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posted on December 5, 2002 08:24:19 PM new
Wake Uuuup!

"Truth comes to the market and could not be sold; we buy lies with
ready cash." Nigerian saying

"Brainwashing of children and adults in America is the worst in the
world, and its always done with those with complexes." - Duke Ellington

Lately I find myself feeling like Lawrence Fishburn's character at the end
of Spike Lee's movie School Daze who wakes up and goes to the bell
tower of the fictional Negro institution of higher learning and starts ringing
the bell and shouting "Wake Up" to rouse the people from their induced
socio-political and cultural stupor.

Wake Up! Stop falling for the okie-doke, we know Uncle Sam don't care
nothin' 'bout freedom or security here or globally.

Wake up, you know something is fishy about 9-11, that
conspiracies, overt public policies against people of color aren't new to
this country; we've had hundreds of years of experience with government
skullduggery and evil (the Black Codes, KKK, Southern juries, COINTELPRO

Wake up! These are the most ruthless and diabolical killers on the

Wake Uup! All this noise and nonsense about a regime change
coming from the man who literally stole a national election here, and justifying
it in the name of peace, freedom and security; please, don't let them insult
your intelligence. The media/PR/propaganda machine is working overtime
to condition us to acquiesce to this insanity. There is nothing subtle about

People in AmeriKKKa are so brainwashed, so preoccupied with keeping
up with the latest fads, trivialities, distractions and nonsense, we've been
programmed not to think critically or independently. Now most people don't
even blink when Bush talks about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Ask
yourself, if Hussein actually has them, from whom and where did he get
them? He doesn't have the capabilities to manufacture them on his own,
especially after eleven years of international sanctions and embargo.
Wake Uuuup!

George W. Bush was the one who ran for the presidency on a platform of
increasing the "defense budget". (Did you know up until after WW II the
Defense Department was called what it really was, the War Department?
They changed it for propaganda purposes so Joe and Jane Sixpack wouldn't
feel like warmongers and they'd be more susceptible to manipulation by the
media and government during the bogus Cold War; which was all about global
white supremacy, Russians are very much white boys once you get past their
fur hats and coats). He even advocated reviving the Star Wars Space Missile
Defense boondoggle Ronald Reagan and his father tried to foist upon
taxpayers. Baby Bush came into office with an imperialist war agenda.

Look at his cabinet (or more correctly, his daddy's cabinet) they have two former
Secretaries of Defense (Rumsfeld, Cheney), hard-line policy maker Paul
Wolfowitz is the closest thing to Dr Strangelove going and the token
war dogs Colin Powell and mad women ( she looks like she's on something)
Condoleeza Rice. Domestically we have John Poindexter of Iran-Contra fame
running the new domestic spy agency, fascist Ashcroft at the "Justice'
Department and Henry Kissinger a man charged with being a war criminal
overseeing the 9-11 probe?!!

These guys don't inspire public trust or confidence they are working in our
best interests. Now that unabashed warmongers control the Presidency and
Congress, look for them to appoint their cronies to fill more federal judicial
vacancies. Once they do that, their coup will be complete. Together they will
return us to the days of robber barons, antebellum Southern politics and
undermine the standard of living as they plunder the national treasury in
their blazon quest for GOD -- Gold, Oil and Drugs.

In the next few years, white AmeriKKKans will
discover what totalitarian oppression is, they will experience what the
Native Americans and black folks have known for four hundred years.
Stop the perpetual war! Wake up, don't allow them to piss on you and
convince you its rain. Stop focusing on the latest soap opera drama.

Pay more attention to the media you and your children consume. Be more
discerning about what you allow into your homes media wise, remember
the Trojan Horse! Stop being so outer directed that you totally ignore your
inner compass and moral gyroscope. Don't go for Bush's permanent war
mentality and resulting policies; yesterday Afghanistan, today Central Asia,
tomorrow Iraq next week who knows what or where. Stand up, speak up for
peace, justice, righteousness and truth. Don't go out like Nazi Germany;
history, our ancestors, our children and the CREATOR will judge us harshly
if we continue to go along with this madness. Wake up, before its too

posted on December 5, 2002 09:09:52 PM new
That's a really good post. Are those your words drkosmos?

posted on December 5, 2002 10:36:02 PM new
drkosmos knows.

posted on December 6, 2002 06:19:20 AM new
Whoa! Applause! Applause! Encore! Encore!


