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posted on January 27, 2003 10:32:26 AM new
You Have Cancer. You're Going to Die!
the doctors told me. . .

"But they were wrong!" says Lorraine Day M.D. She was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and had a lumpectomy of a small tumor. But the tumor soon recurred, became very aggressive and grew rapidly. Yet Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural, simple inexpensive therapies designed by God and available to everyone, so her body could heal itself.

In her two videos, You Can't Improve on God and Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore, Dr. Day explains why you don't have to accept a death sentence from your doctor and how this plan has been used successfully by many patients with different types of life-threatening diseases to regain their health.


Tumor grew to the
size of a grapefuit in
less than 3 weeks!

Notice that the tumor extends
far deeper than the
dark red top portion.

Dr. Lorraine Day
at age 60.
Alive and healthy!

Dr. Day Responds to her Critics

AARP Attacks Dr. Day

The Seventh Day Adventist General Conference
Press Release June 25, 2002 - Coming Soon!

Pharmacologist Ray Cress of Loma Linda University

Psychiatrist Stephen Barrett - Coming Soon!

Here We Go Again!

I don't have a lot of time to devote to responding to my critics. They are a minor pesky annoyance to be sure but, since they always attract more attention to my message, in the long run they are a great help to my cause.

When one is speaking truth, whether truth in medicine, truth in history, truth in business and financial matters, truth in spiritual matters or truth in any other area, the critics will always attack en masse. It's automatic. They have their turf to protect! If I responded in depth to each one of them, I would get nothing else done, which is precisely one of their goals - to distract me from my mission. Instead, I will follow this wise counsel: "The best way to eliminate darkness is to admit light." So I will just continue telling more truth!

I am no stranger to attacks from the media, from medical groups, from special interest groups or from the government. My previous experience in speaking out about the AIDS cover-up by organized medicine and the government has trained me well and has given me increased information and discernment about the forces behind these attacks.

I have "been here" before. To quote a television comedian, "It's deja vu all over again!"

For approximately eight years, from 1987 to 1995, there was hardly a week that passed when I wasn't thoroughly "trashed" in some major newspaper in the country regarding my views on AIDS. Of course, now, 15 years after I first began speaking out, virtually everything I claimed years ago has turned out to be true. Organized medicine and the government have acquiesced on virtually every point on which they attacked me so viciously. Funny thing though, not one of those who attacked me has ever apologized. Oh well, I'll not lose sleep over it. It's obvious there's now another battle to be fought.

My book, "AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling You," written in 1991, details what happened to me when I began to expose the AIDS cover-up. Brick-bats came from every direction! My book may read like a novel but it is totally factual. Every claim I made in the book is fully documented and it is still as true and up-to-date as the day I wrote it - with three exceptions. When I wrote the book, I did not know the following: 1) that AIDS is a man-made virus (I now have the government documentation confirming that this is true), 2) that AIDS is, indeed, curable! (See my video "Diseases Don't Just Happen", and 3) that AZT, one of the most dangerous drugs on the market, will destroy even more the already suppressed immune system of an AIDS patient.

The powers who attempt to control all information in this country as well as your access to it are many, but all are very well coordinated at the top. For years I was unaware of the zealous cohesion among the hidden leaders of this manipulation, those few who from behind the scenes run the government, industry (including the cancer industry), organized medicine, politics, the economy, religion and almost everything else. The ones at the top believe they are operating in secret, in darkness - hidden from view, but they are unaware that someone on the inside, someone in their small select group, someone who knows everything they are presently doing as well as all their sinister plans for the future, will always leak that information. There is no honor among thieves!

On my audiotape set, "Conquering Confusion" I give some beginning information about what is going on in these various areas. Their overall plan of attack against ALL truth is diabolically ingenious and could only be planned by one individual, their leader, the Father of Lies! I will be exposing those involved and their "Plan" as time goes on. Stay tuned!

