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posted on January 22, 2003 09:01:03 PM new
This Friday, the American Secret Police will start up. Taking more than twenty previous federal alphabet-soup named agencies will come under the wing of one mass agency: The Office of Homeland Security. It also will come under the direct thumb of the President, as many will recall that President Bush made himself the only one that this new mega-agency is accountable to. While even the Democratic Party was playing Hail To the Chief when the unbelievable break with the United States Constitution was being ratified by Congress, Tom Ridge will be heading up the President's Personal and Private Secret Police Agency. Note in future trials for Crimes Against the American People that Tom Ridge will also be held culpable, even though he will tritely claim, "I was only following orders!"

Ridge Confirmed as Security Chief

How will history see Bush? Imagine if Nixon had had this opportunity when he made his infamous "To-Get List"? Imagine what it would have been like? Bush is much more dangerous than Nixon ever was ~ at least HIS family didn't have close ties to Adolph Hitler!

As people begin to dissappear into the night by the new agency, we will be here lighting up a candle of rememberance for them. Stay tuned to this messageboard for as long as we can continue to bring you the truth.

fixed UBB
[ edited by Borillar on Jan 22, 2003 09:03 PM ]
posted on January 22, 2003 09:10:54 PM new
Borillar,Maybe you give them too much credit.I dont believe, it will be a smooth transaction,Lots of egos and personalitys will do conflict.Lots of human mistakes in the wings,It will be a comedy of errors.

posted on January 22, 2003 09:22:20 PM new
junquemama, I wouldn't give them any credit for anything if it weren't for the written facts. FACT: Bush has made the OHS accountable ONLY to himself -- not to the American people as is the usual case. FACT: Bush and the GOP have given the oHS Extra-ordinary Police Powers PROHIBITED by the United States Constitution! And nothing has been done about it either!

Police agencies tend to bend and break the Rules that they are supposed to live by to do their job. Imagine how these offender police will now do their jobs with the official sanction of the White House and Congress behind them? We'll never know, because they got rid of the Freedom of Information Act and the Squealer Protection Laws which allowed employees to alert higher ups and the American People when someone in the agency is doing wrong. We won't know about any of it.

So, what's to stop people from disappearing into the night? Bush can simply point to a list presented to him and he can state that everyone on the list is an "Enemy Combatant". For those who can't be arrested, the CIA has been granted Carte Blanch to assassinate Americans wherever they may be in the name of fighting "Terrorism."

So, to state that the Secret Police is starting up is not an understatement of any sort. With all of the federal policing agencies under one roof, who will ever investigate them? Or dare to?

[ edited by Borillar on Jan 22, 2003 09:23 PM ]
posted on January 23, 2003 07:47:23 AM new
Try not to live in paranoia. We've been living with (under) the secret police long before most on this board were born.
Reverend Colin

posted on January 23, 2003 09:20:08 AM new
If they disappear too many I honestly believe they will start disappearing themselves. I know several people that if you disappeared their loved ones you'd better never go near a window or drive a car again the rest of your life. They can reach out and touch someone from a 1000 meters away. Too many people in this country with the skills and the means to not accept being treated like that.

posted on January 23, 2003 09:59:23 AM new
And every bump & thump he hears in the night will have Borillar worried the "Secret Police" are comming after him. Is that car "tailing" him, is he being "shadowed" while shopping for groceries, "phone" tapped, mail scanned, bank account to be seized?

He does Fox Mulder credit

[ edited by bear1949 on Jan 23, 2003 10:00 AM ]
posted on January 23, 2003 10:14:30 AM new
Why make slanderous remarks towards me, Bear? From your stupid, asinine posts I refrain from pointing out just what a jerk you are. Instead I have addreessed the issues. That, however, has come to an end.

posted on January 23, 2003 02:30:55 PM new
Watch it, your paranoia is showing again. Or are you afraid I'm part of the "Secret Police"?

posted on January 23, 2003 05:01:57 PM new
Paranoia is a helthy response if they are really out to get you. Beats denial for survival value.

posted on January 23, 2003 11:54:18 PM new
Good news for us anti-totalitarians or just a political ploy?


posted on January 24, 2003 12:44:53 AM new
By a voice vote, the Senate voted to ban funding for the Total Information Awareness program, under former national security adviser John Poindexter, until the Pentagon explains the program and assesses its impact on civil liberties.