We call them our heroes...but we pay them like chumps
posted on December 6, 2002 06:58:44 PM new
This was on the Broward Anti-War List...

Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 20:20:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Elvira Williams <[email protected]>
Subject: Wake Uuuup!

Junious Ricardo Stanton <[email protected]>
Wake Uuuup!

from the miami-dade green party
I'm sorry for not giving the credit to the person who wrote it originally, I was not trying to take credit, just want to pass on important information.

p.s. I wish I could send it to everyone in AmeriKKKa!
[ edited by drkosmos on Dec 6, 2002 07:00 PM ]
posted on December 6, 2002 07:03:41 PM new
more relevent info....

Published on Thursday, December 5, 2002 by the Guardian/UK
This Time I'm Scared
US propaganda fueled the first Gulf war. It will fuel this one too - and the risks are even greater

by Maggie O'Kane

I have a picture from the last Gulf war. It was taken in the basement of the Al Rashid hotel, the night the war started. The look on my face is one you might expect of a 28-year-old reporter at the center of one of the biggest stories of my lifetime: earnest, excited and thrilled to be in Baghdad.

Eleven years later, I'm on maternity leave and the news of an impending second Gulf war follows me around the kitchen. This time, I feel only a sense of intense danger as the Middle East lurches towards a possible chemical and biological war.

The chances of Saddam Hussein using chemical and biological weapons if attacked are, according to the testimony of the CIA to the US Senate intelligence committee on October 7, "pretty high" - a scenario that even one of greatest hawks in US history, Brent Scowcroft, former national security adviser to George Bush senior, says would lead to meltdown in the Middle East. As of December 7, when Iraq is expected to produce its definitive dossier, there should be no illusions: no matter what Baghdad discloses, America and almost certainly Britain are going to war. The "material breach", if it does not happen by itself, will be manufactured, so wringing consent for the second Gulf war just as consent was manufactured with breathtaking cynicism in 1991.

There were two glaring examples of how the propaganda machine worked before the first Gulf war. First, in the final days before the war started on January 9, the Pentagon insisted that not only was Saddam Hussein not withdrawing from Kuwait - he was - but that he had 265,000 troops poised in the desert to pounce on Saudi Arabia. The Pentagon claimed to have satellite photographs to prove it. Thus, the waverers and anti-war protesters were silenced.

We now know from declassified documents and satellite photographs taken by a Russian commercial satellite that there were no Iraqi troops poised to attack Saudi. At the time, no one bothered to ask for proof.

No one except Jean Heller, a five-times nominated Pulitzer prize-winning journalist from the St Petersburg Times in Florida, who persuaded her bosses to buy two photos at $1,600 each from the Russian commercial satellite, the Soyuz Karta. Guess what? No massing troops. "You could see the planes sitting wing tip to wing tip in Riyadh airport," Ms Heller says, "but there wasn't was any sign of a quarter of a million Iraqi troops sitting in the middle of the desert." So what will the fake satellite pictures show this time: a massive chemical installation with Iraqi goblins cooking up anthrax?

The US propaganda machine is already gearing up. In its sights already is Hans Blix, the chief weapons inspector. He's too much of a softie for Saddam, the former CIA director James Woolsey told the Today program last week. His work is of "limited value". He was Kofi Annan's "second choice".

What next? Blix's granny is Iraqi? He has a drugs problem?

Meanwhile, in Britain, Jack Straw's new human rights dossier on Iraq is timed to coincide with the build-up. Convenient, eh? The second tactic used to get consensus for war in 1991 was another propaganda classic: dead babies. Then, the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador in Washington, Nijirah al-Sabah, tearfully described how, as a volunteer in the Al Adnan hospital in Kuwait City, she had watched Iraqi soldiers looting incubators to take back to Baghdad, pitching the Kuwaiti babies on to "the cold floor to die".

