posted on February 12, 2003 08:11:03 PM new
NATO was conceived to keep the Germans down and the Russians out. The focus of NATO has now shifted East, where the Eastern Europeans, Greeks and Turks support us because the heat is on them. Western Europe now seeks to use NATO for political maneuvers. We no longer need to ward off Russia. It's hard enough keeping them from falling apart. We should tell the Western Europeans "see ya", and wait before answering the phone when the Germans get "frisky".
posted on February 12, 2003 10:24:23 PM new
I agree. I also think that we need to pull our troops out of Germany and Japan and to FINALLY make them pay for their own defenses. Especially when you concider what a drain it is for us while boosting them economically to compete against us. That's suicide. Strategically speaking, we do not need to be in South Korea (who doesn't want us there), Japan (who, coincidently, also does not want us there) and Germany (Odd. They too have the same sentiments). Talk about the French spitting on us for helping them out, look at how much we owe to Japan financially and tat the same time pay 100 percent of their defences. Same for Germany. I'm tired of giving away our money like this. It's sheer suicide.