I wonder how Bush is handling it? I wonder if he is given to fits of rage. It would certainly fit his psychological profile.

posted on January 24, 2003 12:57:44 AM new

Unter-Fuhrer Tom Ridge ready to take over his historic role as Head of the American Gestopo.

Ridge Set to Launch New U.S. Homeland Security Dept.

Here we go!

posted on January 24, 2003 06:03:35 AM new
Paranoia is never a good thing. It promotes hatred, causes confusion and isolation. Knowledge is the best survival tool.
Reverend Colin

Paranoia is a healthy response if they are really out to get you. Beats denial for survival value

posted on January 24, 2003 08:38:44 AM new
Unter-Fuhrer Tom Ridge ready to take over his historic role as Head of the American Gestopo.
Would the KGB not be a better example?

posted on January 24, 2003 09:31:57 AM new
{b]Can you believe all the senate (including the dems) approved passage.[/b]

The Senate, in a unanimous 94-0 vote, confirmed Tom Ridge to be the nation's first Secretary of Homeland Security. "With
today's historic vote, the Senate has demonstrated our shared commitment to doing everything we can to secure our
homeland," President Bush said afterwards.

Testifying at his confirmation hearing, Ridge proclaimed, "Should I be confirmed as Secretary of Homeland Security, I will go
to work every single morning with the mission of protecting the American people from the threat of terrorist attack." The new
department, officially coming into being today, will meld a massive bureaucracy from 22 existing government agencies,
including the Customs Service, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Secret Service, Coast Guard, Transportation
Security Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency -- and bring together 170,000 government

posted on January 24, 2003 10:20:34 AM new
unanimous 94-0 vote?

Well....that just goes to show/prove they're ALL out to get us,

posted on January 24, 2003 11:36:29 AM new
No, it proves that none of them are completely stupid. A vote against Homeland Security is political career suicide. Rather, the improper rules and allowances that make this Homeland Secuirty into a Gestopo need to be fought and changed.

I have no problem with the concept of OHS -- as I already stated. But as it is set up, it will be as I have described it.

And yes, the KGB would also be an apt silmile.

Better to be a bit paranoid and be prepared, than to be foolish and blind and stupid should the worst happen.

posted on January 24, 2003 12:13:16 PM new

Everyone did go along with Homeland Security,Untill the end hour attachments were added.We women are known for changing our minds,Better then bull dozer mentality that runs over people..


posted on January 24, 2003 12:32:28 PM new
I know you'll think I'm crazy, dumb, stupid and every other putdown that liberals think of when they have no valid argument, but I think you're waaayyyyy to paranoid about this. Besides, what are you going to do anyway?? Make them go away? Hell American people are too busy to worry about crap like this. I know I am.

posted on January 24, 2003 12:59:55 PM new
"Better to be a bit paranoid and be prepared, than to be foolish and blind and stupid should the worst happen"

I too want to know just what your going to do about it?????
Everyone (and many on this site) complaint's about perceived problems but I don't see any answers to said problems. What gives? I'm sure the intelligence is here/there. Where's the ("heart" I was thinking about another male anatomy part) to tell us how to change these problems?

I little paranoid is like a little pregnant.
Reverend Colin

posted on January 24, 2003 01:17:29 PM new
junquemama - She voted for it. Her Yea vote can be seen on the US Senate site.

And you better be careful , Helen will soon come after you and ask why you're so obsessed with Clinton.....or maybe she only asks me that when it's something Hillary says that she doesn't like.

posted on January 24, 2003 01:30:26 PM new
Dylan Thomas' poem is equally applicable to watching the gradual death of a great nation. Not everyone has given in or given up, though. That fact at least reaffirms the old values, as long as we are allowed to continue to express them.


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

posted on January 24, 2003 01:49:52 PM new
I too enjoy Thomas. Excellent post.