Except it never happened. The Filipina nurses, Frieda Construe-Nag and Myra Ancog Cooke, who worked in the maternity ward of the Al Adnan hospital, had never seen Ms al-Sabah in their lives. Amnesty admitted they had been duped. Middle East Watch confirmed the fabrication, but it was too late: a marginal US congress had been swung to vote for war. George Bush senior mentioned the "incubator babies" seven times in pre-war rallying speeches. It was months before the truth came out. By then, the war was over.

This time, we have yet to see what propaganda will be used to rally consensus for the second Gulf war by proving a "material breach". It is highly likely that Saddam Hussein maintains at least some chemical and biological capacity. In a war in which his own survival is unlikely (and already rumored to be ill with cancer) Saddam Hussein has nothing to lose. If he knows his fall is imminent, what terrible legacy might he choose to leave behind? What better present to his extremist Arab brothers than an attack on Israel? And how will the US, Britain or Israel respond if their troops or cities come under chemical or biological attack?

I n 1995, the Washington-based Defense News reported on the outcome of the then highly classified Global 95 Wargame, a high-level military exercise enacted at the US Naval War college. Global 95 played out a simultaneous threat from North Korea and Iraq. The North Korean situation was diffused, but Iraq attacked US troops in the region with biological weapons. Washington replied with a nuclear bomb on Baghdad. The main observation during the Global 95 experiment was just how quickly the situation escalated.

But the greatest irony, and most important issue, is that although the war on Iraq may indeed get George Bush re-elected, it will not win the war on terrorism. It will instead fuel it.

In 1998, I spent an afternoon with Abu Ziad, an elderly accountant in Baghdad. He recounted how, at 2am on February 13, 1991, two bombs had hit the Amiryia bomb shelter near his home. The first pierced the roof, slicing into the central heating tank and sending gallons of boiling water pouring over the women and children below. The second bomb, 15 minutes later, exploded with such force that he never had the chance to identify the bodies of his wife and four of their five children: Zena,14, Fuad, 12, Lena, seven and Sadaad, six. He remembers standing outside the shelter in the early morning and noticing the ankles of dead women and children marked by the red hot mattress springs they had fought to climb over to get out of the shelter before the second bomb dropped.

The Abu Ziads of the second Gulf war will be seen on al-Jazeera TV giving their heartbreaking testimony to a new generation of disaffected and dispossessed young Muslim men from Palestine, Indonesia, the Middle East and Africa. And we can all hear the death chant of a hundred suicide bombers: Allahu Akbar. It's a high price to pay for another four years in the White House.

I am not some naive pacifist. I supported intervention in Bosnia, the war in Kosovo and military intervention in East Timor. Baghdad is a city where terror hangs in the air in every home. Iraqis literally dare not speak Saddam Hussein's name. But now he is cornered, dangerous and possibly dying. Provoking him is criminally irresponsible and provoking him in order to secure a second presidential term is unforgivable.

Remember the words of JFK to his brother Bobby, spoken in the ante-room of the Oval Office the night before the Cuban missile crisis, now declassified. "I have to do it, Bobby," said John Kennedy, explaining why he was facing up to the Soviets. "I'll lose the presidency if I don't." Krushchev had a way out. He ordered the Soviet ships to turn around. What would have happened if he had nowhere to turn?

Maggie O'Kane is editorial director of GuardianFilms. She was named European Journalist of the Year this week for its first documentary, Looking for Karadzic.

© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

posted on December 6, 2002 07:39:30 PM new
This thread describes similar false circumstances used to justify wars throughout history beginning with the Romans.

The Oldest Trick in the Book

Based on What Really Happened

There is no doubt that some circumstance will be found or rather invented to justify starting a war with Iraq just as these wars were. The search for weapons of mass destruction is just a charade.


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