With the dumbing down of students in the schools (also part of the plan of the aforementioned group), and the numbing effects of constant television-watching, people have become less able to separate truth from lies. The media's goal is to "promote both sides of the issue until confusion reigns" and the individual throws up his hands in exasperation concluding that is impossible to know what is truth. But truth CAN be known! If you keep searching with an honest heart, asking God to help you in your quest, He promises to "guide you into ALL truth." (John 16:13)

The war of Armageddon will NOT be a war between Israel and Iraq or some other country, although those countries may indeed go to war, the war of Armageddon mentioned in Revelation 16:16 is a spiritual battle, a battle between Truth and Lies, between Good and Evil, between Christ and Satan. It is going on right now. The battle of Armageddon is clearly about worship (see Revelation 14:9-12) - who will you worship: man or God, "science" or the God of the Bible. It is a battle for the mind, heart and soul of every person on this planet.

The main goal of the enemy is to stamp out Truth, to stamp out the Source of Truth - Jesus Christ, who said, "I am the Truth. . ." (John 14:6), to stamp out the true followers of Christ who exhibit the same character He did when He was on earth.

Everyone is involved in this spiritual battle of Armageddon whether or not you under-stand its full impact. Everyone is on one side or the other - either the side of truth or the side of lies. The outcome has eternal consequences. It is worthy of your attention!

AARP Attacks Dr. Day!

This Scam Alert column appeared in the January 2003 issue of the AARP Bulletin.

Read Dr. Day's response below.


Lorraine Day, M.D.
P.O. Box 8
Thousand Palms, CA 92276

January 14, 2003

Elliot Carlson, Editor AARP
Carole Fleck, author of Scam Alert Column
P.O. Box 199
Long Beach, CA 90801

Dear Mr. Carlson and Ms. Fleck:

I want to thank you for mentioning me in your column "Scam Alert" in the January 2003 issue of the AARP Bulletin, page 18. Obviously my message of Natural Healing is having a major impact throughout the country if an organization the size of AARP, 30 million members, feels the need to attack me.

Yes, I am an orthodox medical doctor who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, considered to be one of the three top medical schools in the country. As Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, I trained thousands of doctors.

In addition, as Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital, one of the premier trauma hospitals in the country, I ran the equivalent of a M.A.S.H. unit for many years. For the past 20-25 years, I have been invited to lecture to doctors at numerous University medical schools including Vanderbilt, Baylor, Cincinnati, Tufts, South Carolina, Iowa, USC, Minnesota and countless medical societies throughout the U.S. including the Massachusetts Medical Society, as well as other medical organizations around the world, including the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

How surprised they will be to find out that the very doctor, Dr. Lorraine Day, these highly distinguished medical groups invited as a guest speaker, you, the editors of AARP, have designated as a quack.

How could I, overnight, go from a highly respected surgeon at the top of my field, to an AARP-designated quack?

What was my "crime?"

Answer: I had the audacity to successfully reverse my severe, life-threatening cancer WITHOUT DRUGS! According to your business partners, the pharmaceutical companies, this is the GREATEST crime of all!

Yes, I did reverse my life-threatening, end-stage cancer by totally natural methods. (You can see the pictures of the huge tumor I had, as well as my biopsy reports at my web site www.drday.com)

Yes, I did refuse chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because, as a medical doctor with years of experience, I saw thousands of cancer patients die, NOT from their cancer, but from the painful, maiming, destructive "treatments" we doctors give them.

And Yes, I am TOTALLY WELL and Cancer-FREE a full 10 years after my tumor first appeared, and EVERYTHING I used to get well is totally free, except for food, and almost everyone has to buy that anyway.

But I understand your need to attack me and my reputation. Certainly you don't want your membership to learn how to get well from Cancer, Heart Disease, Parkinson's Lupus, Arthritis, Diabetes and many, many other diseases by natural methods, without drugs of any kind. After all, one of the main functions of AARP, according to your own advertising, is to sell drug medications to your members.