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light"

But remember, It's doesn't say: Rant, Rant against the dying of the light.

There are thinkers, talker's and doer's.
Reverend Colin

posted on January 24, 2003 01:57:31 PM new
LindaK,I know she voted for the original bill,that isnt what Im saying.The get rich scheme was added after the vote taken.
A lot of Republicans were dually upset over those last minute changes after the vote.
Now anyone who argues the bill passing will be told..yeah well,you voted it in,when in reality the Senate didnt know about the last minute add ons to the bill.

posted on January 24, 2003 01:59:18 PM new
And then there are others who advocate silence and submission when confronted with any problems which are troubling or don't have simplistic solutions.

posted on January 24, 2003 09:15:52 PM new

posted on January 24, 2003 11:12:44 PM new
Those who don't care if their Constitutional Rights are gone should not be allowed to ever have them again.

What a bunch of stupid losers most of you are! You couldn't care less - at this point at any rate, that the new secret police have been given the authority to violate your Constitutional Rights. But once you find out that allowing any body of authority have that much power for any reason whatsoever always amounts to rampant abuses to the citizenry, you'll be singing a different tune!

>I know you'll think I'm crazy, dumb, stupid and every other putdown that liberals think of when they have no valid argument

Really? I'll have to remember that in case I meet any liberals. From a TRUE Conservative, I think that you are too ignorant to have an opinion worth a sack of beans (substitute beans for something more appropriate). REAL Conservatives in this country FIGHT and DIE to preserve the U.S. Constitution and fight any power in government that tries to water it down or to supercede it. You haven't the modicum of education needed to make a real decision as to what political opinion to hold. If you can't defend the United States Constitution from all comers, why don't you go back to whatever slimy country or pit it is that you came from?

>I too want to know just what your going to do about it?????

Hello -- are you also brain dead? You've been dropping in here taking potshots at me lately. You're an idiot as well! Not only can't you see what a stupid question that is from someone else, you have to repeat it as well! Just what is your problem here? Didn't you get at least a high school education or did you sleep through History Class? Are you stupid? Have you any idea exactly what it means to have an agency in our government not accountable to the American people? Do you think that no one in political power or acting as a police agent has ever abused the law? Do you realize what it means when you don't have any rights under the law? No right to council, no right to privacy, no right to an explanation from arresting authorities, no right to anything? Answer the questions! Are you too stupid to add it all up? Fool!

[ edited by Borillar on Jan 24, 2003 11:16 PM ]
posted on January 25, 2003 02:48:16 AM new
I think that most who read this post know what's going on, even the ones that slept though History.

We are not stupid nor are we installing heavy steel doors on our fortified homes, stocking up on freeze drier foods, etc., or hiding under our beds. At least not me.

As the old song goes "paranoia will destroy you."

No, I've taken no pot shots at you but I will now. You seem to have a problem. Questioning authority is one thing. The complete fear of it something else. Something not good.

You want to change it? Vote. I'm sure you have a big ramble about being screwed in the last election. Well, that's water under the bridge now. Probably part of the great conspiracy.
You want to do something about this? Call your congressman, your senator, or even better RUN FOR OFFICE.
Reverend Colin

posted on January 25, 2003 04:17:39 AM new
colin mantra:
government good - love you
government good - like daddy
government good - know all
government good - like god

posted on January 25, 2003 05:53:44 AM new
My manta is
family and friends first.
God help's thoughts who help themselves.
Don't swear the small stuff.
Keep you arms and ammo Dry.

I'm proud to be an American. I don't always agree with the government. I believe it's become too big and inefficient. I too think this new agenda OHS is a mistake. I believe it will implode, do to the big ego's in all the different departments. I do see some good coming out of it. Maybe, just maybe, information will be shared to the different departments.

If anyone wants to be paranoid about anything I think maybe it should be the real threat of terrorism, The RIAA, magic lantern, The high cost of medical coverage and a ton of other crap I really don't have the time to worry about...because I have a life.
Reverend Colin
Rt. 67 cycle
Reverend Colin

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