime and abuse. We could even add lions and tigers and bears.lol!

On a scale of 1 to 10, I believe that George Bush and his lack of care and consideration for children is a bigger threat to the welfare of children than a happy meal. By cutting educational, food, and health care funding to children and ignoring environmental issues he is a BIGGER threat.

I don't believe that MacDonalds is more greedy than any other corporation designed to attract the business of children. Although George would probably sympathise with MacDonald's goal, he has nothing to do with their operation as far as I know. lol! The harm that is alledgely being attributed to MacDonalds pales in comparison to what George Bush is doing to the welfare of children in this country.

I focused my reply about children because MacDonalds uses children to attract families in advertising, etc. Also, eating fat, sugar and salt is habit forming so it's financially beneficial from MacDonald's standpoint to attract their customers while they are young. That's just my opinion Yeager.


Of course we should remember all the children who are dying and will die and the thousands who have already died in Iraq because of sanctions. These sanctions serve no purpose whatsoever. They don't punish Saddam. They kill children.

[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 25, 2002 06:54 AM ]
posted on November 25, 2002 06:45:43 AM new

What I would like to see is for McDonalds to clearly display the "nutritional" content of their items. Similar to the required labels on foods in the grocery store. How many people woulb buy the the Big Mac meal if they found out that it contained nearly 100& of the daily caloric content, 100% of the daily fat content, and enough sodium to preserve meat indefinately. That is the ONLY reason they do not post it.

We call them our heroes...but we pay them like chumps
posted on November 25, 2002 09:08:18 AM new

I agree that if it were posted, then maybe a few would stop and read it. However, all in all, I don't think it would really help. People go to McDonalds for taste, speed, and cost. They offer a phamphlet containing this information. Some of the McDonalds that I have been in, have it posted.

A lot of people don't know that a Big Mac has LESS calories that a salad with dressing. When I go there, I never supersize. Nobody needs that much food all at once. Plus its to much money for me to spend on one meal, (I'm VERY CHEAP).

posted on November 25, 2002 10:53:09 AM new
I asked for that "pamphlet" once. They generally are "out of stock". But they will tell you that you can get the information on their web page.

I found it, but what a heck of a challenge! There is no link to it. You have to use their "search". It was light red lettering on light red-orange tab. And then it was a PDF file which you need Acrobat Reader to look at.

Very Difficult for the average person

We call them our heroes...but we pay them like chumps
posted on November 25, 2002 11:53:03 AM new
The average person doesn't give a rip about the fat, cholesterol or fat content in food bought at McDonald's or any other fast food place for that matter.

They eat there for the following reasons (or a combination of them): 1) it's fast, 2) convience, 3) their kids twist their arm, 4) it tastes good (that's why there's so much fat, BTW).
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on November 25, 2002 12:19:34 PM new
I totally agree bunnicula. We want to aceept less and less reponsibilty for our own actions. And people still wonder why they're losing all their freedoms... mind boggling!

posted on November 25, 2002 02:45:28 PM new
There's been a lot of media focus on stupid and obviously wrong lawsuits of late. I'm suspicious of that. It's not that I just don't trust the media to report problems accurately and fairly, it's the political agenda of the owners of the media that is reporting these abuses. After all, you seldom ever hear about the lawsuits that fail.

For instance, did that news report go on to mention that with the passage of the new Homeland Security bill, the paramedical company Eli Lilly is now immune from prosecution and lawsuits about a substance that is reported to have caused children to become autistic? Only someone who knew what the effects are and went ahead and did it anyway would be so blatant as to slip that into a bill's passage. What of the victims? What about the money made off of them? Do you have any idea what it is like to be the parent of an autistic child?

Tort Reform. That's what all of these corporations want. They want to be protected when they are grossly and criminally negligent. What they need is for the public to get onto their side, you know, to side with the companies against their own selves. Sound ridiculous? Look at the political party in Washington and listen to the Americans who all approve of Bush. This is a plan that will work for the corporations.

posted on November 25, 2002 04:17:33 PM new
Did you see that piece on rural Mississippi counties and Lawsuit? It was on 60 Minutes last night. Imagine getting a prescription for a Diet Pill currently under litigation, driving hundreds of miles to a drugstore in Mississippi to have it filled, only have it filled for 2 capsules, then enjoin with the lawsuit to receive MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Happens every day in these Mississippi counties.

If I were a business of any type, I would pack up and move. Let these foolish, moronic jurors starve to death of their own stupidity. Let them lose everything because they wanted "payback"

We call them our heroes...but we pay them like chumps
posted on November 26, 2002 10:32:54 AM new
I have yet to see a small child drive himself to McDonalds, get in line and then pay for a meal. It's a parent's responsibility to "police" their young children and guide their teenagers. It's not McDonald's job! When McDonald's first came out, going there was considered a treat in my family. Rarely did my family go - once a month, maybe. When I was a teenager, it was different. Teenagers, as we all know, are a bit harder to control. They will do what they will do. But, if you have taught your children from the get go what is good and what is not, your chances of raising a healthy child are better. How can McDonald's be responsible for any of this? I also never recall seeing a member of McDonald's crew strong arming anyone into the restaurant. If we keep expecting Big Brother to bail us out of everything, Big Brother will most certainly be there ALL THE TIME - so much for freedom! I for one don't wish that upon myself.

I remember that when we were teenagers and my mother complained about us going to the fast food restaurants, my grandmother would interject with stories of malt shops and drive-ins that my mother hung out at. Fast food is here to stay. YOU have to police your own children. It's the "hot coffee" incident all over again!
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