Let's see, with 30 million members (all over 55) and each one spending maybe $100.00 per month with AARP for their medication (a conservative estimate), that amounts to $3 BILLION in drug sales per month. If your organization gets a cut of just 10% of that total, thatıs $300 MILLION per month for you! If your cut is only 1%, that's still $30 MILLION per month you are receiving, a minimum of $360 MILLION per year!

When you have a multi-million dollar arrangement with the drug companies as you do, my message of inexpensive natural methods of healing, with NO adverse side effects, could really cut into a truly phenomenal income such as you are receiving. It's easy to see why you would choose to attack me.

One more thing, in your column you referred to natural healing as quackery, yet on the back page of your very same AARP Bulletin, January 2003, you promote a "Yearbook" with an advertising headline stating "Ordinary Ailments, Extraordinary Cures -- Health Breakthroughs and Remarkable Remedies." In that advertisement are listed SIX or SEVEN points of the TEN Step Natural Health Plan I used to reverse my end-stage cancer!

Why is it "quackery" when I promote it, but it's NOT "quackery" when YOU promote it? (see ad in AARP bulletin)

Even MORE interesting is the fact that you CHANGED the headline for the advertisement when it was published in your Bulletin. Here is the SAME ad found in another paper. The heading is very different. It includes the words:

"Remedies That Work Better Than Dangerous Drugs Or Risky Surgery"

Your AARP Bulletin obviously required that the ad be changed to eliminate these important words - to protect your enormous payoff from your drug business. You have deliberately withheld potentially life-saving information from your membership for your own monetary gain.

In the interest of fairness, I'm sure you will be more than happy to print this letter in a prominent spot in your up-coming February AARP Bulletin. I give you permission, but ONLY if it is printed in its entirety. You do not have my permission to cut and paste portions to suit your own agenda.

Just in case there's an outside chance you are NOT interested in fairness, I will post this letter on my own web site at www.drday.com as well as other web sites, as the public does have the right to hear both sides.

Again, thank you for mentioning me. I could never afford to buy publicity like this to an organization the size of AARP, and here you have provided it for me free of charge. You have probably forgotten, or at least have not considered the fact that there are millions of intelligent and discerning members in your organization who will be perceptive enough to search me out, to find out how they too can get well without the torturing pain, surgical disfigurement, and bankrupting expense of orthodox methods.

Thanks for letting them know I'm here! They may not have found me otherwise.


Lorraine Day, M.D.


Ad as it appeared in the AARP Bulletin
Note two things: the title and the numerous natural remedies in the ad.

Back to letter


Same ad found in another publication. Notice that the Heading here includes the words
". . . That Work Better Than Dangerous Drugs or Risky Surgery"

BACK to Dr. Day's AARP Response Letter | Return to Dr. Day's Response to her Critics

Cancer and Health Videos & Audios

Conquering Confusion (audios) NEW!

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore

Double Blind

He Loves Me - He Loves Me Not

Believing is Seeing!

Drugs Never Cure Disease

Sorting through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine

You Can't Improve on God

Diseases Don't Just Happen

Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety & Depression

Other Health Books and Videos

The Tumor Dr. Day Endured
Dr. Day's Tumor Photos and Vicious Rumors UPDATE

posted on January 27, 2003 10:37:10 AM new
Picture of Dr. Days tumor and website.


posted on January 27, 2003 12:15:10 PM new
This was a well-known scam. There are lots of anti-Day sites and articles.
posted on January 27, 2003 12:52:33 PM new
Cementaries are filled will poor souls who believed.......

Perhaps I should clarify that. The sure sign it is quack medicine is if the diet/procedure/voodo ritual vigorously states that "medical science" is wrong. Which is actually designed to keep you from believing your doctor's advive or even away from medical check ups where it would be seen that the system isn't working until it is too late. Dead people don't sue and desperate people don't usually document the quack's statements and their reliance on quack remedies.

We call them our heroes...but we pay them like chumps [ edited by mlecher on Jan 27, 2003 12:59 PM ]
posted on January 27, 2003 02:00:03 PM new
That may be so. But my mom died last year of stomach cancer. The doctors, after removing four-fifths of her stomach, reccomended against chemo or radiation or other thearpies or medicines. If the cancer reaapeared, they told her, and it likely would, then she would be a goner. And she's gone now.

Did we look to see if there was an alternate treatment? I did some. And I missed this "scam". At worst, my mom would have gone onto a new diet and who knows what woud have happened? She's dead now and one wonders what could have been done, since the doctors just let her die? (Kaiser HMO, if you want to know.)

Since they had all, but Hospice, had completely abandoned her to her fate, we ALL would have sent for the videos, watched them together, and tried out those Natural Cures. No treatment, even natural ones is a one-hunderd percent guarantee of success. But what would it have hurt? Even if we had purchased all twenty-three videos and two books, it would have cost us just about $350.00. Compared to the cost of a single does of cancer medicine, that doesn't seem like such a great cost. And if Doctor Day is right, then my mom might still be with us. I would have gladly have paid the $350 myself for that to happen, as anyone in my family would have.

posted on January 27, 2003 02:32:02 PM new
DeSquirrel,Where are those anti Day sites?.What keywords are you useing to bring up the anti Dr. Day?..I would like to see both sides of that issue.

My mother had diabetes 1,People dont die from that illness normally, because the sugar amount wavers between 98 and 160 and it can be easier to control.However the Doctors prescribed a hand full of pills for her to take,One to control sugar and another diauretics.The first thing to go was her kidneys,They had burned up.Next water started to collect in various locations,Heart and lungs.Modern medicine is the reason my mother is no longer here.She lasted 15 months from the first day of medications.I know a lot more about medicines now, then I did .Diabetes ,Cancer and Aids are the medical gold mines, of the 21st century.
[ edited by junquemama on Jan 27, 2003 02:33 PM ]
posted on January 27, 2003 03:07:09 PM new

This is several years old. I think I first read the anti-story in Ladies Home Journal or something while waiting in a doctor's office. I was intrigued so I looked her up. It was so long ago, but I don't think she ever got a confirmed diagnosis of cancer from anyone. Some of the documentation she shows was "doctored" (no pun intended) etc.

She's been around a good long time.

People think of Diabetes as "you take the shot and you're OK", but it's one of the worst things on the planet to get. A friend of a friend has it and absolutely doesn't take care of it. seems like every few months they find him flipping on the floor. They're always giving him either a shot or OJ. He just doesn't realize what he's in for.
posted on January 27, 2003 03:15:28 PM new
DeSquirrel,I spent 30 minutes in searchs on the internet, because you said :

This was a well-known scam. There are lots of anti-Day sites and articles.

Thats a shame.

posted on January 27, 2003 03:36:33 PM new
There WAS a ton of stuff. This was several years ago. It's old news.

I think quackwatch.com still has some info on it.

Internet searches now bring up mostly Day's books, where she's giving the next speech, and dozens of wacko sites touting everything from prayer vigils to magic vitamin formulas using her as an example but not a specific example of using their product.
posted on January 27, 2003 04:29:30 PM new
DeSquirrel,Thanks, for the laugh.


posted on January 27, 2003 04:45:47 PM new

With a chronic disease like diabetes, your health is determined by how well you take care of yourself "without" a doctor.
I exercise daily, take four shots of insulin, measure my food, and check blood sugar levels four or five times daily. Doctors are of no help to me. Prescriptions are not necessary to obtain insulin.


posted on January 27, 2003 04:50:16 PM new
Helen,Thats true,I know it now.We put our faith in the Doctors.Whats that old saying?

"The operation was a success,However the patient died.

posted on January 27, 2003 04:55:18 PM new


I stay as far away from a doctor as possible. LOL


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